Lavoy Garceaux :: Black Lion Clan Prince

General Information

Minuome Potentia

Blood Sorcery :: Level 25

(Vitality vs. LoD, or Power vs. Power)

  • 1-{1-3} Bestial Trance - Charms victim while mage is feeding
  • 2-{4-6} Crimson Flame - Using blood energy to project a flame
  • 3-{7-9} Enrapture - Using blood energy to enchant a subject
  • 4-{10-12} Arcane Domination - Dominate channeling blood energy
  • 5-{13-15} Blood Source - Transcendental transfusion of blood
  • 6-{16-18} Dervish Flame - Ignites a victim's blood into flames
  • 7-{19-21} Oblation of Life - Transcendental removal of blood
  • 8-{22-24} Master of Enslavement - Use blood to enslave and burn mark of possession
  • 9-{25-27} Arcane Prowess - Blood energy tapped to make mage incredibly strong and render them invulnerable to physical damage.
  • 10-{28-30} Abyssal Decay - Mage can devour blood, will, essence, soul by touch through opening a metaphysical vacuum within themselves, decaying their victim rapidly.
  • 11-{31-35} Blood Cauldron
  • Stage One - Mage can create a blood cauldron, out of an ordinary cauldron, by invoking Saolinín Dirgban the Goddess of Blood, with an offering of half their blood. When the goddess is invoked she tells the mage to spill their blood into the cauldron. The goddess in turn awakens the spirits of life and death inside the cauldron, of creation and ends. The goddess also protects the cauldron 44 d6-LoD vs. Power to Destroy or affect cauldron.The only blood within the cauldron is four pints of the mage's blood as it was first offered. If this blood is ever spilled out of the cauldron, the mage must offer half his/her blood to the cauldron again. Stamina is only paid ONCE to this cauldron, to invoke the goddess the first time. After that the cauldron feeds on blood offerings and its master's will.
  • Stage Two - The mage's will slowly becomes the cauldron's, and visa-versa, and no one but the mage who created the cauldron can command it. Blood must be given to the cauldron to activate its powers, in the amount of one pint for every command given the cauldron. All Blood Sorcery spells cast through the Cauldron are automatically sealed and proofed against disenchantments (+2), and can be cast at level 35. The cauldron soaks all blood spilled into it. When all the mage's will is gone, the cauldron turns the mage into a Bleeding Terror Lich. Cauldron uses -1 Willpower per command used through the cauldron.
  • Stage Three - The mage's will is returned to them as a Lich, while all the Bleeding Terror's arcane power and a great deal of their life force is transferred to a secret object to form their phylactery, or vital force. This object must be destroyed to destroy the Lich. The cauldron's TRUE power is unlocked as the mage becomes a Lich. Through the cauldron the Lich can formulate Blood Sorcery powers, enchant items with existing or formulated commands, create wards and artifacts, enslave others, kill them, even mutate, or create monsters out of other creatures, learn and practice Necromancy with up to 4 spells in each level. In a word...Bleeding Terror Liches are POWERFUL, and NOT pleasant to look at either. These Liches have a strong tendency to be as hungry for power as for blood, and not very nice. It was an extreme lust for power which got them where they are in the first place, after all. See Races: Blood Lich Page.
  • 12-{36} Tribute of Life - Blood Lich only. Lich offers a victim to their Blood Cauldron to enhance cauldron's power, or to regain some of their former vampiric appearance. if the cauldron has devoured the blood, souls, and lives of 10 victims by the time the Lich reaches level 40, they gain a subrace shift, although IN this shift, they can only command levels 1-35. Tribute of Life powers the cauldron by +4 otherwise.
  • 12-{37-40} God of Blood - Bleeding Terror Lich can call on the power of the cauldron even at a distance to improve their powers, and can Cast any Blood Sorcery or Necromantic powers at these levels when mastered.


    Master of the Black Veil

    Stamina 1
  • 1-Manipulate Shadows - Cause shadows to shift, bend and move as called.
  • 2-Shadow Veil - Hides target in shadows.
  • 3-Shadow Stalk - sneak around unseen and unsensed while maintaining a physical form. Shadows disperse when an action is taken against another. Unseen for one action.

    Stamina 2
  • 4-Shadow Cloaking - Cloaks target and their presence.
  • 5-Shadow Door - create a doorway of shadow where no doorway exists that opens and closes only to creator.
  • 6-Shadowy Concealment - Make a called target take on appearance of shadows.

    Stamina 3
  • 7-Shadow Walking - close distance through shadow realm.
  • 8-Shadow Bridge - Create a solid bridge of shadows 4 feet wide.
  • 9-Shadow Perception - Allows for detection of shadow forms and active shadow applications.

    Stamina 4
  • 10-Gate of Shadows-which caster can take others through via the shadow realm.
  • 11-Trap Door of Shadows - a trap door opens under someone and drops them into a cell of shadows which holds them captive.
  • 12-Intercept Path - Allows shadow elemental to intercept other gate paths, even select ones with higher power (roll).

    Stamina 5
  • 13-Phasing-Phase out of material realm into corporeal form of shadows.
  • 14-Aura of Shadows - nothing about subject protected by this gift can be sensed by any means.
  • 15-Gateway of Vision - Allows shadow elemental to pierce the temporal layers of the shadow realm to see present, past, and future incidents. Elemental must be able to identify which subject of information sought by a name or location involving subject.

    Stamina 6
  • 16-Corporeal Assimilation -1 Form per 5 levels. Corporeal Disguise, can be any living creature.
  • 17-Corporeal Shadow Form - Ability to take actions in shadow form.
  • 18-Shadowy Keep - a tower or room of shadow is raised which can only be accessed by creator or those he selects to enter or leave the keep.

    Stamina 7
  • 19-Shield of Shadows - A dome of shadows surrounds called target/s and any powers or attacks aimed at target/s will pass into the shadows without hitting target. if attackers step through the shield, they come out on the other side of the shield past the shielded targets. Lasts until dispelled, protected targets cannot attack while guarded by shield, they too pass into the shadow veil if they step into the shield and another stride delivers them on unprotected ground.
  • 20-Sanctuary of Shadows - Call the shadows into a lair, castle, manor, compound, or even a woodland area, to conceal those within. Very hard to detect. Also protects from sunlight..
  • 21-Shadow Planes Walker - cross any distance and into any realm, world, alternate plane, or demi-plane.

    Stamina 8
  • 22-Black Oracle - Part the shadow veil to reveal those clan members selected, and use Shadow gates to intercept subjects within shadow realm and to intercept shadow gates.
  • 23-Shadow Planes Gate - like a walker only shadow elemental can take others with them.
  • 24-Eclipse in Shadows - Eclipse an area in the shadow veil, up to 10 feet per success. Protects from sunlight.

    Stamina 9
  • 25-Shadows and Stone - Haven, or even a select chamber, room, cave, etc., can be overlapped by the demi-plane of shadows to conceal overlapped area in an isolated fold of the shadow realm. Cannot be infiltrated without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone, and intercept path abilities. Only higher power using correct applications can invade protected area/s.
  • 26-Dungeon of Darkness - Sinks a subject or select area within the demi-plane of shadows where the shadow lands overlap an underworld, creating solid walls. Very hard to detect without the ability to find an overlap. Area is hard to escape as well where no gate can be formed to escape without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone.
  • 27-Dark Creationist - create any called, tangible, shadow effect, object or scope (such as shadow-bridges, doors, gates, keeps, castles, weapons, trees, ropes, ladders, vines, forests, lakes, etc.) with called effects which include selection of who creations are tangible to, and ethereal passage only to select subjects through doors and tunnels.

    Stamina 10
  • 28-Shadow Catalyst - Allows caster to create a contingency, that triggers a shadow affect if catalyst is triggered. Caster calls catalyst, with power of up to +300 as called.
  • 29-Protection from Shadows - Protects from any rivaling Shadow Effect
  • 30-Shadow Scape - Create a corporeal scope of shadows that is ethereal and invisible to anyone not select to enter corporeal zone. Area is created via quantum visualization to create material wilderness, buildings and grounds, etc., all cast in a night-like scope of shadows. Moonlight and sunlight can penetrate area to create a filtered light effect if called. Up to one acre.

    Stamina 11 (31-35)
  • Formulation of Commands - forumlate shadow powers, wards, items and artifacts as called at or below these levels as gained.

    Stamina 12 (36-40)
  • Improved Power - use any shadow power at these levels as gained.

    Imperium Templum

    Master of the Temple

    (Intelligence vs. Logic)

  • 1-[1-3] Stupefy: scrambles subject's senses making them dazed and confused, -1 AR per success.
  • 2-[4-6] Visual Projection: subject sees glimpses of things that are not there which cabalist projects from his mind.
  • 3-[7-9] Sensory Illusion: dementor causes another to smell, feel, hear or sense things that are not there.
  • 4-[10-12] Deluded Perception: subject's perception is deluded by FALSE visions, scents, tastes, sensations, and sounds as called.
  • 5-[13-15] Dementia: subject collapses into a full blown, schizophrenic attack which the cabalist formulates, and can not tell the difference between reality and delusions.
  • 6-[16-18] Abhorrent Psychosis: subject hates everything in sight and rants and raves about what they hate about it, growing unnaturally violent as their temper boils over with abhorrence. Dementor meanwhile blinds subject's perception to their presence.
  • 7-[19-21] Insanity: dementor implants subject's mind with a permanent psychosis, determining what triggers it and the effects of that trigger.
  • 8-[22-24] Addled Dementation: subject is reduced to a permanent state of dementia and become very absent minded, forgetting one moment to the next while they are incapable of separating reality from their frequent hallucinations which include touch, taste, hearing, scent and vision.
  • 9-[25-27] Nightmare Reality: victim lives a nightmare of their worst fears and is unaware it is all a delusional manifestation of their deepest dread.
  • 10-[28-30] Architect of Reality: dementor invents subject's sense of reality, dictating every aspect of their mental, physical and emotional perception. This alter-reality becomes real to subject if a crit is rolled on a success.
  • 11-[31-35] Formulation: formulate powers of dementia, dementia wards, items and artifacts as called up to these levels.
  • 12-[36-40] Improved Power

  • General Information

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