Vital Stats
HP: {669}
Regeneration Level: {10}-{12}-Vampiric Form.
AR: {+6}
Wizard Quest Game System - 1-40 d6
Firearms: {Arch Master - 30 d6+9-HB, +3-HB-Haste}
Sword: {12 d6+2-HB, +4-HB-Haste}
Dagger: {14 d6 +4-HB, +6-HB-Haste}
Hand to Hand Combat: {Grand Master Bestial and Medieval Martial - 23 d6+4-HB, +3-HB-Haste}
Inborn Vampiric Powers
All Vampiric Abilities: {29 d6}
Ancestral Paths of Power
All Ancestral Paths of Power: {27 d6}
Path of Chaos
Levels 4, Student
1-[1-3] Priest of Chaos: {MA+1-HB}
2-[4-6] Chaoticism: {MA+2-HB}
3-[7-9] Pentacles of Chaos: {MA+3-HB}
Levels Not-yet Learned
4-[10-12] Weave of Chaos: {MA+4-HB}
5-[13-15] High Priest of Chaos: {15 d6+5-MA-HB}
6-[16-18] Temple of Chaos: {18 d6+6-HB}
7-[19-21] Temple of the Nine Spheres: {21 d6+7-MA-HB}
8-[22-24] Master of Chaos: {24 d6+8-MA-HB}
9-[25-27] Grand Master of Chaos: {27 d6-29 d6+9-MA-HB}
10-[28-30] Arch Master of Chaos: {30 d6-35 d6+10-MA-HB}
11-[31-35] Avatar of Chaos: {35 d6-39 d6+11-MA-HB}
12-[36-40] Demigod of Chaos: {40 d6+12-MA-HB}
Inborn Angelic Powers
Master of the Psychi: {0}
Hands on Healing: {3 d6}
Angelic Haste: {28 d6}
Telekinesis: {2 d6}
Wings: {0}
Quantum Leap: {0}
Telepathy: {28 d6}
Angelic Paths of Power
Elemental-Air: {2 d6}
Elemental-Plants: {1 d6}
Elemental-Light: {1 d6}
Sorcery: {0}
Throne Gifts: {0}
Enchanted Weapons: Heritage Bow of Cassiel, The Light Bringer: {Level-30 d6-MA-Light Elements +2-HB-True Flight }