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Path of the Storm |
Storm Weaver: +1, all storm aspects as called with chaos factor
Chaos Roll: Level 30, +1 d6 per 10 lvls (rolz #3 d6x6+1) with 50% backlash dmg on failed rolls, 100% dmg from failed high level forces.
Path of Shadows |
Stamina 1
1-Manipulate Shadows - Cause shadows to shift, bend and move as called.
2-Shadow Viel - Hides vampire in shadows.
3-Shadow Stalk - sneak around unseen and unsensed while maintaining a physical form. Shadows disperse when an action is taken against another. Unseen for one action.
Stamina 2
4-Shadow Cloaking - Cloaks vampire and their presence.
5-Shadow Door - create a doorway of shadow where no doorway exists that opens and closes only to creator.
6-Shadowy Concealment - Make a called target take on appearance of shadows.
Stamina 3
7-Shadow Walking - Close distance through shadow realm.
8-Shadow Bridge - Create a solid bridge of shadows 4 feet wide.
9-Shadow Perception - Allows for detection of shadow forms and active shadow applications.
Stamina 4
10-Gate of Shadows-which vampire can take others through via the shadow realm.
11-Trap Door of Shadows - a trap door opens under someone and drops them into a cell of shadows which holds them captive.
12-Intercept Path - Allows shadow elemental to intercept other gate paths, even select ones with higher power (roll).
Stamina 5
13-Phasing-Phase out of material realm into corporeal form of shadows.
14-Aura of Shadows - nothing about subject protected by this gift can be sensed by any means.
15-Gateway of Vision - Allows shadow elemental to pierce the temporal layers of the shadow realm to see present, past, and future incidents. Elemental must be able to identify which subject of information sought by a name or location involving subject.
Stamina 6
16-Corporeal Assimilation -1 Form per 5 levels. Corporeal Disguise, can be any living creature.
17-Corporeal Shadow Form - Ability to take actions in shadow form.
18-Shadowy Keep - a tower or room of shadow is raised which can only be accessed by creator or those he selects to enter or leave the keep.
Stamina 7
19-Shield of Shadows - A dome of shadows surrounds called target/s and any powers or attacks aimed at target/s will pass into the shadows without hitting target. If attackers step through the shield, they come out on the other side of the shield past the shielded targets. Lasts until dispelled, protected targets cannot attack while guarded by shield, they too pass into the shadow veil if they step into the shield and another stride delivers them on unprotected ground.
20-Sanctuary of Shadows - Call the shadows into a lair, castle, manor, compound, or even a woodland area, to conceal those within. Very hard to detect. Also protects from sunlight..
21-Shadow Planes Walker - cross any distance and into any realm, world, alternate plane, or demi-plane.
Stamina 8
22-Black Oracle - Part the shadow veil to reveal those clan members selected, and use Shadowgates to intercept subjects within shadow realm and to intercept shadow gates.
23-Shadow Planes Gate - like a walker only shadow elemental can take others with them.
24-Eclipse in Shadows - Eclipse an area in the shadow viel, up to 10 feet per success. Protects from sunlight.
Stamina 9
25-Shadows and Stone - Haven, or even a select chamber, room, cave, etc., can be overlapped by the demi-plane of shadows to conceal overlapped area in an isolated fold of the shadow realm. Cannot be infiltrated without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone, and intercept path abilities. Only higher power using correct applications can invade protected area/s.
26-Dungeon of Darkness - Sinks a subject or select area within the demi-plane of shadows where the shadowlands overlap an underworld, creating solid walls. Very hard to detect without the ability to find an overlap. Area is hard to escape as well where no gate can be formed to escape without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone.
27-Dark Creationist - create any called, tangible, shadow effect, object or scope (such as shadow-bridges, doors, gates, keeps, castles, weapons, trees, ropes, ladders, vines, forests, lakes, etc.) with called effects which include selection of who creations are tangible to, and ethereal passage only to select subjects through doors and tunnels.
Stamina 10
28-Shadow Catalyst - Allows caster to create a contingency, that triggers a shadow affect if catalyst is triggered. Caster calls catalyst, with power of up to +300 as called.
29-Protection from Shadows - Protects from any rivaling Shadow Effect
30-Shadow Scape - Create a corporeal scope of shadows that is ethereal and invisible to anyone not select to enter corporeal zone. Area is created via quantum visualization to create material wilderness, buildings and grounds, etc., all cast in a night-like scope of shadows. Moonlight and sunlight can penetrate area to create a filtered light effect if called. Up to one acrea.
Stamina 11
31-Permancy Factors - Makes a shadow effect permanent (as anything is considered permanent).
32-Warding Factors - Boosts power to wards and guards against counter magics by power of MA-Roll.
33-Kingdom of Shadows - Must have shadow scape to use this power. Create a shadow kingdom with land area of up to 1 square miles per success.
34-Lord of the Black Veil - Enhance any shadow power by power of this application (+34 d6).
35-Counter Veil - Shadowy rift opens to draw an opposing power into shadow veil and nullify it.
Stamina 12
36-Formulation of Commands - Manipulating use of powers to select commands, Creating Wards for Havens using powers, and creating artifacts of power.
37-Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
38-Grand Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
39-Arch Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
40-Supreme Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
Path of Fire |
Stamina 1
[1-3] - Burning Hand - Hand burns target with touch.
Stamina 2
[4-6] - Protection from Flames - Called target is protected from fire for up to 1 turn per success.
[4-6] - Crimson Flame-Using blood energy to project a flame to light candles, fires, etc.
Stamina 3
[7-9] - Flame Burst - Called target bursts into flames.
[7-9] - Extinguish Flames - snuffs fires.
Stamina 4
[10-12] - Flame Minion - A flame minion is invoked from the elemental plane of fire. They are 6 foot in height and resembles an angel with feathered wings and horns in an etheral flame form. They can fly and are swift and dexterous in motion, 20 d6 Dex, 20 d6-Mvm. X 2. They take basic commands from their invoker, and last until vanquished by caster and can be damaged with normal weapons (which scatters their vital energy). They are often used for guards. +1 added damage per success.
Stamina 5
[13-15] - Flame Catalyst - Allows mage to set contingencies with fire affects, that when a catalist is triggered, a fire effect occurs as called.
Stamina 6
[16-18] - Dervish Flame-Ignites a victim's blood into flames vs. Fortitude and Visual range of vampire.
[16-18] - Infernal Beast - Requires domination, bonding or possession. An animal's will is brought under the mage's control and then animal is imbued with the element and vital force of fire. With subsequent commands the animal is given the ability to shift into flame form, imbue their feet or claws with fire, and to breathe fire. The Vital force makes the animal immortal until slain. MA-Level is 1 level per success. Vital Force-Level X 3. Vital force covers HP and Stamina, and checks are otherwise adjusted by type of animal Infernal Beast is.
Stamina 7
[19-21] - Quick Fire - An inferno which blasts through an area with vaporizing heat. Spent only when the roaring blitz of flames can go no further. Used in open spaces, it billows up into an enormous cloud of fire incinerating everything in sight before it is spent. Exhausts more quickly when not confined.
Stamina 8
[22-24] - Talisman of Fire - Mage creates a talisman imbued with fire elemental commands which protects subject who wears it. If attacked, an aura of fire forms around subject which does damage to anyone contacting the aura, contact including being struck with a melee weapon. +36 damage.
Stamina 9
[25-27] - Bypass Immunity - This bypasses fire immunities to allow 50% of damage to affect someone who is otherwise immune to fire and heat. This is done by taking the actual 'fire' out of the spell and projecting the force (damage) of the spell alone.
Stamina 10
[28-30] - Tower of Fire - A tower of fire, rock and lava forms on called site and is partially within the elemental plane of fire, unseen on the material plane, while it can be accessed there. Tower can be immense and warded with other command, and heat does not affect those who are selected or permitted to enter.
Stamina 11
[31-35] - Master of Flames - Elementalist can formulate fire commands, use them for warding, and blend them with other gifts.
Stamina 12
[36-40] - Improved Power - Use and apply any fire spell or effect at these levels.
Necromancy |
1-Cause Fatigue - Causes lapse of extreme fatigue.
2-Necromancer's Lock - Locks a chest, door, book with a dark lock with causes extreme pain if an unauthorized person attempts to open locked object.
3-Necromancer's Skeleton Key - A key that unlocks any door, drawer, chest, etc. that is enchanted by locking it with the key, to open only with the key. Key will fit any standard lock.
Stamina 2
4-Spirit Beckoning - Summon spirits, wraiths, phantoms, and poltergeists (see Bestiary for stats) at level used to summon up to max level of spirit type.
5-Conceal Magic - Hides spell from detection.
6-Raise the Dead - raise up to +1 corpse or skeleton per ace to command it with +1 skill per ace. Roll for each skill level. These raised dead do not have the regeneration of zombies, but will keep coming until they are in too many pieces to attack anymore.
Stamina 3
7-Healing Grave - Heals serious wounds.
8-Invigorate - Returns strength to someone who is weak or fatigued.
9-Necromantic Seal - Seals Necromantic spell against Dispelling, Disenchantments, ect. requires correct spell of higher level mage +2 to break magic Seal.
Stamina 4
10-Mark of Mage - Seals spell against detection and identification with necromancer's mark of power.
11-Bolt of Malice - someone killed with this spell, or with a weapon imbued with this power, will turn into a Morsefus (morbid knight) and serve the necromancer until it is destroyed. Roll = Level of Morsefus. Spell acts like a dark blue lightning bolt which shocks body and continues to do so on a death blow, until transformation is complete.
12-Shatter the Weave - Shatters spells, magic seals and marks with a higher power.
Stamina 5
13-Demon Quickening - raise the spirits of underworld demons to possess self, another, or even an item with to gain access to their powers and strengths for up to +1 hour per success, or +1 day per success with a crit. Take control of demon's stats for that interim to control at +1 level per success. If power becomes permanent, it can be used for +1 action per success each time cast.
14-Deadly Vapors - drain life rapidly, 20% each turn, while caster and those selected are not affected.
15-Enchant weapons and items - With known magic, effects are permanent.
Stamina 6
16-Zombie Corpse - raise up to +1 fresh corpse per ace as unchained (souless) zombies (see Bestiary for Zombie types) which necromancer controls, at up to +1 level per success. Not to exceed max level for zombie type.
17-Necronomican Curtain - Those behind curtain cannot be seen, sensed or heard, as this power makes subjects selected cease to exist to those who are not veiled.
18-Gate commands - Allows for gate creation on the fly or creation of fixed Gates and warding commands over gates.
Stamina 7
19-Necromantic Sphere of Force - An orbic shield which drains life from anyone who contacts shield or who attempts to infiltrate it. If someone attempts to infiltrate shield a second time, they are struck with a rapid decomposition infliction, which will decompose them to ash.
20-Mortus Infliction - Rapid degeneration which results in death if infliction completes.
21-Arrow Of Bone - Arrow can be fatal and causes extra damage against undead. 20% damage to mortals. 50% damage to undead.
Stamina 8
22-Dead man’s Eyes - If someone meets necromancer's eyes using this, his gaze is deadly, draining the life from victim in moments to take the life into themself.
23-Diabolic Summoning - Powerful creature or demon summoning power that is increased by 3 levels, which allows for command of creature summoned.
24-Master of Familiars - Turns target into a familiar for one day per level, or permanently if Will can overcome will of target.
Stamina 9
25-Morbid Tomb - Victim is plunged into a sealed, ancient tomb which infects them with necromantic whithering. Victim degenerates over period of three days until death results. Anyone entering tomb is trapped and inflicted with decomposition as well.
26-True Life Projection - Project up to 4 quasi-real projections of self at Half caster's power 1 Projection per Ace up to 4.
27-Flesh to Skeletal Armor - Powerful armor generates quickly at +12-DB. Takes one turn.
Stamina 10
28-Dead Realms Warding - Wards buildings and areas. Area warded protected against magic, impact, infiltration and anti-warding powers.
29-Splintering Bones - Splinters victim's bones, causing great damage, and excruciating pain.
30-Resurrection - Knowledge of Soul Beckoning and Capture, Corporeal Restoration restores body. Soul Command, Union of Flesh and Soul, Vital Flame and Raise and Awake the dead to resurrect a person.
Stamina 11
31-Wilting Presence - Shadow cast on Targets Wilts them with degenerative life drain -2 levels per ace, -1 per success..
32-Dead Realms Warding Factor - Increases power of Dead Realms wards with 150% MR.
33-Necromantic Ward - Places a deathly shield around and beneath a building or area, which inflicts anyone trying to enter area, who is not permitted safe entry, with violent nausia. If person tries to enter warded area again, they are struck with a deadly force which decomposes them very rapidly, until nothing but ash remains.
34-Dark Warding - Necromantic Selection for warding havens, areas, items and buildings.
35-Active Negative Force Commands - Allows magic user to command and manipulate negative energies at will.
Stamina 12
36-Spell Reversal - Can alter alignment of spells, or revert them back on caster.
37-Thief of Life - Blood, Essence, Health, Soul. Drains life levels., vigor stamina. and weakens will. Does great deal of damage. Increases mages power by levels taken.
38-Crack of Doom Spell - Snuffs out the life force of several creatures.
39-Dark Creation - Powers of Necromantic and Dark Temple Spells, Commands, Factors, Improvised Casting- failure with failed chaos roll (1 d6 roll of 1 fails), Recreation and Creation of Monsters and Bodies, Artifacts, and items Creation
40-God of the Dark Temple - Ascension into Lich, Demon, Devil, Vampiric Deity, and Angelican vampire only. Holistic creation and command of the Dark Temple's powers. Any Life and Death command can be summoned. Ward Creation, Stable Weaves and unbreakable seals to any not exceeding their power with the knowledge of disabling powers selectively. Failure with more 1s than Aces.
Sorcery |
Stamina 1
1-Arcane Seal - Seals a Spell within an item or subject and protects against dispells.
shatters, dissolves, disenchantments, disjoining, and detection. +1 protection per Success. +5 protection per Ace rolled.
2-Trip - An invisible force trips someone in motion.
3-Kaleidoscope Vision - Make someone see ten of everything.
Stamina 2
4-Mental Commands - Spells can be cast w/o speaking.
5-Jinx - Causes someone to drop a weapon, fall down, or other minor called effects.
6-Quicken Blade - One thrust becomes three rapid thrust, One swipe three, etc.
Stamina 3
7-Displacement - Target vanishes from one place and appears in another in immediate area as called.
8-Arcane Mark - Marks a spell with Magic user's signature to protect against detection and identification.
9-Arcane Proofing - Protects a spell, magic item, or select object against specified effects or threats. Roll for each Proof cast. Success Roll = Power of Proofing +Level of caster.
Stamina 4
10-Boomarang Effect - A dagger or sword when thrown hoops rapidly, able to hit a target multiple times, and comes back to weilder.
11-Guardian Gate - Weaves any gate power with a contingency to seize a person in a gate under called circumstances. User must have pre-existing gate power.
12-Holding Force - Arrests movement and ALL action.
Stamina 5
13-Channeling Fork - Forks power to hit various called targets.
14-Negation - Negates various powers as called.
15-Id Cloak - Protects against race, power, alignment, and presence being identified, and guards again sight, mental probe, visionary, divination and aural sight powers.
Stamina 6
16-Wall of Force - Invincible wall of force, often used in warding rooms and buildings.
17-Proofing Factor - Proofs against various effects as called.
18-Enduring Sleep - Places target in deep, lasting sleep.
Stamina 7
19-Seizure Gate - Seize someone in an arcane gate and transfer them to called destination.
20-Binding Honor - An agreement is bound with a called contingency which takes effect if agreement is broken. The contingency cannot be dismantled once one has agreed to terms. One has to agree to binding honor for agreement to count. Beware loopholes.
21-Arcane Immunity - Saving throw bonus +1 per success against spells.
Stamina 8
22-Flame Armor - Armor which ignites an enemy in flames each time enemy hits or makes contact. Invisible until contact.
23-Ring of Rune Stones - Rune Stones appear to circle area party is in, absorbing all magic and energies cast on party. Can not be dispelled by hostile parties.
24-Anti-Factor - Protects a power or target against called power or effects. Must be used prior to any engagements.
Stamina 9
25-Banishment - Banishes Target through dimensional gate from a select place to their own residence and prevents their re-entry.
26-Polar Innertia - Reverses the innertia of something in motion to send it whiplashing back.
27-Permenance Factor - Makes a power permanent, seals and marks a power.
Stamina 10
28-Magus Tendrils Spray - One or rarely two. of the seven rays conjured by this spell hit a target, each with a different power.
Stamina 10
29-Quantum Leap - Leap through time and dimensions.
30-Arcane Dead Zone - Creates a dead magic zone up to 100 yard radius. No magic can penetrate or be used inside of zone.
Stamina 11
31-Magic Gate - Opens Gate in any solid object and past wards with higher roll.
32-Arcane Sphere - Protective Sphere of Magic woven with 9 various effects, each with a kick if sphere is touched. Each time sphere is contacted, an additional power woven into the globe strikes them, so that number of effects equals times touched. Each power must be dismantled in order it was woven with correct dismantling spells.
33-Succor - A protective contingeny placed on another to protect them against certain circumstances.
34-Imprisonment - Traps victim within a select room or space with warded powers preventing their escape.
35-Elemental Aura - Protects from attacks of same element and allows the casting of some spells related to that element.
Stamina 12
36-Wish - Allows one wish on success. A form of conjuration. Must be something within the realm of possibility. Wish must be material.
Stamina 12
37-Curse of Death - 10% dmg every RP day curse remains. Allows for no healing. Curse can only be dispelled by caster. Curse of death is a contingency spell, contingeny terms named by caster. The only way the spell can be removed is for the contingengy to be met.
38-Sphere Of Ultimate Destruction - Create a temporary Sphere Of Annihilation. Lasts one turn.
39-Sphere of Arrest - Arrests target and will reverse attacks on anyone attacking the sphere for double damage.
40-Arcane Mastery - Create spells, artifacts, arcane items, powers, wards and commands.
Arcanum of the Black Lion |
Stamina 1
[1-3] - Bestial Trance-Charms victim while vampire is feeding.
[1-3] - Shadow Veil-Hides vampire in shadows.
[1-3] - Stupor-Vampire scrambles subject's senses making them dazed and confused.
Stamina 2
[4-6] - Crimson Flame-Using blood energy to project a flame to light candles, fires, etc.
[4-6] - Shadow Cloaking-Cloaks vampire and their presence.
Stamina 3
[7-9] - Shadow Walking-Close distance through shadow realm.
Stamina 4
[10-12] - Porta Umbra (Gate of Shadows)-Which vampire can take others through via the shadow realm.
Inborn Powers |
Vampiric Haste
[1] 1-3-Superhuman Movement-Five times faster than a human sprinter.
[2] 4-6-Blurring Movement-Phasing speed which makes vampire blur from vision.
[3] 7-9-Blind Eye Movement-Quicker than the eye.
[4] 10-12-Phasing Movement-Surpasses tangible and material objects.
[5] 13-15-Active Applications-Hasted Weapons and combat.
[6] 16-18-Phasing Gate-Phase out of one place and into another.
[7] 19-21-Twain Haste-Ability to haste another with self, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
[8] 22-24-Time Gate-Phase past time effects.
[9] 25-27-Twain Time Gate-Phase past time effects with another, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
[10] 28-30-Formulation of Commands - in creating improvised haste effects, blending haste with other gifts, creating haste imbued artifacts and items.
Siring and Bondage
1-3 - Progeny: Sired by the draining of blood to the point of death and drinking a small amount of the vampire's blood, amount dependent on generation and age of vampire. Death occurs immediately and vampiric resurrection occurs over a period of days. If days exceed 2, chances of survival decrease dramatically. At five days, intended progeny perishes. If too much blood is drained, chosen perishes. If too much or too little blood is provided, death also occurs.
4-6 - Blood Thralls: Slight draining of blood and giving of a larger amount of vampire's blood. Amount of blood dependent on generation of Regent's blood. Blood thralls have no fangs. They can eat food. They are quasi-immortal and stop aging and 'live until death,' but although they have weak regeneration, they can die by mortal wounds, and a painful death of blood starvation within a month without their master's blood. Blood Thralls must feed once a week to maintain their strength, they are utterly dependent on their regent's blood. They can learn three levels of their regent's powers, and up to five levels if 500 years old.
7-9 - Slave Bondage: Similair to Blood Thrall but more blood is drained from victim and half a pint of blood imbues the subject as vampire performs 'Rites of Domination' over subject as his blood is consumed (by force, will or domination) by the intended slave. Blood Slaves are utterly obedient to their vampiric masters for their will is no longer their own.
10-12 - Vampiric Slave: Similair to siring, but vampire drains subject of blood until dead, and then forces a liberal amount of thier own blood into the subject, as vampire performs 'Rites of Slavery' over subject while his blood is forced into the intended slave. Vampiric Slaves are utterly obedient to their vampiric masters for their will is no longer their own. This process is dangerous to the subject and can result in lasting death. 20% chance of fatality.
Blood Purification: Permits vampire to purify blood so it is not poisonous to those they sire, bond thrall, or to progeny when bonding them.
Charm by Gaze: Success dependent on whether intended victim meets their gaze when they apply this power, and whether the vampire's willpower and prowess in this combined can overcome the will of the one subject to this power.
Domination: +2 d6 - 1st-4th gens only
Form Shift
Senses of the Beast: Preturnatural -- Hearing, Sense of Smell, Vision, Night Vision, Taste. All start at +5 and improve by +1 per five Inborn level.
Vampiric Prowess
Vampiric Temple
[1] 1-3 - Fangs - Retractable.
[2] 4-6 - Claws - Retractable.
[3] 7-9 - Wings - Retractable.
[4] 10-12 - Partial Shifts - Fangs, Claws, Wings and Height.
[5] 13-15 - Dire Lion Form - Massive Lion form, the size of a horse. Immortal - Cannot speak in lion shift.
[6] 16-18 - Vampiric Form - Stature and muscular increase in complete shift of Fangs, Height, Claws, while fortitude, Strength {+6}, and Stamina is enhanced (X2) with tough flesh, and quicker regeneration (+6). Height up to +3 feet, with +1-HB range bonus per foot over rival.
[7] 19-21 - Vampiric Menace - Shadows spread around vampire and presence emits an aura of terror in full form shift. Level=# d6+7 vs. Constitution.
[8] 22-24 - Physical Majesty - Vampire can use vampiric temple with supernatural haste in combat combinations, or in winged flight. All physical checks increased by +10, Stamina enhanced by (X2).
[9] 25-27 - Arcane Prowess - Vampire can imbue their claws and fangs with their blood to inflict a gift effect on a victim, and have great command of presence, their inborn gifts of haste at the highest level, their strength phenominal.
[10] 28-30 - Godly Presence - Vampire can enhance in height and increase presence dramatically, their shadow spreading to eclipse an area up to 50 yards in perimeter, while their presence radiates their chosen state of presence so potently that the wills of those who fall under their shadow crumbles (-10 WP).
1-Infatuation-{Subject becomes intrigued with the vampire and desires them.}
2-Induce Fear-{Subject fears vampire and compeled to retreat from vampire's presence.}
3-Respect-{Subject is awed with the vampire, and trusts what the vampire says to them.}
4-Induce dread or Euphoria-{Vampire can induce others to either dread their presence and have an impulse to flee from them, or feelings of euphoria which make subject feel giddy.}
5-Induce Obedience or Rage-{Subject obeys the vampire, or vampire can send subject into a violent rage focused on another subject.}
6-Induce Frenzy or Sleep-{Vampire Induces a frenzy in another person or vampire and directs that frenzy towards a select subject, or charms subject into a deep, restful sleep.}
7-Dominate the Will-{Vampire's presence dominates another and brings their will under their command for a day or two.}
8-Command the Will-{Used with Dominate the will, the subject is under absolute command of vampire.}
9-Enslave the Will-{The subject's will is enslaved to vampire until the vampire releases them.}
10-Master of the Horde-{Induce multiple targets within an area of a city with any emotion and influence that emotion towards an end.}
1- {1-3} Up to 1 pound.
2- {4-6) Up to 10 pounds
3- {7-9} Up to 50 pounds.
4- {10-12} Up to 200 pounds.
5- {13-15} Up to 500 pounds.
6- {16-18} Up to 1000 pounds
7- {19-21} Up to a ton.
8- {22-24} Up to five tons.
9- {25-27} Up to 10, 000 tons.
10- {28-30} Formulation of Commands-Blend with other powers, create artifacts, items, wards, etc.
Note: When Affecting a character, Power of Roll vs. Strength Check or counter. Each character can learn to command their own affects (or use effects listed).
Examples of Effects
Whiplash - If used with throw, doubles distance, otherwise is like a whip.
Grappling Hold
Bend the Physical - Bend an object, or person. Constitution acts as strength with power applied.
Physical Distortion - Distort the shape of an object or person.
Sculpt the Physical - Reshape an object or person.
Viable Phantasms
1-Illusion (vampire creates a minor illusion.)
2-Visual Projection (subject sees glimpses of things that are not there which vampire projects from his mind.)
3-Sensory Illusion (vampire causes another to smell, feel, hear or sense things that are not there.)
4-Deluded Perception (subject's perception is deluded by false visions, scents, sounds, and touch.)
5-Phantasm (vampire creates a livid illusion which seems very real.)
6-Livid Reality (subject perceives of whatever sense of reality vampire creates while blinding subject's perception to their presence.)
7-Dream Scape (vampire entraps subject in a dream world.)
8-Nightmare Reality (victim lives a nightmare of their worst fears and is unaware it is all a delusional manifestion of their deepest dread.)
9-Architect of Reality (Vampires invents subjects sense of reality, dictating every aspect of their mental, physical and emotional perception.)
10-Formulation of Commands (use phantasmancy with other gifts, improvise spells, create artifacts and items with phantasmal effects, and use phantasms for wards)
Feats |
All feats at level of path or ability they are linked to.
Conquer and Divide - Path of Shadows
Encases a target in shadows and divides or scatters the shadows with target body into locations apart across the shadowlands. Scatter body to +1 destination, +1 per ace. Deadly to mortals or anyone who can die from dismemberment. Shadowland Purgatory to rest. Death only with a crit and at least +1 ace, success only with at least +1 ace. Also, set gate traps which encase a target in shadows. Counters include evading encasement (mvm vs. encasement) and traps (alertness vs. spell) before shadows envelope , or command defense of the shadows with a higher roll.
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