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Character History |
In the year 475 BC, Octavian served the army of Rome as a captain, though in a battle against a group out of Carthage, he was fatally wounded, and should have died. But fate had something else in store for the noble captain it seemed, his closest friend and comrade, Century leader Artorius Xavier, came to him as he lay there on the brink of death, his friend Artorius did not intend to let him die here though, his friend who was in fact a vampire, had offered him immortality two days earlier sired him right there on the battle field. Though as Artorius clung to him, they were brought through the shadows to the home of his friend's sire, in Apennines. The one known as Arcadius would not have this, he was furious that his progeny had sired another so young. And so their memories of one another where erased, Octavian would remember nothing of his mortal life, and was sent to Gaul, to live with a clan of Brujah vampires. They took in the wandering rogue Arcadius had told them to take, and took him under their wing. The only thing he knew was he was called Seth, upon waking though he would be greeted by a stranger named Aurelius (unknown to him) , who set before him a powerful artifact, then took his leave, not uttering a single word, Seth was confused and indeed terrified. Watching the fellow leave, he would just let his eyes fall to the gauntlet, which was very powerful, though he was ignorant of such. He looked upon the wicked gauntlet that was gifted to him, and shut his eyes in a silent ‘thank you’ to the stranger who had come to him, then hugging the gauntlet to himself he laid his head back down. So he would grow under the wing of the Brujah, but they were not his blood, they could not teach him to use his gifts, he would be on his own to learn anything of that nature. He lived with the Brujah up until 400 BC, but that had come to an unhappy ending when they were wiped out, by an opposing clan of vampires, and by a stroke of good luck, Seth survived the encounter, be it he was homeless afterwards, but alive nonetheless.
He made his way as fast as he could, with naught but the clothes on his back, the armor on his left hand, and a long sword he had acquired during his time with the Brujah. But he had to find shelter soon, or the sun would see that he had a painful death. He stumbled upon a private residence in Gien, of a human family. Seth was in luck, he was in dire need of a meal, so after feasting on the owner of this place and his wife, who were the only people in the home at the time. He was sure they did not live alone here, he had in fact seen a separate structure, which he now figured was where the servants slept, he did not want them to flee, so he gathered the corpses and took them off, and down into the wine cellar, where he would bury them. He then utilized his best penmanship and forge a letter which he left on a table addressed to the servants as a whole, telling them they had gone away and the next night they would be joined by a guest, a man by the name of Seth, who they would treat as if he were them. Luckily these people were proud people, namely the man that ran this house hold, had a plaque with his name upon it, and so Seth forged his signature, and retired to the cellar. Seth lived here for years, using his influence to keep them from becoming suspicious of him, feeding off of his new servants, and even taking one of the rather young females as his lover, a girl named Isabelle. She was a beauty of auburn curls, and a smile that could make a lumberjack swoon! But, as he never aged, he found she did, so he decided he wanted to make her a ghoul, and did. Seth was happy with his life but was not what he wanted, surviving out in the country was not what he desired, so in the year of 396 BC, he took his thrall and vanished from the place, leaving behind not a trace of himself.
Over the next few years he would be somewhat of a nomad, along with his lovely ghoul, Isabelle. Though it seemed in the year of 388 BC, it would all come crashing down, he and his ghoul were ambushed, A pair of Lycanthrope who only wanted to eradicate Vampires out of hatred. His Ghoul was no fighter, and only had slight sword skills, most of which he had taught her, but that would do them little good. But when the dust settled and all was done, Seth went to his ghoul who lay dead. During the fight he thought he heard whispers in his mind, telling him what to do, and he had listened to them, and because he did he lived, he won... avenged his lover.
It wasn't until 1342 that he met another who caught his interest; in Paris he met her, Angelina Deveau. She was a woman of small stature, a vampire, a beauty. She was truly enchanting, she had approached him, she had never seen him, and she had told him she 'Definitely would have remembered a face like that,' He shrugged it off though, she asked him many questions, many he could not answer. After they spoke over a few drinks, she offered him shelter and good company. He just chuckled softly, when he had asked her to tell him about herself, she did not! The fact was, that the girl had a quest of her own, and did not trust easy. But she went on a limb with him she as saw no deception in his eyes, he either was a lost lonely man, or a very good liar. Seth returned with her that night, she lived in a nice place, where the aristocrasy of Paris lived, in a rather large home, a mansion even! Though Seth was not brought inside, no he was alowed to stay in a guesthouse. And so over the next few months, Seth got to know Angelina better, until one day she told him, she was bringing him into the mansion to live. His time with her was brief, for her thirst for vengeance would be her end, though before her end Seth had gotten closer to her then he had intended, and had vowed to protect her with all his might. But he was an unlearned Vampire, and simply could not save her when he time came... She died in 1345, or so he thought. With another lover of his dead, he decided he would go to London, England.
It was in the year of 2004 that Seth finally just decided he had spent enough of his life of wandering, so he took residence in an abandoned warehouse where he worked on brewing his little personal cocktail, he had sealed off the doors to this place save one, and had put in barricades over all the windows, to make it his own fortified little haven. Though most of his work was done in the basement, and his own little piece of heaven was in the B2 floor, a room that was furnished over things he bought over several months. He had found he was growing rather bored, so he ventured out into London, to watch the conflicts come and go. He soon became loosely affiliated with the Toreador clan, in London, but was more of a loose cannon. As the months passed, Seth met up with a human girl who he found rather eager too eager... She wanted to be a vampire, so he decided to give her what she wished. He took from the girl her virginity and traded for it immortality. Trisha was his first progeny though she turned out to have none of the qualities that she should have had, he regretted his hasty decision! Though he did come across a more appropriate candidate, and enthralled her, her name was Vermilion.
Seth soon met a man named Artorius, who he had become friends with, and soon learned they were far closer then either of them knew! They soon learned from Artorius' own Sire, Arcadius, that Seth was actually Octavian, and was Arthur's Progeny, who was sent off ... to see if he was truly worthy, or so he said. For several years Octavian resided in France with his clan and Sire, only for his Sire to disappear only months before the fall of a nuclear Armagedon. The entire clan fell into a deep state of sleep the very night the bombs began to rain down and when they woke the next night they found themselves in a caste in a strange, wild, and beautiful dark age land. News is brought to them that Arcadius, who goes by the name Maelmorda in the Shadowlands, delivered the clan to the world that would now be their new home. Octavian found himself starting over yet again, only this time he had his clan with him, his prior Sire aside who no one had seen or heard from since early summer. Octavian found the Shadowlands to his liking, far more so than the age of technology. This was a world where strength, honor and cunning mattered. When the clan was enlightened of what had become of Artorius, it brought them no comfort. He was no longer the creature they had known, but a creature consumed by despair and hate for himself to became the Angel of Despair, Guardian of Hell's first gate. A year and six months, and a number of difficult ordeals after his arrival, Seth met a Romanian, a human named Mariania in New Orleans. He claimed her as his mate and took her home with him, back to his clan's haven, after over a year of wandering without seeing his clan mates.
It was in New Orleans, that a vampire named Tiber, who held a grudge against Seth for slaying his clan omegan Valis while he was in a very lowly state, secretly wove a cursed spell of fertility over Seth and Mariana, and a vampiric kin child was the result. This child would seem human by all appearances, with exception of its accelerated growth, until death awakened him as a vampire. The curse lie in the fact that the child would despise and fear Seth tremendously, so long as the curse remained on the child, even into adulthood, an adulthood that would come quickly. As the child grew older, and more confident, his fears would fade and only the hatred would remain, with the desire to kill the father who stirred such inexplicable hatred in his heart and soul. The last little trick Tiber played on Seth, also in secret, was casting a spell on him which turned his hair permanently white.
Came a time when his Lord the Morning Star made him king of a small but wealthy country called Esscha Endor. Enduring enemies ranging from a Lich King beneath him and a great army of men, Octavian has held his country and proved a fallible but dedicated and determined leader who cares greatly for his people who he protects with everything he's got. Though his wife has caused him no small amount of trouble due to the tragic death of her daughter Seth remains steadfast in seeing her through the hard times in hopes of reaching better times. Though he loves his wife to a fault his patience with her mischief had run out. Taking steps to insure she makes no more trouble for him and his kingdom he hopes for the best.
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