Dice and Checks

Rate chart for Check Rates 1-30: 1-9 is pathetic to poor rating. 10-13 is average to decent rating. 14-17 is good to impressive rating. 18-21 is incredible rating. 22-25 is amazing to fantastic rating. 26-30 is phenomenal to supernatural rating. 31-40-incredible supernatural rating. 41-50-Godly rating.

Physical Checks: Strength: {26} Stealth: {15} Movement: {14} Dexterity: {16} Stamina: {50}

Mental Checks: Charisma: {15} Intelligence: {30} Willpower: {28}  Perception: {29} Sixth Sense: {18}

Alignment: Good: {20} Evil: {7} Chaotic: {10} Lawful: {28} Neutral: {16}

HP: {1400}
Regeneration: 50


Arcane Paths: {40}
Inborn Traits: {40}
Combat: Martial Arts-38, Grand Master Sword-40.
Damage: Staff+20, Sword+35, +MA if used.
+8-Arcane, Sword, Traits.  +7-Martial.
AR: +6-In all.

Occupational:  Leadership-{35}+7-HB, Interrogation-{35}+7-HB, Intimidation-{30}+6-HB.
Other:  Seamanship-{22}+4-HB, Driving-{19}+3-HB, Pilot-{25}+5-HB

Martial Attack Damage
(+25 on all to brain, heart, femoral artery, and throat)
(+15 broken bones) 
(+9 on other vital organs)
(+Strength on all attacks)
Non-Kill punch+3
Non-Kill Kick+6
Non-Kill Combinations+9 each action.
Critical Combo+15 each action.
Death Maneuver+15+Level each action.
Impact Bonuses-(+Strength)
Stunning Blows-(-1 AR per ace)

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