Arcane Powers I
Sorcery, Path of Healing and Protection, Chronomancy
1-Arcane Seal - Seals a Spell within an item or subject and protects against dispells.
shatters, dissolves, disenchantments, disjoining, and detection. +1 protection per Success. +5 protection per Ace rolled.
2-Suspension - Lift someone gentley or catch someone or something falling to let them or it down softly.
3-Ethereal Light - Lights the way in dark places with a pale, azure blue light.
4-Mental Commands - Spells can be cast w/o speaking.
5-Air Hike - Jump 15 feet in the air and remained suspended for six seconds.
6-Quicken Blade - One thrust becomes three rapid thrust, One swipe three, etc.
7-Arcane Mark - Marks a spell with Magic user's signature to protect against detection and identification.
8-Arcane Proofing - Protects a spell, magic item, or select object against specified effects or threats. Roll for each Proof cast. Success Roll = Power of Proofing +Level of caster.
9-Arcane Quickening - Spells cast faster.
10-Holding Force - Arrests movement and all action.
11-Channeling Fork - Forks power to hit various called targets.
12-Negation - Negates various powers as called.
13-Deluvian Cloak - Protects against any called aspect from being identified, seen, probed or sensed.
14-Wall of Force - Invincible wall of force, often used in warding rooms and buildings.
15-Proofing Factor - Proofs against various effects as called.
16-Enduring Sleep - Places target in deep, lasting sleep.
17-Binding Contract - A written contract when signed is bound by its signature, and if contract is broken, a called punishment occurs. Proofed against all manners of dispells and reversals, negations and anti-magics.
18-Arcane Immunity - Saving throw bonus +1 per success against spells.
19-Anti-Factor - Protects a power or target against called power or effects. Must be used prior to any engagements.
20-Disintegrate - Disintigrates an object or element.
21-Permenance Factor - Makes a power permanent, seals and marks a power.
22-Deadly Shocking Grasp - If held for longer that 10 seconds, is deadly.
23-Bane of Immortals - Spell does 5 dmg per success, each round until 1 LP remains. Spell can be cast successfully no more than once during a conflict. This spell vaporizes an immortal's blood, then their bodies from within to without, and hinders regeneration 50%.
24-Arcane Dead Zone - Creates a dead magic zone up to 100 yard radius. No magic can penetrate or be used inside of zone.
25-Succor - A protective contingeny placed on another to protect them against certain circumstances.
26-Imprisonment - Traps victim within a select room or space with warded powers preventing their escape.
27-Elemental Aura - Protects from attacks of same element and allows the casting of some spells related to that element.
28-Cloak of Death - 10% dmg every turn or day as called. Allows for no healing or regeneration. Target is concealed from all but select witnesses while inflicted. Cloak of death is a contingency spell, contingeny terms named by caster. The only way the Cloak can be dismantled is for the contingengy to be met.
29-Sphere of Arrest - Arrests target and will reverse attacks on anyone attacking the sphere for double damage.
30-Arcane Mastery - Create spells, artifacts, arcane items, powers, wards and commands. Combine path with other paths.
Path of Healing and Protection
Stamina 1
1-Soothe Pain
2-Heal Minor Wounds.
3-Purify Water
3-Purify Food
3-Detect Wounds
Stamina 2
4-Revitalize - Invigorates by +1-Stamina per success.
4-Innervate - Numbs.
5-Detect Disease
6-Detect Magic
Stamina 3
7-Heal Undead
8-Protection from Magic
9-Purifying Shield - Protects against impurities of a surrounding environment, and purifies all elements surrounding a called target in a 5 foot radius, up to +1 foot radius per success.
9-Remove Curse
9-Resist Charms
9-Resist Disease
Stamina 4
10-Heal Serious Wounds
10-Cure Disease
11-Resist Cold
11-Resist Heat
12-Negate Magic - Reduces magic damage by power of roll.
Stamina 5
13-Heal Deadly Wounds.
14-Protection from Magic
15-Resist Electrical
15-Magic Shield
Stamina 6
16-Vital Flame - Restores warmth and vital energy to someone near death or being resurrected.
16-Purify Element - Purify a called element.
17-Enchant Weapon
18-Protection from Weapons - Reduces damage by power of roll.
Stamina 7
19-Spirit Command
19-Repulse Undead
20-Repulse Monsters
21-Resist Domination
21-Enchant Armour
Stamina 8
23-Companion Weapon - A weapon manifests and strikes as if weilded by an invisible companion. WoC, +6-HB.
23-Improved Combat - Enhances dexterity, focus, stamina. +1-HB/DB per ace, +1-Stamina per success.
24-Break Domination
24-Remove Mark - removes magical marks.
Stamina 9
25-Resurrect Undead.
25-Identify Magic Signature - reveals caster.
26-Remove Seal - removes caster's seal
27-True Embodiment - restores someone to their original form and alignment.
27-Ring of Protection - protects called targets within 50 ft. radious from magic.
Stamina 10
28-Flesh from Ash - a body that has been destroyed can be remade out of ash, even from the ash of a camp fire.
28-Destroy Evil - alters target's alignment to a good alignment.
29-Alter Alignment - alters an alignment as called.
30-Liberate - removes all dominating factors and marks from a slave or dominated subject.
Stamina 11
32-Path of Nature - Wizard learns one elemental path.
33-Layer Spells
34-Fork Spell
35-Factor Spell
Stamina 12
36-Immunity - Grants an Immunity to subject as called, lasts 1 day per success.
37-Permanancy Factor
39-Improved Vitality - grants a subject additional HP, +10-HP bonus per success. HP lost when bonus is used up on hits.
40-Master of Wizardry - Create spells, magic items, elemental guardians, contingencies, triggers, and wards with marks, signatures and seals.
NOTE: Healing Spells heal 5 HP per Success and 10 per Ace. Resurrections=20 HP per suc.
Path of Time - {Wisdom vs. LoD or Power vs. Power} Time is very complex. Nothing in the world can be affected, past, present, or future, which shall alter what has already come to pass. Only in time pockets can anything that has already happened be altered. If anything that affects major outcomes is altered, it creates another time line. 99% of all accidental time lines are doomed for apocalyptic destruction, as a collapse in 'inner' space occurs which will destroy all worlds and life within that time line when major riffs in history, i.e. the stream of time occur.
Time Selection - Uses no stamina. Chronomancer is not affected by time effects, and allows chronomancer to chose who is and is not affected.
Capture Time Stream - Uses no stamina. Captures time streams so chronomancer can manipulate time.
Haste - Uses no stamina. Times slows for everyone else but the Chronomancer.
Stamina 1
1-Interruption - Interrupt time for 1-3 seconds.
2-Stabilize Time Stream - Use with other time effects to stabilize spell, +1-HB.
3-Disrupt Time - Use to disrupt time effects 1-10 seconds, or to disrupt a time spell.
Stamina 2
4-De'ja'veux - Make something that just happened repeat itself.
5-Delude Time - Meddle with someone's perception of time.
6-Disjoin Time - Disjoins time spells.
Stamina 3
7-Delay Time - Time stands still for those selected for up to one hour.
8-Time Bend - Bend a time effect in a called direction.
9-Identify Age - Of a place, person, object, etc.
Stamina 4
10-Stop Time - Up to one week.
11-Haste Time - Haste time effects.
12-Window of Time - Look into the future or into the past through a window in time to see events as they happened or may happen.
Stamina 5
13-Time Walk - Walk to other time lines through the astral plane of time.
14-Time Gate - Create a time gate which delivers anyone selected to enter to called points in time.
15-March of Time - Reverse, Delay, or Advance time, up to one month.
Stamina 6
16-Time Loop - Creates a looped time stream which makes time effect very hard to disjoin or disrupt, +2-HB.
17-Time Factors - Seal, Mark, or Protect a time effect for +1-HB vs. counter.
18-Time Enchantment - Bind a time effect to an object.
Stamina 7
19-Time Catalist - Set contingencies which trigger a time effect as called.
20-Time Pocket - Effect time in one small area as called and nowhere else.
21-Aging - Make someone grow old, or young very rapidly as called. Only works on creatures that age. Only reversal works on immortals.
Stamina 8
22-Time Guard - Protect someone or something from time alterations or from being affected by time spells.
23-Sands of Time - Command any time effect for called duration. If spell fails with an absolute failure, then backlash occurs and chronomancer is unable to capture time stream again for 1 d6 days.
24-Time Warding - Use time powers to create wards for havens and protected areas.
Stamina 9
25-Temporal Leap - Leap forward or back in time and to other time lines in a matter of moments. Using this power too frequently can cause chronomancer's concept of time to warp until he no longer perceives of present, past and future, only a continuous time stream with no beginning, end or specific order. In essence, Chronomancer starts to become part of the time stream.
26-Curse of Time - Subject affected with this time curse no longer has ANY time judgement whatsoever, and cannot tell from one moment to the next what hour, day, week, month, or year it is.
27-Time Warp - Cause time in an area to warp to a set destination in time as it was in the past, or will be in the future.
Stamina 10
28-Trap of Time - Subject is trapped inside of a day to repeat it for eternity, or until spell is broken.
29-Reshuffle Time - Cause time to reorder itself and return to a specific moment in the past to change events as they happened, to reshuffle the future. VERY dangerous if future events are unknown, and consequences to an action are not WELL thought out. If anyone dies in the past, or any incident is prevented that was important to history in the future, a time collapse can occur, and a time line doomed for destruction is created.
30-Chronomaster - Formulate commands. Use time with other gifts, improvise spells, create artifacts and items with time effects, add permanency factors, catalists, direct time weaves, streams and loops, use chronomancy for wards, etc.
Stamina 11
31-Create Time Line - Time lines happen incidentally from time to time by someone traveling to the past and changing the future. Accidental time lines are almost always doomed to collapse with all life which lives within that time line. Creating a time line insures a more stable temporal zone, although its web is still fragile, dependant on certain events being repeated in order for the time line to remain stable. Chronomancer must harness a past world (by minutes or ages as called) within an immense time pocket, loop its time stream to capture it inside of the astral time pocket, stabilize the time field, factor with permanency, and seal these powers to create a new time line. MA Level vs. LoD-31 d6 to determine success.
32-35-Grand Chronomancer - Improved power and Formulation. Cast any time command at these levels when mastered.
Stamina 12
36-40-Arch Chronomaster - Improved power and Formulation. Cast any time command at these levels when mastered.
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