Arcane Powers II
Elemental Purification, Morph Elements, Gate Mastery
Elemental Purification
Information: Purifies Nature and elements through command of divine elemental forces. Can turn a polluted lake, river, or land that has been poisoned by toxins into its most pristine state. Casters can direct combined powers into this spell to achieve success. Little stamina is lost to caster for small targets such as a glass of water or small area of an less than an acrea, but to purify a large area results in collapse if stamina spent. The more polluted and damaged an area is, the more stamina is required to purify it, Level of Toxin-Stamina. Damage results when area is over an acrea. For large land areas and bodies of water a cooperative effort is often required, combining powers to succeed, all damage and stamina loss split between parties combining powers.
Toxin Levels - If Level of toxin is not preset, Roll 5 d6 for Level of Toxin and set Level of Toxins by roll total. Roll total=Stamina Loss to Purify.
[1] 1-3 - Purify Water (Spring, Drink or Well)
[2] 4-6 - Purify Soil (one square foot per success)
[3] 7-9 - Purify Plant (one plant)
[4] 10-12 - Purify Creek (one creek)
[5] 13-15 - Purify Land (one acre per success)-(+2 dmg per acre).
[6] 16-18 - Purify Air (entire indoor area, one square mile in open per success)-(+5-dmg per square mile)
[7] 19-21 - Purify Plants (one plant, or square mile of plantlife per success)-(+10-dmg per square mile)
[8] 22-24 - Purify Land (one square miles per success)-(+10-dmg per square mile)
[9] 25-27 - Purify River or Lake-(+10-dmg per square mile)
[10] 28-30 - Purify Sea-(+10-dmg per square mile)
[11] 31-35 - Purify Ocean-(+10-dmg per square mile)
[12] 36-40 - Purify Continent-(damage X 4 - MA)
Morph Elements
Elementalist can alter one Element into another of specific kind - Stone to water, Mud to wood, Metal to air, etc. The larger the morph target is, the more stamina it uses. Very large morphs cause damage to caster.
Size Chart
Stamina 1
1-3 - needle, dime, pea, bead sized
Stamina 2
4-6 - small bullet, ring, quarter, pencil, pebble, dollar sized
Stamina 3
7-9 - finger, medium bullet, necklace, silverware, large pebble sized
Stamina 4
10-12 - hand, small rock, large bullet, belt, knife sized
Stamina 5
13-15 - head, arm, cloak, short sword, long dagger, sized
Stamina 6
16-18 - leg, large rock, battle shield, sword, shrub, window sized
Stamina 7
19-21 - human body, boulder, door, suit of armour, bush sized
Stamina 8
22-24 - horse, car, wagon, gate, boat, small tree, huge boulder sized (Base MA backlash dmg.)
Stamina 9
25-27 - elephant, large tree, small ship, house, tower, hill sized (Base MA backlash dmg.)
Stamina 10
28-30 - mountain, lake, ocean liner, small island sized (Base MA backlash dmg.}
Stamina 11
31-35 - Forumation of Commands - create wards, magic items, spells, catalists and contingencies with morph commands. (Base MA backlash damage}
Stamina 12
36-40 - Live Morphs - morph animals, humans, creatures with elements or other living things. (Base MA backlash damage}
Masters of the Gate
Gate Tap: Tap sphere of power or element that gate will be formed of.
Gate Selection: Gate master chooses who can and cannot enter gates, wormholes, and doors.
Path Specialization: +2 stamina per power applied.
Word of Power: A word which triggers a specific power, command, or effect. Mage dictates what the word is. Word of power can be passed along to others and acts as a password or secret code which accesses commands.
1-Hidden Door - Hide a door from sight and detection.
2-Gate Runes - Runes which seal fixed gate commands.
3-Detect Hidden Doors - vs. LoD of hidden door.
4-Gate Seal - Seals gate from entry except by select targets.
5-Shadow Door - create a doorway of shadow where no doorway exists that opens and closes only to creator.
6-Secret Door - A secret door can only be seen, and opens only for caster unless others are selected to enter with him.
7-Detect Byways - Includes gates, wormholes, teleports and any means of dimensional, quantum, or elemental travel.
8-Stone Doorway - Opens a doorway in solid rock.
9-Doorway of Flames - If a door enchanted with this is touched, person not selected to enter is severely burned. +10 dmg, per success.
10-Gate of Shadows-which avatar can take others through via the shadow realm.
11-Recall - Power which allows a gate to recall someone (bring them back) to a gate when a specific word of power is spoken.
12-Door of Ice - Anyone not selected to pass will freeze into a block of ice when they pass through door of ice.
13-Bypass Wall - Walk through walls and solid objects.
14-Seizure Gate - Seize someone in an arcane gate and transfer them to a called destination.
15-Gateway of Life - An arching gate of tightly woven plants forms rapidly which delivers those who access it to a chosen destination through the elemental plane of life. Anyone not selected to enter gate will pass through the archway to enter on the otherside where the gate stands. Gateway heals (+1 per success, +5 per ace) and revitalizes (+1 stamina per success).
16-Shadow Walk - Folds dimensional layers as mage walks through the demi plane of Shadows.
17-Flame Gate - Allows mage to create a gate of flames which delivers those selected to enter to a called destination through the elemental plane of fire. Gate can close great distances, and damages those not selected to enter if they attempt to do so. +100 damage.
18-Gate commands - Allows for gate creation on the fly or creation of fixed Gates and warding commands over gates.
19-Astral Gate - A black gate filled with stars or nebulas light forms which select targets can enter. Destination called by caster. Gate is unseen by those not called to enter.
20-Intercept Path - Allows gate master to intercept other gate paths, even select ones, with higher power (roll).
21-Quantum Haste - Target closes distance in the blink of an eye in one step. Lasts 1 action per success, target using -1 stamina for each action taken in haste.
22-Quantum Gateway - Close distances in a three strides through a gateway which folds space.
23-Wormhole - Produce stable, safe, wormholes to travel dimension to dimension or to entrap and transfer others in.
24-Gateway of Light - Called destination, and anyone who tries to enter who is not selected to pass is severely damaged, +60 dmg, electrical, +60 dmg, quantum light stream, double light dmg, to evil and dark kinds.
25-Magic Gate - Opens Gate in any solid object and past wards with higher roll.
26-Astral Pocket - A pocket of space forms where called, and anything or anyone which enters the pocket is held within its astral cavity. There is no air in this pocket and it is very cold. The pocket's entrance can be as large as a door, or as small as a bullet, while the pocket itself can be immense. It can be used as anything from a trap, a net, or to hold objects, yes even as a pocket, or even to hold undead prisoners.
27-Gateway of Ice - A gate which leads through the elemental plane to any called destination. Any who are not selected to enter turn to ice if they enter the gate's threshold.
28-Estate Transference - Move keep to an elemental plane.
29-Window of Space - Look through the dimensions and bends of space and time to see things as they happen, did happen, or will happen. Gain wisdom+1 for knowledge attained. 1 d6 chance of backlash. Roll of one causes blackout and loss of memory, -1 d6 wisdom, name memories lost equal to roll. Roll of 2-3 and only present vision can be attained. Roll of 4-5 and present or past knowledge is gained. Roll of 6 and past, present and future are seen, and an additional +1 wisdom is gained.
30-Gate Location and Trajectory - Detect byways and determine where they are coming from and what their destination is.
31-Create Gate Markers - Gate markers are made of stone and take a formulated shape. Every marker is sealed with a runic glyph which is unique to the creator. A select word of power triggers the gate marker's access power, while gate master determines what triggers, contingencies, and locations are set.
32-Redirect Gate - Using byway detection, any gate, teleport, wormhole, or other byway can be locked onto and redirected to a called destination.
33-Antideluvian Haste - Hastes gate powers for rapid effects.
34-Avatar's Guardian Gate - Weaves a contingency to seize a person in a gate under called circumstances, and deliver them to a preordained destination. Gateway is protected against locks, detection, seizure, redirection, anti-factors, factors, and dismantling with higher power (roll).
35-Astral Interception - Intercept any type of gate, wormhole, teleport, etc and redirect to called destination.
36-Traveler's Benefaction - Protect someone against any called gate or meta-journey effect, or bestow them with the ability to travel by gateways undetected and unseen. They simply will not be noticed coming and going by gate travel, they will simply appear to have arrived or departed by normal means.
37-Space-Time-Dimension Fork - Lock onto and direct gate powers across various dimensions and time lines, via bends in space, to multiple detected targets to redirect them to one gate, one time and one place by a select gateway, or select time and place of arrival of each byway.
38-Master Gate - Fixed gates or gates that are protected from factors, detection, sight, redirects, intercepts, dismantling forces, destruction and other disabling or trespass powers. Power of roll determines LoD and power of gate. Master gates can be permanent, be activated by a word of power, be select, can recall by a word of power, can allow anyone to enter, and can be concealed in any solid object. Fixed Gates can link together or access destinations in any location by a word of power, even multiple locations. Any gate power can be woven into a master gate
39-Astral Ediface - Form an ediface or maze of invisible (or visable) doors, gateways, etc., within tangible chambers, towers, etc. on a dimensional plane which can be accessed by a normal door, opening, or gate marker which has been fused with a fixed gate. Each gateway/door leads to a select room on any floor, room, tower, or area of the ediface that has been formulated. Ediface can have multiple levels. The ediface is created from oxygenated and hydrated spacial pockets, and walls and floors are solid where a plane ends, color and appearance are mere reflections of actual textures and pigments on real worlds as close as possible to how the deity imagines it. Ediface can be as simple (one room) or complex (a palace or labyrinth) as the creator makes it. Material objects can be placed in the maze, such as furniture, personal effects, and braziers, candles, sconces and torches, etc, to give light. Apply power one time per room, including the doorways entering and accessing room. It can take quite some time to build a large ediface or maze.
40-Gate Mastery - Forumlate gate commands. Weave gates with anti-factors, factors, contingencies and triggers. Create powerful gate wards. Blend gate path with other paths.