First Pentacle Tsetar
Order Angel of Swords
Heirarchy third want!
Stage Malezar terrestrial, immortal


Martydom - Angels almost always serve a higher purpose at a high price, and if not, they are hunted for slaves, or destruction by their enemies. 
Divine Conflict -
The Tarseran Angels and their Dark brethren are hunted by the Alamansen angels, wherefore the Alamascan pit themselves as the enemies of the Tarseran and Dark Angels.  Until the Almascan cease in their ordained crusade, there shall be no peace between them. 
Dark Powers - Dark powers do Angels double damage.
Path of the Forsaken - Cirgoth is prone to making pacts with demons or devils, thereby aligning himself with the Middle Kingdom. 
Guardian Courage - Cirgoth will risk himself to safeguard those he takes under his protection.  His courage sometimes overwhelms his logic. 
Resurrection Hindrance - Cirgoth is very hard to resurrect {50% chance of failure}, and can only be resurrected into his mortal form.  With every failed attempt to resurrect him, he suffers a loss in his physique (-5 in his physical checks).

WoD-Way of Death-Complete Dismemberment.  3 resurrections from final death allowed.  All other deaths transient-with free resurrections.  Each resurrection from true way of death becomes more and more difficult.

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