General Information
"I will grow more powerful if you err to slay me, Know how to slay a blood mage and Vitaen Lich before you attempt it."
Appearance: black curly hair, shoulder length, peircing aquamarine eyes (change red to black.) His form is that of a gray skeletal corpse, flaring goats horns curling from his crown of black, raven curls, his arms sometimes morphing into slate gray, feathered wings. His dress varies from that of warrior, to Black robes (MR: 95%) and full length, hooded cloak of the same colour.
Race: Blood Mage, Vitaen Lich, Immortal
Order: Kahir
Rank: Regent (Black Robes)
Class: Warrior Mage
Location: Red Cliffs Kingdom, Includes: Demon Horn, Hangman's Noose Isles, City of Sudaer, Hurricane Island, South Haven Shores.
Malae Adar (devil's horn)
Domain: Rafael Hadrian and Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Southern-most tip of Morendor.
Description: Awesome beaches, golden grass tufts, sparse evergreens called Fāscaris (sheltering trees) sweep their boughs low over the ground to form perfect shelters and excellent shade. Shell collecting and fishing is excellent on Malae Adar Aerseo (devil's horn beach). The sand dunes of Devil's Horn sometimes pile onto the beaches. The horn turns hellish and is dangerous during severe storms and hurricanes.
Malae Adar Bhasrae (devil's horn dunes)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Dunes span the Malae Adar (devil's horn).
Description: These sand dunes form varying sized hills of sand across the horn with wide flats between them. Some are crowned with dense tufts of grass.
Dol Croaes (hangman's knot)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Large, barren island south of Devil's Horn and north of Hangman's Noose.
Description: This large, rock island is rich in the precious metal diamthrill, both silver (refered to as white) and black. Mining it requires specific knowledge, owed to its hardness and resilence. Few know the secrets to mining and forging this metal, most of whom are Morashthaen (dark star elves), Morthaen (shadowlands elves), or Morgalgaus (demons of hell). Like the small islands to the south, this isle is comprised of rock and sand, much of that rock viened and crystal studded with diamthrill. The island is a major source of diamthrill, and there are quarries with stone keeps which visiting miners take shelter and rest in from the elements. Storms on this barren island are hard to weather, and despite the island's size, few plants or animals can survive the pounding waves, stinging rain, and high winds off the horn. Sea birds alone visit this island, but not for long. The only permanent inhabitant of this island is a rare, and very old Basilus (stone dragon) which leaves the quarrymen alone if they leave it alone. It is said this grey shaded winged dragon can tell someone anything, if they can answer one of its riddles. If someone can answer two riddles, the dragon may also grant a fine sword and suit of diamthrill armour for the correct antidotes. The Basilus rests in mines that have been long abandoned for safer and more productive quarries. Crossing this dragon is perilous, for it possesses potent earth elemental powers.
Dol Croaes (hangman's noose)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: Group of island shoals off of Devil's horn.
Description: These islands are what are left of the south horn after being weathered away by storms for millions of years. The islands are rich in the precious metal diamthrill, both silver (refered to as white) and black. Mining it requires specific knowledge, owed to its hardness and resilence. Few know the secrets to mining and forging this metal, most of whom are Morashthaen (dark star elves), Morthaen (shadowlands elves), or Morgalgaus (demons of hell). The islands are rock and sand, much of that rock viened and crystal studded with diamthrill.
Tirdamha Inorae (south haven shores)
Domain: Clan Kilcanoragh
Location: From Inlet of Demon Tongue River, north to the Lands of Wealth, and east to the forests. Grasslands and black sand beaches which bleed into amber sand fifty miles south of the Lands of Wealth.
Description: Jet Black sand beaches and rich, green grasslands. The black sand is from volcanic rock in the ocean and the shore alike. Many semi-precious minerals such as colorful agates, amethyst, obsidian and dark colored marbles can be found along these shores. There are several marble quarries in the grasslands which are cut into terraces for future strongholds when the best marble plays out.
Castle Red Cliffs -- Hurricane Island
Guards - Undead warriors - 950 guards,Level 16-26 (2 d6 roll for level) Combat and Magic. AC-20+Level. HP: Level x 20 or 340-520 each, 304,000 combined HP, or War Dice of 9 d6, +150, with 4950 combined HP, at 5 HP each survival rate.
Knights - Undead Knights - 50 knights, Level 18-32 (3 d6 roll for level) Combat and Magic. AC-36+Level. HP: Level x 30 or 540-960 each , 37,500 combined HP, with combined average roll of 25 d6.
Moat - Guarded by moat creatures if one enters its brackish waters. Moat Monsters, Level 18-30 each (3 d6 roll for level), AC-50, HP 600.
Gates - 36 d6 defense, combined roll of 5 aces with a crit blocks entry, and nullifies anti magic and MR.
Ramparts - western Ramparts wall meet Red Cliff, a sheer drop of 700 ft to jagged rocks and rough surf. LoD of 30 d6 blocks climb or entry over wall.
Courtyard Wards - 36 d6 Wards block magic and elemental invocation in courtyards
Castle Wards - Successful rolls block forced Entry by any means. Wards repell attacks on gates and walls. If wards crit, invaders within 100 yards of castle are banished from the Kingdom and Island to 1 d6 random locations;

Hadrians Keep
Four round towers brace corners of keep's 300 ft tall, 12 foot thick black marble walls. The entry is a single door, solid oak, bronze reinforced and enters into south wall. Keep defends against entry and magic with 2 d100, combined roll of 50+ succeeds.Hadrians Tomb Alter
Hadrian's Alter Room is in the highest chamber within one of the Keep's four towers. 3 d100 rolls against magic and anti magic or MR: 60+ succeeds to block magic, 70+ against anti magic and MR.Hadrians Dungeon
3 d100 with combined roll of 55+ prevents escape attempts. One attempt per day allowable for where one fails in an escape, they are tortured and rendered impotent. Torture Master rolls 3 d100+10 for LP damage in lou of failed escape attempts.Lake Of Blood Cavern
A vast cavern which lies beneath Castle Red Cliffs, is home to a 100 acre lake of blood, the blood always fresh, never spoiled, this lake sacred to the rituals of the rare blood mage retinue and their master.Hadrian's Gate House
::Ramparts/Gates - western Ramparts wall meet Red Cliff, a sheer drop of 700 ft to jagged rocks and rough surf. 2 d100 combined roll 50+ blocks , Gate Entry, climb or entry over wall. Wards augment to 3 d100 against muliple attacks on gates and walls.::Hadrians Outter Courtyard
::A vast outer courtyard that surrounds yet another rampart and inner courtyard that surrounds the keep. A place of jousting tournaments and spars, all are welcome to the open courtyard unless war threatens. Courtyards - Ward of 2 d100 roll of 50+ suceeds in blocking all attacks, magic included on castle in courtyards.:: ((no one may make war on Castle unless Lord Rafael Hadrian is present.Features of Hurricane Island
Primal Forest
::You enter a primeval woodland that separates two great kingdoms. The woodland is vast, its secrets as deep as the hidden limestone caverns that run beneath it. The trees are gargantuan, and oft gnarled, their dense foliage all but blocking out the sun. A rain forest by its age and depth, the creeks run deep and bold into deepest pools. An enchanted forest one never knows what lies in the shadows. The Kingdom of Red Cliffs lies to the south, Kingdom Doom to the North, NOT Rhydin, FF only::Hadrian's Bay
::above the sound loom immense cliffs which rise to meet a great castle. The bay's white sand shore to wrap around a cove which meets the cliffs as they tower 900 ft above the shore. A steep trail cut out of the cliff side ascends to the alluvial plane high above the beach, and north of Castle Red Cliffs. A pristine bay with deep anchorage, ships will often be seen rocking on the gentle swells of the quiet harbor. NOT Rhydin, FF only unless Terms of battle are settled in IMs::Red Cliffs Village
::South of Castle Red Cliffs is a quiet Hamlet, with a Tavern and Trade, A Small Port which harbors Hadrian's Fleet, a Tannery, several liveries, a butcher block, a smithy, and an open air market which is open from dawn until dusk. A road passes through the borough, guard houses, humble homes and the few small business and trade buidlings can be seen scattered on either side of the road. In the backs of some of the homes are vegetable gardens, and farms surround the outskirts. Small dirt alleyways pass behind and between the more frequented establishments. A sherrif and his soldiers watch over this village as lords assigned by Rafael. The current Sheriff is Heir Broghdan Angerdain.Red Dragon Tavern
::nestled within a level area that is surrounded by a half moon of bedrock, which protrudes from the lofty edge of Red Cliffs, the tavern is protected from the harsh elements which blow in off the sea below. The boulders which loom around the humble tavern's west south and north walls, appear in shapes much like spooky guardians. A stone ediface with thatched roof and smoked stain glass windows, the Tavern suits its medieval environs. NOT Rhydin, FF only, take dice Battles outside::Red Doom Meadows
::A vast meadow stretches out for miles around Castle Red Cliffs, all the way to Red Cliff's village southward, and to Castle Doom far to the North, to meet the cliffs which tower 700-900 ft over the pounding waves of the sea, and Hadrian's bay which lies just north beneath the Great Castle of Red Cliffs. The meadows serve as a suicide run to any whom plan to lay seige to the castle, where a single soul can be spied by the Castle's alert guards from miles away. FF and Quest dice only, This is NOT Rhydin::Caverns of Nevermore
The Name is self explanatory for those who have never been guided through this vast subterranean world of rivers, catacombs, fantastic limestones caverns and myserious lairs. Nevermind the natural traps, and those traps laid by the Limestone Cavern's dwellers, once you step beyond the first corridor, you may never return from the Caverns of Nevermore without one of three guides.::~Roll 2 d100 for every tunnel or path you take. A combined roll of 2-10 and you take right tunnel. Ten corridors taken in right direction lead you out into light of day. That is 10 rolls of 2 d100 with 2-10 combined roll for EACH roll~ ~As you enter each corridor, Roll 1 d20 for encounters, 16-20 and no beasts are encountered. Roll 1 d20 again as you enter each corridor for encounters. Roll 1 d20 for counter and attacks hit or miss, on success roll your dice for dmg.~ ((see beast list below link.))
Beastiary List Roll 1 d20 for encounter, 1-15 you meet with an encounter. Roll 1 d5 for type of encounter.