Shaithis -- Magic II -- Arcane

Shaithis - Arcane Paths

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Arcane Sorcery

1-Arcane Seal - Seals a Spell within an item or subject and protects against dispells, shatters, dissolves, disenchantments, disjoining, and detection. +1 protection per Success. +5 protection per Ace rolled.
2-Suspension - Lift someone gentle or catch someone or something falling to let them or it down softly.
3-Ethereal Light - Lights the way in dark places with a pale, azure blue light.
4-Mental Commands - Spells can be cast w/o speaking.
5-Jinx - Causes someone to drop a weapon, fall down, or other minor called effects.
6-Air Hike - Jump 15 feet in the air and remained suspended for six seconds.
7-Quicken Blade - One thrust becomes three rapid thrust, One swipe three, etc.
8-Arcane Mark - Marks a spell with Magic user's signature to protect against detection and identification.
9-Arcane Lock - Locks a door, gate or window to prevent entry.
10-Arcane Proofing - Protects a spell, magic item, or select object against specified effects or threats. Roll for each Proof cast. Success Roll = Power of Proofing +Level of caster.
11-Arcane Quickening - Spells cast faster.
12-Boomarang Effect - A dagger or sword when thrown hoops rapidly, able to hit a target multiple times, and comes back to weilder.
13-Guardian Gate - Weaves any gate power with a contingency to seize a person in a gate under called circumstances. User must have pre-existing gate power.
14-Holding Force - Arrests movement and ALL action.
15-Channeling Fork - Forks power to hit various called targets.
16-Negation - Negates various powers as called.
17-Id Cloak - Protects against race, power, alignment, and presence being identified, and guards again sight, mental probe, visionary, divination and aural sight powers.
18-Ultimate Stony Grasp - VERY powerful and hard to break grasp.
19-Wall of Force - Invincible wall of force, often used in warding rooms and buildings.
20-Proofing Factor - Proofs against various effects as called.
21-Enduring Sleep - Places target in deep, lasting sleep.
22-Seizure Gate - Seize someone in an arcane gate and transfer them to called destination.
23-Binding Honor - An agreement is bound with a called contingency which takes effect if agreement is broken. The contingency cannot be dismantled once one has agreed to terms. One has to agree to binding honor for agreement to count. Beware loopholes.
24-Arcane Immunity - Saving throw bonus +1 per success against spells.
25-Shatter - Shatters an object.
26-Flame Armor - Armor which ignites an enemy in flames each time enemy hits or makes contact. Invisible until contact.
27-Anti-Factor - Protects a power or target against called power or effects. Must be used prior to any engagements.
28-Disintegrate - Disintigrates an object or element.
29-Deadly Shocking Grasp - If held for longer that 10 seconds, is deadly.
30-Secret Door - A secret door can only be seen, and opens only for caster unless others are selected to enter with him.
31-Polar Innertia - Reverses the innertia of something in motion to send it whiplashing back.
32-Permenance Factor - Makes a power permanent, seals and marks a power.
33-Vampires Blood Bane - Spell does 5 dmg per success, each round until 1 LP remains. Spell can be cast 3 times of day. This spell burns a vampires blood, then their bodies from within to without, and hinders regeneration 50%.
34-Arcane Dead Zone - Creates a dead magic zone up to 100 yard radius. No magic can penetrate or be used inside of zone.
35-Imprisonment - Traps victim within a select room or space with warded powers preventing their escape.
36-Elemental Aura - Protects from attacks of same element and allows the casting of some spells related to that element.
37-Curse of Death - 10% dmg every RP day curse remains. Allows for no healing. Curse can only be dispelled by caster. Curse of death is a contingency spell, contingeny terms named by caster. The only way the spell can be removed is for the contingengy to be met.
38-Sphere Of Ultimate Destruction - Create a temporary Sphere Of Annihilation. Lasts one turn.
39-Sphere of Arrest - Arrests target and will reverse attacks on anyone attacking the sphere for double damage.
40-Arcane Mastery - Create spells, artifacts, arcane items, powers, wards and commands.


Levels 1-3
Hinderance Hex - Makes one unable to perform a single, physical act, such as making a right turn, picking something up in their left hand, blinking, standing still, any single act.
Jinx - Person jinxed will fail in one single, key act (called at any time during play.)
Need for Sleep - One inflicted with this curse has an overwhelming need to sleep all the time, having the most wonderful dreams while sleeping, and resents being awakened.

Levels 4-6
Timeless Curse - Victim loses ALL sense of time.
Bitterness - Victim is bitter about or towards anything or anyone which vexes, troubles or aggravates them.
Karmic Balance - This curse can be good or bad, depending on one's conduct. With this curse, for every action, there is a reaction. If they do something good, something equally as good happens to them, if they do something bad, something equally as bad happens to them.

Levels 7-9
Senseless Hate - Make someone despise a single person and be very hateful towards them at ALL times. Can lead to murder.
Witless - Someone suffering this curse has no sense at all, and always makes mistakes in judgment.
Rancidness - Everything the victim of this curse eats or drinks tastes horrible beyond belief.

Levels 10-12
Hopeless Infatuation - Make someone so deeply infatuated with another that they fall hopelessly in love with them, to the point of obsession.
Blindness - Makes someone go blind.
Sloth - Person with this curse is so lazy they will not work, and will do nothing that requires any real effort on their part.

Levels 13-15
Curse of Vanity - One with this curse is always bragging to others aloud about how perfect, and beautiful they are, and constantly primping and worrying about every detail of their appearance, meanwhile they are growing uglier by the day, not that THEY will notice.
Infestation Curse - Victim is infested by insects, which crawl all over their body, and no matter what efforts they make to rid themselves of the creepy crawlies, they keep manifesting in their hair, clothes, shoes, pockets or purses, and on their flesh. Insects include - Cock roaches, fleas, ticks, centipedes, millipedes, various beetles, flies, silverfish, spiders, ants, and various other nasties.
Appearance of Old Age - Person under this curse looks very old (90-100 mortal age) but retains all other aspects of youth.

Levels 16-18
Phobic Insanity Jinx - Jinx someone that every time they see a called object or person, they go utterly insane until out of sight of the called trigger.
Curse of Poverty - A person is compelled to give everything they have away, along with all their savings, and any resources or income they may have, including property, and quit any job they may have.
Altered Gender - Turns a male into a female, and a female into a male.

Levels 19-21
Damned by Progress - Curse someone so that they cannot walk on anything, or touch anything man made without fainting, bursting into tears and sobbing, or some other called reaction.
True Greed - Victim will do ANYTHING to get what they want, and they are obsessed with everything they could desire. Cars, clothes, wealth, anything material that would catch their fancy, and they will rob, steal, lie, cheat, even kill to get it.
Bestial Abomination - Victim is mutated into a half animal form. Parts of body that remain human, and parts which become beast, formulated by the invoker of the curse.

Levels 22-24
Curse of the Hell of Upside-down Sinners - When victim does a particular thing as called, the world around them is overlapped by a hellish environment where dying people and corpses hang from chains from a cavernous ceiling, the stench and cries of despair and misery as overwhelming as the gruesomeness of the atmosphere. The victim cannot see the world they now walk in, only this 'overlapping' purgatory of hell, while no one can see the Hell of Upsidedown Sinners but the one cursed.
Curse of Wrath - A person cursed with this will react violently if anyone aggravates, provokes, or upsets them, and attempt killing anyone who crosses them in the slightest way.
Fortune in Bad Luck - This curse is a twist on heavy luck. The inflicted person has terrible luck, but for every disaster they suffer, someone they know (the closest people to them) have an incredibly good fortune.

Levels 25-27
Murphey's Law Curse - One calls on the demon Oze to bestow this curse, with an offering of a prime, raw steak, red wine, and an offering of their own blood in a ring of pillar candles. He must be invoked by name in a calm, pleasant voice. When one is inflicted with this curse, what they believe cannot happen, will happen, from the most trivial things to the most absurd.
Pathetic Ambulation Curse - Victim can no longer stand, and does not have the will to, and crawls everywhere they go. If someone tries to stand them up, or talk them into getting up, the one cursed is compelled to attack them and bite their legs, attacking from hands and knees.
Hopelessly Lost - Person with this curse laid on them never knows where they are, how to get back where they came from, or how to get somewhere, no matter how many time someone tells them the way.

Levels 28-30
Diabolic Retrogression Curse - The demon Ahriman must be invoked, and incurring his wrath is very dangerous. One must request his presence and inquire what offering he would like, and meet that request. The curse causes the victim's mind and strength to gradually regress until they are in a child like state both in mind and strength of body, and if they curse is not broken, their mind will regress to nothing, with their strength.
Black Luck - The power of fate is invoked, and anyone inflicted with this curse will have the worst of luck. Yes, anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong until the black luck curse is broken.
Monstrous Fate - Subject of this curse is turned into a monster (as called).

Levels 31-40
Curse Weaver - Invoker has the ability to either harness any curse, invoke, harness and channel the aspects required to weave their own curses, or to invoke powerful demons to lay curses on someone.


Blood Sorcery - Dormant Path

1- {1-3} Beastial Trance - Charms victim while vampire is feeding
2- {4-6} Crimson Flame - Using blood energy to project a flame
3- {7-9} Enrapture - Using blood energy to enchant a subject
4- {10-12} Arcane Domination - Dominate channeling blood energy
5- {13-15} Blood Source - Transcendental transfusion of blood
6- {16-18} Dervish Flame - Ignites a victim's blood into flames
7- {19-21} Oblation of Life - Transcendental removal of blood
8- {22-24} Master of Enslavement - Use blood to enslave and burn mark of possession
9- {25-27} Arcane Prowess - Blood energy tapped to make vampire incredibly strong and render them invulnerable to physical damage.
10- {28-30} Abyssal Decay - Vampire can devour blood, will, essence, soul by touch through opening a metaphysical vacuum within themselves, decaying their victim rapidly.
11- {31-35} Blood Cauldron
Stage One - Vampire can create a blood cauldron, out of an ordinary cauldron, by invoking Saolinín Dirgban the Goddess of Blood, with an offering of half their blood. When the goddess is invoked she tells the vampire to spill their blood into the cauldron. The goddess in turn awakens the spirits of life and death inside the cauldron, of creation and ends. The goddess also protects the cauldron {44 d6-LoD vs. Power to Destroy or affect cauldron.}The only blood within the cauldron is four pints of the vampires blood as it was first offered. If this blood is ever spilled out of the cauldron, the vampire must offer half his/her blood to the cauldron again. Stamina is only paid ONCE to this cauldron, to invoke the goddess the first time. After that the cauldron feeds on blood offerings and its master's will.
Stage Two - The vampire's will slowly becomes the cauldron's, and visa-versa, and no one but the vampire who created the cauldron can command it. Blood must be given to the cauldron to activate its powers, in the amount of one pint for every command given the cauldron. All Blood Sorcery spells cast through the Cauldron are automatically sealed and proofed against disenchantments (+2), and can be cast at level 35. The cauldron soaks all blood spilled into it. When all the vampire's will is gone, the cauldron turns the vampire into a Bleeding Terror Lich. Cauldron uses -1 Willpower per command used through the cauldron.
Stage Three - The vampire's will is returned to them as a Lich, while all the Bleeding Terror's arcane power and a great deal of their life force is transfered to a secret object to form their phylactory, or vital force. This object must be destroyed to destroy the Lich. The cauldron's true power is unlocked as the vampire becomes a Lich. Through the cauldron the Lich can formulate Blood Sorcery powers, enchant items with existing or formulated commands, create wards and artifacts, enslave others, kill them, even mutate, or create monsters out of other creatures, learn and practice Necromancy with up to 4 spells in each level. In a word...Bleeding Terror Liches are POWERFUL, and NOT pleasant to look at either. These Liches have a strong tendency to be as hungry for power as for blood, and not very nice. It was power lust which got them where they are in the first place, after all. See Races: Blood Lich Page.
12- {36} Tribute of Life - Blood Lich only. Lich offers a victim to their Blood Cauldron to enhance cauldron's power, or to regain some of their former vampiric appearance. If the cauldron has devoured the blood, souls, and lives of 10 victims by the time the Lich reaches level 40, they gain a subrace shift, although IN this shift, they can only command levels 1-35. Tribute of Life powers the cauldron by +4 otherwise.
12-{37-40} God of Blood - Bleeding Terror Lich can call on the power of the cauldron even at a distance to improve their powers, and can Cast any Blood Sorcery or Necromantic powers at these levels when mastered.

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