Present Story Line

Subject to Change

  • Malcomb and the word happy seemed like a paradoxical impossibility, but he was content. Yes, he was happy. Having Mernaph as his faithful companion and spending most of his time with him was the secret to elevating Malcomb's spirits. He laughed heartily at his master's jokes, larked and played with him, and was generally cheerful; not in an overbearing way, but in a manner altogether pleasing. He had not been depressed since isolating himself to the company of his soul mate. He was very pleasant company for his one and only, hardly the troubled fellow he once was. He was simply happy, and that translated to entertaining Mernaph in a variety of ways, being a daring and thrilling partner in bed not the least of those activties.

  • They had only had once quarreled since settling their last difficulties by deciding not to get separated. Malcomb got over feeling like the Alamascan made a prisoner of him. With Mernaph around, that feeling had gone away. It was at that party matters between them were strained. Malcomb had been too pleased to see Maelmorda under someone else's control. It had pissed Mernaph off, and Malcomb had made a game of it when Mernaph had come after him, only for Malcomb to play hard to get and catch me if you can. At length; Malcomb had gotten distracted and Mernaph had caught his quicker mate. He promptly took him home afterwards and gave him the sharp side of his tongue...claws...and teeth. That was the end of that and things went back to the way they had been before, with Malcomb's promise to respect the Morning Star, whatever his personal feelings were. Mernaph understood his chosen's resentment, but he could not allow Malcomb to risk Lucifer's wrath.

  • Where Mernaph went, he went, whether it was to the council Hall or lair in Acheron, to hunt down souls to nourish Malcomb with, or to settle disputes between the various people residing in his land. Usually Mernaph just showing up was enough to curtail any quarrels over land or leadership; if not, matters were either resolved diplomatically, with Malcomb's help, or by the edge of their swords. Rarely Mernaph was beckoned to Acheron and ordered to come alone, but it did occasion to happen that way. Mernaph could have refused and dragged Malcomb along, but a part of him believed it was good to give Malcomb his space occasionally. Mernaph always ordered Malcomb to stay put in the keep when he did leave him alone. Malcomb always used that time to study. Sword play was best done with Mernaph as his partner. If any of the guards or servants could fight as well as he, Malcomb preferred sallying with Mernaph, it was more fun.

  • The strangest trouble they'd had came when a Lich claimed a corner of Mernaph's swamp. Now Mernaph's experience with Liches was that he had hated every one he met. The worst, Mendorin, had stolen away with Malcomb and done such terrible things to the infernal angel's emotional being as he still had nightmares about. This Lich who had squatted on his territory and so much as dared to raise a castle on an island in the marsh, was not like any other Lich he had ever met. Malcomb swore by his paranormal sight and his uncanny instincts, that the Lich, whose name was Kholos, was good. Now who had ever heard of a good Lich? Malcomb reminded him that a lot of people thought the same thing about demons and devils, not that he or Mernaph could be counted as goody-two-shoes by a long shot. But there were plenty of decent fellows among Acheron's own. Mernaph was finally convinced that Kholos was not an enemy, but there was still the matter of him moving onto his land without so much as a hello. Kholos claimed that he had no idea that anyone cared about the plot of fenland he had declared his. When he asked the demon what he thought the land was worth, the demon had laughed for reasons Kholos could never understand. In time, if the land was drained, it could be worth quite a lot.

  • "The land is yours if you will pledge your alliance with me and serve me when I call," he decided.

  • Kholos shook his head. "I do not know you well enough, Sir, to commit my life to you."

  • Mernaph eyed him severely at that. "What will you offer for the land and how much of it then?" the infernal demon Lord asked.

  • "I offer the improvements which come by my residence here when I leave, and my service in the mean time when I am willing to grant it. I only require this little island and permission to hunt and gather on the lands surrounding. I have no money, only my talents, and wish to live a quiet life in peace."

  • "So you raised your keep without resources?" Mernaph asked.

  • "I used what knowledge of the earth I possess," Kholos responded, clearly meaning he applied feats of Terramancy.

  • Malcomb pulled Mernaph aside at that, nodding his pardon to the barely clothed in flesh Lich. The rags he wore did more to hide his bones than the remnants of skin and thread bare muscle which clung to him. The most striking thing about him were the intelligent grey eyes which shone from his sockets. "My Lord, this fellow fascinates me. He will make an interesting study for my theories. Greed is surely not the motive for his scale of power, and legendary in forte he must be to have lost so much flesh. My guess is that it is knowledge he hungered for, at such a cost. He was once a handsome man, his skeletal structure tells. He must be very wise else he would be wicked. He might serve you and your kingdom as well as my studies and curiosity. Won't you give him leave to stay until you find a reason to kick him to the far side of An Morendor?" he proposed. Mernaph thought it over and decided to permit Kholos to stay so long as he had his land lord's blessing.

  • Mernaph's decision paid off in less than a month. He and Malcomb had gone to visit Kholos, who made them very welcome, only half way through their social call, Mernaph was called away to Acheron. He left Malcomb reluctantly, under order to leave him behind. Now while Mernaph was being informed by Scream Hammer, that Lucifer and Sammael were to meet in contest to determine who would rule Acheron, owed to the recent mistakes Sammael had made under Lucifer's influence, Malcomb came under attack of four Alamascan. Kholos had not gotten around to warding his modest castle, and the four soulless ones stormed in. They were scouts who were not under order to attack, only to inform their betters of an opportunity to capture or kill Malcomb, moreover, they had not been told what not to do, only what their duty was. As such, the lower order Alamascan had decided to take the glory for themselves and seize Malcomb. Malcomb could have handled two of them alone, maybe even three, but four was a stretch, and if he had managed to survive the attack, he could not have captured his would be captors. Kholos made quick work of three of them in the time Malcomb dispatched of one. He cut off all access to spirit phasing and gates, and captured the quartet. Hence he tossed them into a tower and sealed them in with a powerful concealing prison of force. Not only had he come to Malcomb's rescue, but taken the malefactor's captive.

  • When Mernaph returned, it was half past the witching hour, and Malcomb and Kholos were found playing cards, poker, in the living quarters, the only room beside one bedroom that was furnished yet. Both of them were drunk as lost sailors. Malcomb had won almost all of Kholos's stones (they used smooth stones instead of money since the Lich had non). The rule of beginner's luck did not apply to Kholos, Malcomb was slaying him at cards.

  • When Mernaph walked into the candle lit chamber, Malcomb flung his cards down and dashed over to him to hurl himself ontop of him in a leap, landing with his legs wrapped snugly around his waist in a frontal embrace which held the angel suspended against his mate. He planted a hot kiss on his lips then grinned. "Kholos has a present for you," he enunciated sweetly and batted his thick lashes while a cattish grin spread his lips and exposed his white teeth. He laughed with Mernaph who was amused by the greeting and expression. Kholos meanwhile regarded them with a dubious eye of realization. He had not until then taken them for the mates that they were. The way he scratched at the half decayed nape of his neck was telling that he was not sure if he was comfortable with their relationship being flaunted in his witness. He was a very private kind of fellow. His hand dropped and he stared at Malcomb when the fallen one cackled and pointed at him. "Look, we are embarrassing him, Mernaph. I never imagined a bashful Lich, did you?" Malcomb had no tact when he was drunk. "Eh, we owe him one, trust me," Malcomb decided despite himself and slid off of his master to take up his arm and lead him towards the corridor which would carry them at length to the tower immuring the Alamascan. Kholos followed some yards after them.

  • There was no door closing off that high chamber which the four were hunkered into the corner of, only an open archway. The wall of force was all the door needed to hold them in. Malcomb waltzed right in, leading Mernaph after him. Kholos had selected them for entry with himself. Thrusting an exuberant hand out, Malcomb motioned to the injured parties, all of whom were still in a dormant stage of healing. "Alamascan prisoners, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood undead mage." The trouble with earth grown immortals was that they loved to quote and misquote movies for a rise.

  • As Mernaph started towards them, Kholos spoke out; "If you mean to do them further harm, refrain from doing so here, if you please. Take them under your custody and I shall say no more of them. I would rather not know of their final fates." He recognized Mernaph's right as the Lord of the territory he resided in, nor would he blame him for wanting to punish them for their deeds. He just had no intention of witnessing their penalties.

  • Now one week after the four prisoners had been secured in Morash dungeon, something else occured, an event which would shake up their happy little world with some unasked for adventure. Keeping Mernaph satisfied, something Malcomb eagerly excelled at, was all the adventure Malcomb wanted or needed, but the Morning Star decided it was time for Malcomb to live up to his duties to the only Lord who had any say over him other than Mernaph. It began when the Morning Star's voice slipped into Malcomb's mind past all those defenses few others but he and Mernaph could shatter. Malcomb was roused from sleep by his disembodied assertion.

  • "Malcomb, I have a number of tasks for you which you had better not refuse or fall short in." He was well aware that Malcomb had never forgiven him for certain acts he had perpetrated to test him by. The fact that Malcomb had obliquely rooted against him at Sammael's little block party had not been forgotten by Lucifer either.

  • "I understand you, My Lord," Malcomb returned. He had no intention of rocking he and Mernaph's boat of present stability. Malcomb did not need to ask Maelmorda how he knew about the Alamascan. Lucifer knew what he wanted to in Malcomb's experience.

  • "You are my voice, whether you were aware of it or not, and shall now act as my messenger to whomsoever I please. You shall start with those bloody Alamascan, and through one of the prisoners you now hold, you shall arrange a meeting with the one they answer to. My voice shall be yours when the time comes."

  • Did Malcomb like the idea of meeting with the head honcho of Alamascan ice queens? Hell no, but that did not change the fact that he would do as commanded. Like it or not, he was the Morning Star's voice and lap dog to kick around. "Can Mernaph..." He did not have to finish the question.

  • "Yes, he shall be ever constant at your side as your protector and champion." Malcomb breathed a breath of relief. Mernaph would pluck his eyes out in frustration and worry if he could not accompany him.

  • "Thank you, My Lord."

  • "Malcomb?"

  • "Yes?"

  • "You shall be speaking to many sorts on my behalf in the days ahead."

  • "I understand, My Lord." There was a great part of Malcomb that was excited. He and Mernaph together on an adventure. If anyone believed that being Lucifer's voice was not an adventure, they did not understand the Morning Star at all.

  • ... ...


    I've got monkeys in me!!