Acheron's 7th Circle
Area Key
NOTE: All circles include The Lost Caverns
1st Circle: The Gauntlet
2nd Circle: Corridors of the Dead, The Warrens
3rd Circle: Path of Souls, Arcador (the city of vampires)
4th Circle: Dreamland Shrine, Temple of Dragons
5th Circle: City of Angels, The Sprawl, Chasm of Judgment
6th Circle: The Stronghold, River of Souls, Pit of Acheron, Cavern of Souls
7th Circle: Capital City, Path of Fire, Oubliette
8th Circle: Shrine of Fire, City of Demons, Shrine of Chaos, Haunted Mine, Lake of Fire
9th Circle: The Deadly Warrens, The Great Abyss
7th Circle
The Capital of Acheron:
Like the city of demons, the capital is also near the lake of fire on the 8th level, while it also extends to the 7th and 9th levels of Acheron.
The Palace of Slaves:
Where the public slaves of Acheron are housed and entertain their superiors.
Temple of the Eternal Flame:
Acheron's most powerful altar, which only Lucifer and his son Mordreig can command the powers of.
Shrine of Gateways:
A planetarium-like shrine to the stars, planes, dimensions, and time.
Shrine of Knowledge:
A shrine which enhances the powers of precognition, post-cognition, and seeing the present.
Temple of Creation:
The power to create life, monsters and to remake or craft creatures is achieved or enhanced here.
Morning Star Shrine:
where devils and dark angels practice ceremonies and arts.
Morning Star Palace:
Where the Ruling Prince and Acheron's regent resides. Lucifer also resides here whether he is currently the ruling Prince or not.
Chamber of Despair:
a three story stronghold where creatures and people, either being broken, conditioned, or interrogated, are tortured.

Path of Fire:
leads to the lake of fire and accesses many corridors of lower Acheron.
The Oubliette:
Accessed from the Pit of Acheron, and the Shelf of Shadows.
A vast maze-like cavern which is very difficult to escape, most often used to hold prisoners. An ancient shadow dragon named Srevarg navigates the maze unhindered by its walls. The dragon pretends to be unable to speak with captives of the labyrinth, when in fact he is able to speak in ten tongues. A confusing and complicated maze of tunnels, theee is food to be found in the Oubliette. One could find rats (sometimes the size of dogs), moss, ghost moss, black vines called devil's veins, various insects, salamanders, grubs, frogs, bats, and snakes. Phosphorescent strains of 'ghost' algae illuminated the cavern, as happened in much of Acheron where fire-vents were absent as they were in the Oubliette. A demon named Raexes (rAk-sEz) was the Oubliette's overseer. It was a terrible, lonely place with its own unique kind of beauty. A raging river, formed by a narrow but towering waterfall pouring from the Oubliette's north-east corner wall, cuts through the northeastern quarter of Oubliette at the bottom of a six hundred foot deep ravine. At the top the ravine is only a yard wide crack in the cave floor, but opens below to sheer walls 25 yards across which plunge straight down into the river, which fills that area of the cavern with a deep hollow roar. The river pours out of the Oubliette through another tunnel.
Lost Caverns of the 7th Circle:
Vast caverns where only monsters, spirits, and solitaries dwell.