Divine Items
- These items are optional.

Claws: +15 lion like, mostly but not completely retractable, and very sharp
Fangs and Sharp Teeth: +8, non retractable.
Flared Goat Horns: +8, permanent.
Regeneration: 10, +1 per level.
Improved Strength: +8
Luck Child: d100 roll whenever in trouble, 70% chance (1-70) of getting out unscathed.
Improved Stamina: +5, +1 per level.
Limitless Constitution and Wisdom: Sephiroth have no roof on these two mental aspects.
Ichor: this powerful plasma runs in their veins instead of blood and regenerates almost as rapidly as it is let, +10 to their regeneration. As such, they cannot 'bleed to death', only slip into a catanonic state of rest until they heal.
Appeal: the Sephiroth is very attractive, +4 charisma.
Alluring Scent: Their scent is extraordinary, and a great allure, to predatory types as well, and is so intoxicating it can act as a sort of charm. +4 Charisma, +1 per five levels.
Intoxicating Ichor: Their ichor tastes like each individual Sephiroth's scent and grants +5 strength, +10 stamina, +50 health until spent if a pint or more is ingested.
Form Shift:
Human form
Sephiroth Form: as called, most have wings, others may not, some are bestial, most have fangs, sharp teeth. Some may look completely human, while others may be part beast.
Wings of the Sephiroth
Information: silver feathered wings with lavender touches, wings are fixed while in base form. Flight is partially telekinetic as with most winged humanoids.
Deflect Weapons: AC 15
Winged Embrace: When embraced within the sephiroth's wings, subject is bathed either with their power of healing, or harmed by their abysmal void. +3 d6 on either power when in winged embrace.
Winged Majesty: wings spread and emit a radius of azure, aural flames which can bring those within visual range of them trembling to their knees, or repell targets in a hasty retreat if within their nerve rattling aura. -1 Willpower, Constitution and Courage per ace.
Planes Walk travel from
2-close distance over land
4-close distance overseas
6-close distance in same world
8-walk from plane to plane
10-walk from dimension to dimension
12-walk from time line to time line
14-walk light years across the Universe.
The more dramatic the distance in space and or time, the more energy the angel is drained of. Phase into spirit form to become part of the temporal paradox to lapse through time lines and the dimensional folds to close distances.
Marked: by the Morning Star's bonding mark of possession. Destiny, soul, and will is owned by their creator. The advantage to this is that their soul is protected by Acheron and cannot be destroyed.
Normal Fortitude
Fixed Wings: cannot be retracted.
Fixed Bestial Traits: claws, goat ears and flared goat horns. These are traits she cannot shift out of in any humanoid form she takes.
No Haste: cannot take haste powers or abilities.
Hunted: by alamascan who want to eliminate her to prevent her from protecting her brethren, particularly against them.
Passivity: will not fight unless given no other choice whatesoever, which often makes these Sephiroth targets for slavery.
Virtue: good aligned Sephiroth, she is often seen by her peers as a goody-two-shoes and targeted for ridicule, or in same cases, even tormented.
Bonded: Sephiroth is a slave of someone (Sammael) and must obey their master above all others with exception of their creator.
Unable to Suppress Alluring Scent: can always be identified or located by scent.
Dark Presence1-[1-3] Intrigue - those subject to this feeling forget all else for their fascination with the Sephiroth.
2-[4-6] Distract - distracts someone for a moment, granting the Sephiroth one unimpeded action.
3-[7-9] Induce Emotion - cause another to feel fear, joy, anger, or any one called basic emotion.
4-[10-12] Intimidate: +1 HB for 1 action, +2 init, with 0 defense to target for first attack if init is gained.
5-[13-15] Confusion - up to +1 target per ace within visual range can be affected, -1 AR confusion per ace to those affected.
6-[16-18] Enduring Will - Make any power of presence endure until shattered by another.
7-[19-21] Bastion of Resolve - this power grants +1 WP and Const. per ace.
8-[22-24] Dominate the Will - The Sephiroth can dominate the will and control the dominated party.
9-[25-27] Dark Benefactor - the Sephiroth's presence is so powerful that it can boost stamina, strength, and willpower (by +1 per ace), and even heal (by +1 per success, +5 per ace). One aspect per AR used.
10-[28-30] Infernal Sleep: the subject is plunged into a deep sleep, their health preserved in this state. They will not age or suffer privation. Sleep lasts a called duration.
11-[31-35] Crush the Will - Sephiroth can cause the subject to have no willpower at all, whereof the victim becomes utterly helpless and has no care in the world at all, with no will even to move from the spot they collapsed. The subject cannot even be controlled.
12-[36-40] Improvise: Sephiroth can affect others with their presence as called, or boost their presence by these levels.
Author of the Mind1-[1-3] Mind Speak: share thoughts with others, distance beyond visual range is only hindered by failure or a roll of 0 aces, out of world requires 4+ aces and a crit.
2-[2-6] Illuminated Sending - Sephiroth can project visions of something witnessed or known by them to a called subject.
3-[7-9] Commune with the Dead - Hear and speak to the dead.
4-[10-12] Cerebral Probe - read the mind and thoughts of others. Can be felt as a subtle push and tingling.
5-[13-15] Detect Deceptions - see past lies, illusions and deceptions.
6-[16-18] Mental Barrier - protects against mental probes, mind reading, and invasions.
7-[19-21] Aural Sight - detect and identify mood of someone, alignment, basic intentions(beneficial, harmful, neutral) presence of power, energy, disease, and other conditions within or surrounding a select target.
8-[22-24] Precognition - glimpses of future events invade the Sephiroth's mind as a result of opening their mind to mental and spiritual impressions. +5% chance per level per day of a random future vision, the visions growing very vivid as their power of precognition grows. When chance of sight reaches 100%, the Sephiroth can control this ability.
9-[25-27] Postcognition - invoke detailed visions of things from the past drawing from impressions which linger in or around an area, object, or person.
10-[28-30] Divination - Actively seeking visions and knowledge of things past, present and very near future.
11-[31-35] True Oracle - achieve knowledge sought with a successful constitution roll vs. Level of Wisdom to be attained, and gain +1 wisdom. Too much knowledge can cause insanity or mental and or emotional overload. If wisdom of 100 is attained, character becomes all knowing, but at level 50, their constitution is tested and they stand a chance of suffering from insanity (Const vs. LoD of 50). If this occurs, they lose -10 wisdom. In time their madness will lapse, but at level 50 wisdom, their minds will be challenged again. If wisdom of 100 is achieved, their constitution will be tested again (LoD 100), and if it fails, irreversible insanity ensues and they lose half of their wisdom and logic.
12-[36-40] Author of Mentality - forumlate mental commands, create sentient items or weapons, or use practiced commands at these levels.
Touch of the Sephiroth
White Sephiroth cannot take necromantic or abyssmal types of touch which drain.
Duration: drains last up to +1 day per ace, and +1 day per success on a crit. Gains last until spent. Stamina cost is -1 per 3 levels.Healing Touch: +1 HP per success, +5 HP per ace, Heals all wounds on a crit.
Harm Touch: drains health by -1 HP per success, -5 HP per ace.
Touch of the Dead: raises wraiths and other spirit types to banish or destroy them.
Touch of Amnesia: drains -1 called level or called memory.
Touch of Death: drains health by -5 HP per success, -10 HP per ace
Devitalizing Touch: drains -1 strength and stamina per ace.
Touch of Despair: drains -1 Willpower per ace.
Vitalizing Touch: +1 stamina per ace.
Touch of Might: strengthens by +1 per ace.
Touch of Life: +5 HP per success, +10 HP per ace, can resurrect the dead if full HP is restored before stamina fails.
Neutralizing Touch: neutralizes venoms and poisons, even resistant strains by +2% chance per level.
Touch of Hope: enhances willpower by +1 per ace.
Stunning Touch: stuns -1 AR per ace and does mild damage of +1 per level.
Basking Touch: a soothing warmth seeps in deeply to bask another with intoxicating heat. This touch warms the cold or can act as a charm which sinks someone into a tranquil state of rest.
Touch of Ice: touch can chill or freeze as called, damages and slows movement, -1 mvm per success, or -1 AR per ace.
Touch of Undeath: infects victim with a necromantic rotting decay disease, death in 1 d6 days if cure is not found, cured only by "WftESoaZ" If death occurs, victim rises as a zombie in a few hours.
take one chosen feat per levelArrest Movement: catch someone or something mid-air to hold it suspension or let it down as called, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Bend: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace, vs. strength of object.
Lift: up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Push: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace.
Throw: up to +1 foot per success, +5 feet per ace, damage=distance thrown, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Smite: strike a target as called, +1 damage per success, +5 damage per ace. Damage=strength.
Grapple: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace. Holds without damage.
Crush: includes death grips, choke holds, body crushes, and crush items. Up to +1 strength and damage per success, +5 strength and damage per ace.
Levitation: lift self or someone else up to +1 foot per success, +5 feet per ace. Includes descent as called. Up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Shield of Negation: negates weapons and magic damage by power of shield, +5% chance per ace that shield will deflect weapon or power back on attackers for normal damage. Shield lasts until recalled or broken. One shielded can take action while shielded.
Transference: carry a called object to self or another, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Multiple Targets: affect multiple targets with any called feat next turn, up to +1 target per success or ace.
Shockwave: affects a potentially large area with a damaging and stunning wave of telekinetic energy in a radius of up to +10 yards per success, -1 AR per ace to anyone affected, +1 damage per success, +5 damage per ace.
Telekinetic Formulation: level 36-40 only, formulate feats as called.
Soma Shrine1-[1-3] Breath of Vitality - restores stamina and strength by +1 per ace.
2-[4-6] Augment Flesh: +1 fortitude per success, lasts +1 turn per ace.
3-[7-9] Ether Phase: phase past an attack, through a person, weapon, door, or rock, etc.
4-[10-12] Flesh of the Spirit: contact spirits physically to grapple, hold, smite, etc.
5-[10-12] Breath of the Spirit: devour spirits, gain +100 HP per spirit consumed, HP lasts until spent, cannot exceed max HP.
6-[13-15] Temple of Resistance: resist direct magic or elemental attacks by +10% per ace for +1 turn per ace.
7-[13-15] Curse of Infamy: curse another with an undead, raised corpse, spirit, or any called hideous form, which subject is trapped in by night or day as called. Curse can include each form having its own memory unshared by the other. Cure is for the victim to drink the ichor of the sephiroth who laid the curse, to kill the sephiroth and remove its head, to cut off all the Sephiroth's hair and horns (if any), or to cut off its wings as called.
8-[16-18] Bleak Riposte: damages +1 per success on successful blocks, drains -1 constitution and willpower to cause fear, or even terror and repell opposition.
9-[19-21] Breath of Judgment: Sephiroth can give up some of its own health to restore the life of another by the amount of HP transfered through a breath of resuscitation, or kill with a kiss of death.
10-[22-24] Draught of Blood: if the Sephiroth drinks or consumes the blood of a victim through this blood transfer ability; they can formulate a spell powered by the blood. If the blood is poisonous, the weave shall fail, and backlash on the Sephiroth, while the poison is filtered out by the processes of this power.
11-[25-27] Mental Cathexis: all mental checks or powers improve by +1 per ace for +1 turn per ace.
12-[28-30] Holistic Cathexis: all rolls, for the next +1 turns per ace, augmented by +1 d6, or +1 HB per ace.
Arcane TalentTargeting Adeptness: +1 HB on all missiled powers.
Mark of the Damned: a single called affect occurs when mark is tampered with or shattered.
Penetrate Unknown - affect unknown and unidentifiable powers
Layered Power: formulate or cast combination spells with +1 AR per ace.
Energy Loop - Loop power to make it difficult to negate. Disjoin only.
Sentience: give intelligence to enchantments, powers, artifacts, and enchanted items. This is an ability that must be practiced with care.
Boost Feat: +1 d6 per ace.
Combine Power: boost the power of another by power of roll at double stamina cost. Power used must not oppose power it is boosting or backlash of double damage occurs.
Contingency: call a contigency and its catalysts.
Seal of the Damned: a seal which must be broken before a spell can be disarmed, damages when tampered with or broken.
Artifact Creation: as called.
Creationism: use powers to create monsters and creatures as called at up to +1 level per success.
Negation: reduce power of opposing spells or elements by power of roll.
Glyph magic: use glyphs carved in stone, metal, wood, soil, sand etc. to lay permanent or temporary power in an object or area. Each command Glyph or set of command glyphs represents the elements, paths, and their potential impact, and is activated by another glyph which locks into the command glyphs. Only a higher power with a valid command can break this lock.
Proof: make a power 'dispell-proof, ant-magic-proof, resistant-proof', etc. as called.
Factor: improve a spell by a called effect.