Character History

I was born in early Ireland, and I died young in battle. My death was not one I would wish on another soul, not even those blackguards I seek to exterminate like the vermin they are. But I live still, a sort of half life. I am spirit and I am flesh, but am I real? I often wonder that until I have someone's blood on my hands. My goal since I found myself reborn from the otherside has been to balance the presence of evil by the destruction of it. I do not discriminate. Evil comes in all forms as does good. I will kill angels and vampires, demons and humans, any form of evil if it is proven. I realize there shall always be evil in the world, but it is my divine quest to rid the worlds of as much of it as I am capable of. For ages beyond memory I chased one particular soul back and forth through the passages of time; Feoda Corca, who now goes by the alias of Byron Decasey. One can change their name far more easily than their skin and the stuff it cages inside. He looks younger than I remember him, by almost ten years. It was he I pursued for so long, was determied to destroy at cost of my own existance if need be, for he is the most vile, corrupt, degenerate and terrible monster what ever wrapped himself in a human guise. He is the angel of corruption, the vampire of sin. My maker summons me now and again, he knows the means to do it, and appears in guise of a handsome man, but I suspect he is a devil of some kind. He asks me how I am doing, and I tell him straight. He tells me I need to take a harder look into the grey areas, that I might find more darkness in myself, and more good in those I call evil than I will admit to. I don't know why he tells me things, I already know the difference between good and evil. Him I am not so sure about. I sense great evil in him, but he never did harm to me, only gave me a second crack at life.

After a time, I gave up ever catching up with Byron. I missed him by a year here, a few months there, and decided that it just was not written in the stars that I find him; until just recently. I saw him with my own eyes, not on the earth we were both born of, but this untamed world I came to one hundred years ago, Morashtar. I lived in Mephais all that time, hunting down the wicked there which polluted that land in pitifully high numbers. Then I saw something in a tavern; ' Decasey Merlot'. I sampled it, and it was good, the best I had yet tasted, and I wondered, could this wine be produced by my most coveted enemy? The label said it was made at the Decasey Vinyards in An Morendor, so I booked passage on a ship and sailed to the land of shadows. I was not there a month when I spied Byron in the Young Bloods Tavern, a haven for vampires I come to find out. Hard hunting there though, for those clever demons have the law on their side, and seem to pretend to obey it. They claim to be offering a beneficial service to the city, by providing blood and meat to dark kind. I say it just invites bad sorts in. In any case, I could not follow my old enemy because he left the tavern through a gate of shadows. I asked around the tavern about Byron after he left, and no one would tell me a thing, so I stayed around a few more days, and not catching sight of him, I headed north. It was there my luck changed. I can say I love the Lake of Shadows Inn. It had my whiskey, all I had to do was walk in and next thing I know I was asked to sleep over with a beautiful lass, and best of all, I found out where Byron resides by simply asking the bar tender if he knew Byron Decasey's whereabouts. I have named that Inn my favorite haunt.

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