Lavoy Desmond Garceaux
Player Screen Name: {itacksforsnacksi}
Date of Character Creation: November 2nd 2004
Heritage: Sired in 1487 out of Artorius Xavier Caerellius, Artorius sired out of Arcadius Caerellius in the year 30 BC. This vampire clan passes on their Sir name to their childer as was the wish of Aurelius Falco Caerellius. Family Emblem and Clan Epithet: Black Lion. True Name: Cassiel, Fallen Angel of the Order of Virtues, vampiric devil. His heritage as an angel and devil was forgotten by him when he fell and was reborn, but in time his past memories returned to him.
Time Line: Modern and Medieval.
Race: Black Lion Devil
Clan Rank: Clan Prince - 5th Generation
Years Lived: 537-As of the Year 2005. Age by Appearance: 20s. Date of Birth:June 11th 1469 in France.
Nature: Very pleasant, well mannered, easy going until angered. Very Passionate. Carnally motivated around his Sire. Fiery temper when angered. Moody but typically poised in public and passive to passionate around his Sire. Protective-Of his Sire, and can be so overzealous in his protection of him that he is suspicious of anyone whose trust has not been WELL established with, and CAN come off as hostile if his distrust is strong.
Pursuits: Supporter and Student of The Path of Chaos. Vintner, Business,Artist and Poet.
Haven: Black Lion Estate, Eternal Wilderlands, An Morendor, Shadow Kingdom of Artorius
Estate Shadow Wards: all hostiles, and unwelcomed trespassers phase through the manor and its outer security walls, emerging just above the middle of the Silverload River, just south of the estate, whereof they plunge into a very deep channel in the river.
Horses: Breeding Stock of An Morendor Storm Cloud horses. Very valuable animals, native to An Morendor. Description: These horses are rather large like warm bloods with heavy draft horse blood, feathered fetlocks, very long wavy manes and tails, beautiful Andalusian-like faces, grey in color with silvery dappling, black and dark grey manes and tails, varying between shades of these colors, sometimes with silvery manes and dark grey dappled bodies. They are quasi-immortal and can learn to understand languages. The Black Lion stock can understand English and Esurian.
Share in Clan Land and Property: Black Lion Estate -- 20 miles east of Hawker's Fort. 500 Acres of Land, includes vinyards and orchards, a winery, pastures, riverland and forest.
Share in Clan Treasury: Wealth: varies between 320,000 and Several Million in liquid assets.
Retainers:(NPC): All have been sired.
Personal Attendent- Roary Kief, L.
Dominic Lamess, L.
Morlinette Brodeur, L.
Shaemous (Jamus) Kerinson, A
Gueneve Mineauette, L
Jorden Haffteh, A.
Honorary Clan: Sebastion Devereaux.
Art's Progeny: Servius Faust Memius, Sired-Dec. 1st AD 2004.
Clan: Kael McBane, sired AD 7, faithful servant and personal guard to Lavoy,
Lavoy's Appearance: 6' feet in height. Green eyes. Very long, blonde, curly hair. Slender, firm build. Extremely handsome and youthful in his appearance. Looks human, his skin slightly tan, having a 'glow of health', his flesh even faintly warm to the touch as long as he is not blood deprived. Grows pale and cool when blood deprived.
