Player Information
Player Name: Matt
Screen Name: robichauxe
Date Character was Created: January 2007
Game Platform: The Middle Kingdom.
Character Profile
Name: Saeed (sah-eed) Kishesh Kassim
Race: Horned Demon Acolyte Subrace: Neffari
Sire: Solbaid Clan: Black Horn Clan
Generation: 2nd
Age: 646 Max Age: immortal Age by Appearance: 36
Occupation/Rank: King of Hassim, Ruler of Inaaksu
Alignment: lawful evil
Nature and Demeanor: varies from poised to an underlying hot temper which rarely surfaces. He is deceptively charismatic, merciless to those who cross him, benefactor of those who are loyal, decadant and rules with an iron fist
Location: Inaaksu, East coast of the Desert of Fire, the kingdom of Hassim
Allies: Sammael, Gabrian
Enemies: Chieftain Marsol
Offspring: (oldest to youngest) Yorek, Saffiel, Rafee, Valkar
Foster Children: Yveline, Teazja
Wives: Paalaana, Nibetu
Key Servents (NPCs)
Braemen: Arch Devil of Proxy, Saeed's most trusted mage and intelligence officer, loyal to Saeed of his own will.
Saamek: Braemen's trusted serf, Duminor Vampire.
Vaazir: Horned Clan Demon, Captain of the guard.
Trevien: Horned Demon, Knight Captain.
Abadier: Creation of Saeed, looks Neffari unless examined closely.
Abdiel: knight guard
Saddiq: a mysterious immortal, looks Neffari, merchant of many talents.
The Twinstar Wardens - The Desert Wardens of Hassim
*Eoghan: Marshal, Anduain.
*Selena: Warden, White Sephiroth.
Affritis: (Af) Warden, Shapeshifter (many forms) (female)
Khemset: Captain, Half Devil Neffari, quasi-immortal.
Casien: Warden, Tsetar in immortal stage.
Imaru: Warden, vampire rogue (trueborn out of Byron, unknown), red dragon rider.
Llom: (Whither) Red dragon mount to Imaru (female).
Caali: Warden and Arcane Enforcer, Elduain (Darkstar Elf) Arch Chaosmancer. (female and GORGEOUS)
Kaeom Cage: Warden, Badlands demon out of Mephais.
Ghazji: Warden, Werelion (brother of Veraluss)
Veraluss: Warden, Werelion (brother of Ghazji
Tressai: Warden, Neffari Demonkin
Blessing of Belorian: all bear this blessing of True Resolve, which renders them immune to domination, possession, charms, bonding, and marks. All who join the wardens touch the 'Stone of Resolve' to gain this blessing, albeit they are not told what it does. It is up to their captain's discretion whether or not to divulge to a member that they bear these immunties. This blessing is a WELL kept a secret, known only by the marshal warden and captain to prevent anyone from attmempting to join their ranks just to attain this blessing.
Sons of Bramen (NPCs)
All at same base level: 10
Erustaad: eldest son of Braemen and Saffiel, Warrior
Nisaame: second son of Braemen and Saffiel, Mage
Dumaare: third son of Braemen and Saffiel, Watcher
Ishmael: fourth son of Braemen and Saffiel, Warrior Mage
Rhavaar: fifth son of Braemen and Saffiel, Warrior
Akdir: youngest son of Braemen and Saffiel, Guard
These fraternal sextuplets are close and quite protective of each other, their King and their father. See Braemen's page for further information.
Neffari Appearance
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: jet black, long, curly, often brained and decorated with gems
Skin Pigment: medium reddish-brown skin
Build: lean hard muscle, broad shouldered
Height: tall, 6'7
Outstanding Features: very handsome and desert tribal; lip, ears, tongue and body piercings; decorative tribal tatoos on arms, throat, legs, thighs, cheeks, and back; battle scars on torso, one across his left eye and brow, another across the bridge of his nose. Always very opulently dressed with a long cloak which brushes the ground.
Horned Demon Appearance
Eyes: completely black
Hair: bald, wears a gold crown with sleeves which fit his horns
Pigment: grey-blue
Build: skeletal covered with ash colored flesh with no muscle
Height: tall, 7'10
Outstanding Features: wears layers of rich vestments and robes, has large flared horns crowning his head, face is mostly skull covered in skin with no muscle, no ears, often hooded beneath his crown, deep eyesockets. Mouth full of sharp teeth and fangs. Clawed fingers. Always very opulently dressed in silks, satins, and fine linens and gem crusted robes, with a long cloak which brushes the ground.
Born the son of a King, Saeed inherited a legacy of ruthless tyranny which he continued. At the age of 36 he was assassinated by his most trusted advisor and life long friend. As his soul divided from his flesh it was seized by a great and ancient Lich Demon named Solbaid, a demon which a certain occult priesthood called the Order of the Black Horn in his kingdom worshipped as 'The Dark One.' As his soul was seized by Solbaid, his body crumbled into dust as it was seized by a dead realms gate. It was in that plane of the dead that the Dark One bathed Saeed's body in his blood then filled his mouth with his undead lifeblood ten times and again until six pints had been drunk. In that sleep of death Saeed's body underwent changes; he become two creatures, an ageless man and a lich demon called a Horned Demon, or Morsaeog in the language of Acheron. The source of his life and power was placed by his maker in a stone which he imbedded in the meat of his acolyte's thigh. Unless this stone was destroyed, death was but an inconveinienace to Saeed which set him back and diminished his power for awhile. Solbaid returned Saeed to his kingdom telling him, "What is yours is mine, and you belong to me now." Saeed seldom saw Solbaid after that. The king who no man would have resurrected returned from death to rule his kingdom as a man, keeping secret what he had become. He feared his people would rise against him if they were aware of what he was.
For hundreds of years Saeed ruled Hassim as a Neffari, pretending to die and returning again as his own son. With the use of proviscus, his flesh crafting ability, he was able to achieve this deception. He killed his eldest sons and took their place as heir, made himself his own beneficiary. To expect absolute obedience, efficiancy, profit, and undivided loyalty from your people for your protection and keeping order was completely normal to expect from his people. It was the law of his kingdom. If you were caught stealing from the king, and all within Hassim was his, you lost a hand for each count, and something else after that until you died. He was his people's father and had to discipline them properly for them to learn to obey his laws. If you stole food from the king's mouth, your tongue was cut out. If you invaded the King's privacy you might lose your eyes and tongue. If you killed a king's man, lady, or child, you were executed, if you betrayed the king you would be tortured until dead, dead, dead. All that was Hassim was his, and he had every right to take what he wished from any of his subjects, including their men to make servants and warriors, their women to make concubines or wives of (he always had many wives), or their children to have his wives raise as he saw fit. No possession, no provision, no person could be denied him if he wanted it. Occasionally someone earned his respect and their freedom. All free people were exempt from his claim of them, but these were rare, and the irony was these free men almost always served him of their own free will. Saeed had a way about him, despite his heartless ways, which won the hearts of those who admired strength, cunning, charisma, and courage, these things Saeed had in spades. Saeed never revealed what he was, not to anyone, including his wives and children. He became the Horned Demon King when he visited Acheron, his Sire's haven in the Dead Realms, his own haven in the Dead Realms, or demon allies or superiors in their domains.
When his oldest living son Yorek turned sixteen, Saeed sent a demon slave to him with strict orders for her take his son's viginity. Because she knew failure meant death, she had forced herself on the young warrior. Because she was a demon, she was far stronger than Yorek. Saeed saw to it that a child was got of this traumatic experience, and Yveline was born three months later in secrecy. Yorek was Saeed's good son, the son with blinding virture and ethics which his very nature bred in him. He was a thorn to Saeed, no matter how Yorek proved himself on the battlefield, no matter how devoted and obediant he was, he knew Yorek would become his enemy. His son had been trained for battle since he was a small boy, under disciplines as unforgiving as any spartan conditioning, the same martial training Saeed had become a warrior by. At the sapling age of fourteen Yorek was sent out on the battlefield. Every battle; Saeed expected to receive the news that the Prince had fallen. Every battle; Yorek returned, not always unscathed, but in one piece. Like his father Yorek was too handsome and too talented; unlike his father Yorek was too good, too empathic, and far too well liked by the people to please Saeed. Oh the king pretended he cherished Yorek, treated him like he was gold. Behind closed doors he or his men whipped, battered, and kicked his son senseless, telling him it was to make him strong, tough enough to survive an unkind world. Saeed personally tortured him psychologically in ways which were as subtle as they were ruthless. Saeed weakened his son's will and constitution with these methods he was so proficient at utilizing, but no matter what he did, he could not purge Yorek of his aggravating sense of honor.
When Yorek was approaching his 24th birthday, Saeed had planned to have one of his assassins murder his eldest son, and sent Yorek to Hawker's Fort for his yearly visit to the citadel. It was there the King's assassin was to murder him and frame a local for the deed. Yorek was the son whose place he would take as High Prince of Hassim for this century. This was the last time Saeed and Yorek parted on peaceful terms. Before the assassin ever caught up to Yorek in the Westguard Kingdom, the Red Dragons of Marsol's tribe laid seige to Inaaksu, during a time when Marsol had gone missing. Lies had been leaked which placed the blame on Saeed, when it was Sammael who had taken Marsol. A handful escaped the slaughter, among them Saeed, his most cherished son Rafee, his daughter Safiel, who was between Yorek and Rafee in age, and his youngest son Valkar, who looked up to Yorek as his hero. While most of his wives had been killed, Paalaana and Nibetu survived, as did his adopted daughters Yveline and Teazja. Saeed's guard captain and a number of the King's Guard had survived the attack as well. Yorek's knights had survived, because Saeed had sent them north to carry a message to the Adramelech Clan Demons of Dusky Swamp.
On his way to Hawker's Fort Yorek was attacked at night in camp by a figure he never saw the face of, cursorily killed to recreate him, then left to figure it all out for himself. It was while he was in Hawker's Fort that Yorek met someone Saeed would never have approved of, an attractive immortal named Corwyn, son of the Morning Star. What would have enraged Saeed, was that Yorek had allowed himself to be seduced by the devil's son. But it was later, on his way home after hearing of the terrible attack on Inaaksu, that Yorek discovered his father's plot to have him murdered. On his way back home, a very long journey by horse back, Yorek was ambushed by Saeed's assassin. Yorek defeated the cold blooded killer, and recognizing him as one of his father's men, he understood why he had been attacked. It crushed Yorek to know that his own father would send one of his paid assassins to kill him. When Yorek returned to the desert Inaaksu was in ruins. The Prince knew the secret underground passages which led out of the city from the palace, and starting there, went to search for his family. It was at the end of a large, stone conduit which gazed at the desert that he found his father's camp. He confronted his father, and when he accused him of wanting him murdered, his father attacked him in a rage. There was purpose behind his fury other than to kill his son, as he had previously desired. Saeed had discovered that he was vulnerable and that Yorek resisted injury. The desert King needed an heir, one of HIS making, and he needed to protect his phylactery. Where better than inside of the son who could not be injured? Saeed tested that report his sire had relayed to him, did his best to wound his son, but his flesh was like elastic steel and could not be cut or punctured. When he had tested his theory enough he backed off.
"I never purchased or commanded your murder. Vaasai must have taken it on himself. He tried to persuade me it must be done, but I refused to give up on you, Yorek," he lied, but Saeed always lied very well.
"I don't believe you," Yorek declared, the wounded edge to his voice acute.
"You must. You are my son and must obey me." He embraced Yorek who stood stiffly against his father as his arms coiled him. Yorek was reminded of a viper and wondered if this was to be an embrace of death...somehow. Saeed transferred his Spiritous Stone from the muscle of his right thigh into the pelvic bone of his son. It proved difficult, far more difficult than Saeed had anticipated, as his son's body resisted his well concealed power. Had Yorek not just been remade and still maturing in his rebirth, Saeed would never had been able to imbed his phylactery inside of Yorek. The act served three purposes. No one would ever expect him to hide his Spiritous Stone inside of the son he most distrusted; Yorek's body would protect the stone far better than even his would, and he could gain control of Yorek more easily with his Lich Stone inside of him. Part of him was inside of Yorek now. Saeed gripped Yorek tighter, and as he glanced towards the guards, his son knew exactly what he intended. There was a struggle, Yorek overpowered his battle weakened father and ran for his horse, the fastest horse known in An Morendor. The guards pursued, and not for the last time. While the guards pursued Yorek a shadow fell over Saeed. He looked up and a dragon claw hooked him from behind to carry him aloft. Those in the camp ran for the protection of the tunnel, some escaped, others were either burned alive or snapped up in the jaws of hungry dragons. Saeed's last thought before the dragon crushed the life out of him was, with all their strength, these hellraptors cannot harm my son.
When Saeed was raised again by the power of his phylactery, he found himself in Acheron, and could not return to Hassim until two years after his transient death. When he arrived in the desert, he received a report from one of his personal guards; Yorek had claimed Inaaksu and was rebuilding the damaged buildings. He had gathered what people had survived, and they had flocked under him as moths to a flame. Yorek was greatly loved and admired by his people.
Saeed took the city back. He summoned all manner of living dead things from the Dead Realms and Spectral Planes, all the monsters he had created secretly over hundreds of years, all the demons his sire would lend him, and attacked Inaaksu to take it back from his good son. Saeed and his legions slew or made obediant slaves and monsters of those who resisted, or disobeyed,and he tested their will to obey him against each other. Yorek escaped him, but not Saffiel, Rafee, or Valkar. Rafee he took to his side, and Rafee gave him all of his devotion. Saffiel and Valkar he did and had terrible, even unspeakable things done to, if only to spite Yorek for his clean escape. He would use his brother and sister against him. Saffiel he used a breeder with his monsters and the demon conscripts. She gave birth to broods every three days which would mature quickly and be added to Saeed's legions. They were sword fodder, and those who had the talent to survive, would rise in the ranks. Yorek was able to sneak back into the palace, through a little known escape tunnel which opened beneath a bridge in the most damaged part of the city. He had not expected to find Saffiel and Rafee in the dungeon, but to have to sneak through the palace past all kinds of creatures to find them. But no, he found them in the dungeon. It was too late for them...Saffiel was pregnant with another litter of monsters, the constant mixing of their blood with hers changing her into something aweful. Valkar was almost completely turned into a Dead Realms Zombie. Yorek could not tell exactly what they were, but it was clear that death would be merciful. He killed them both, decaptitated them. The act would never be forgotten by him, but haunt him for the rest of his days to add the scars that could not be seen.
Palace Wards
The first wards of the palace are those that prevent breaching the walls of the palace, they are laired to prevent the use of magical attacks, portals and the like, anything and everything and anyone penetrating the walls and making it inside. Rooms within the palace are similarly warded. Anything that does breech will find itself tossed back out across the desert in the middle of it. This ward also protects against contagion in and around the palace.
There are inner wards in place to keep unauthorized people/animals/objects from opening portals to depart or allow the like from entering.
Violence in the palace is the sole province of the royal family, their soldiers and lackeys although that has been upgraded in light of Rafee, any attempt to murder or attack or otherwise assassinate any one in the palace by any hand other then saeed, or those he authorizes (orders) to carry out any such attempt is met swiftly by the immediate imprisonment of the offenders, for a mere mortal this would mean the dungeons, for the more powerful, this means things like more in line with Braemen's preferred method, his arcane prison thingy..jigger..mabob.
Now, when two guests start having it out, they'll be frozen in place for five minutes unable move...a second attempt will result in imprisonment. While Saeed or whoever he designates sorts it out. This is bad, Saeed considers this a constipator, it fucks with his shit and that's annoying.
Any person, not a regular of the castle who exceeds their authority and gets unruly, will find themselves on the dunes. If they've attacked or threatened anyone then the wards concerning violence kick in.
Thievery. Thievery is bad, so is kidnapping, no pilfering toilet paper or bathroom fixtures or the embroidered dinner knapkins, fine dining china or ANY ITEM OR PERSON WHATSOEVER IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM from the palace will land you in the supermax Pokey, this is a place not even the rats want to go. Not even the most hardened criminals, mortal or immortal want to go there. You don't want to go there either. Your characters, beg you, not to do anything that would send them there. Even cockroaches avoid the place.
As for souvenirs, Perfidy and Pilfering are not necessary! Saeed does souvenir bags for honored guests and his Palace is the only one he knows about anywhere on Morashtar that has a gift shop to service guests. The King Saeed Kassim pop up book of phobias! The King Kassim pop up book for children! amongst other things, and that's just for the kids, plenty of other items for adults too.
Weapons, Saeed will let guests keep theirs on their person, the wards do however prevent the summoning of magical and enchanted weapons to unauthorized people, (like prisoners and such) Brandish a weapon threateningly on saeed and the wards on violence will kick in, likewise Kassim reserves the right to confiscate any weapon or item and the use of force and wards to do so if necessary
Communication. these are actually very similar to byrons, Saeed can prevent telepathy except for those authorized (i.e. himself, his kids, yorek etc, his soldiers and aids and mages etc, and of course honored guests.) likewise saeed can listen to thoughts within the palace by utilitzing the wards to do so.
Magic and spell casting is another no no in the palace and it is thus warded..anyone unauthorized attempting such will find themselves unable..if they persist and attempt to break the wards concerning spells they will find themselves cast out and dumped in very unpleasent places, dungeons, septic tanks, sewers, toilets of doom, ten thousand feet over the desert or the ocean...don't expect to be tossed to high altitude if you have wings though, that's reserved for people who can't fly.
City Wards
Somewhat like palace wards but less comprehensive, thieves can thieve...they just better not get caught!! Telepathy can be used in the city unless the Blanket Ward is activated which halts telepathy and direct magic in the entire city for everyone, including Saeed and his people. This ward does not affect the palace proper and is used as a security measure when trouble arises. These wards also answer to master commands which allow Saeed and certain persons he permits to command the city wards to choose individuals or groups to eject from the city. These persons must be in sight of the ward master and anyone ejected lands in Shark's Head bay where they can cool off with the sharks. If they make it back to shore, they will be met by the King's guard, if not the King himself and their justice. This ward also protects against contagion in the city.
Likewise the skies are warded over the city and the palace to prevent anything from flying in. This was done after marsol.
Realm Wards
As a rule, guests and friends can portal to the palace gate to come and go during their stays or visits, otherwise regular travelers who aren't guests but come and go frequently can do so from the city gates. Outsiders entering the realm for the first time wind up on the edge of the realm at the fixed gate which anchors incoming gates at the outpost on the northwest shore of Shark's Head Bay. In this case, or if traveling by foot or mount; it's best to stick to the roads which are patrolled and have watering and supply stations for the desert of fire is a very inhospitable place if you don't know it.
Duel Scimitars: +32 each, wounding damage +1 turn per ace
Long Dagger: +12, +86 enhanced damage MA
Throwing Daggers: quiver of 5, +10
Palace Armoury: level 26, called weapon, up to +1 damage per success, double on crit
Dead Realms Armoury: level 32, called weapon, up to +1 damage per success, double on crit
Palace Armoury: level 26, called armour up +1 AC per success, double on crit
Dead Realms Armoury: level 26, called armour up to +1 AC per success, double on crit.
Vital Stats
Health Points: 1176
Spiritous Stone Strength: 480 vs. strength or spell
Regeneration: 61
Fortitude: 51
Stamina: 56
Strength: 21
Willpower: 35
Base Level: 33
Trait Level: 36
Combat Skills: 32
Desert Survival: 28
Torture: 40
Necromancy: 33
Specxtremancy: 31
Genomancy: 33
Sorcery: 36
Dead Realms Magic: 35
Physical Checks

Strength: 21

Stamina: 56

Movement: 16

Dexterity: 15

Reflextes: 18

Stealth: 22
Sensory Checks

Vision: 21

Hearing: 16

Olfactory: 17/0

Taste: 19/0

Touch: 14/12

Overall Alertness: 17/16
Mental Checks

Willpower: 35

Constitution: 30

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 26

Logic: 31

Charisma: 21/13/15

Courage: 16
Combat Skills
Wield Duel Swords
Battle Spear
Martial Combat
Shield Combat: use shield simultaneously with weapons
Shield Bash: damages, stuns -1 AR per ace.
Battle Tactics: +1 init combat
War Tactics: +1 init battle charge
Thrown Weapons: +2 HB
Backstab: +2 HB surprise attacks
Enraging Taunt: foes gain +2 HB, and +10 damage per hit, but cannot defend for +1 turn per ace (intelligence)
Battle Rage: gain +2 HB, and +10 damage per hit but unable to defend for +1 turn per ace (courage).
Leadership: +5 charisma on all leadership oriented rolls
Motivate: +1 courage and willpower to allies for +1 turn per ace.
Combat Riding: +2 HB mounted
Death Blow: +1 HB on death blows.
Special Skills
Legendary Master of Torture: 40
Battle Conditioning: 36, special and often cruel techniques used to condition men at arms to be battle ready, cold hearted, and tough; boosts Willpower, Courage, Fortitude, and Lowers touch, but causes emotional detachment and apathy towards others. All gains and losses at +1 per ace per stage of training.
Desert Survival Skills
Find Water
Desert Sense: sense flash floods, sand storms, etc.
Find and Make Shelter: know where to find shelters such as sand caves and oases, and how to make shelters out of what is available in the desert
Find Food: know how to find edible plants, salt, and game in the desert.
Rehydrate: knowledge of rehydrating the body when dehydrated.
Weather the Storm: knowledge of how to survive sandstorms, dust devils, extreme heat, and flash floods.
Direction Sense: knowing which direction is being traveled in the desert.
Common Skills
Book Making:
Historian: of the Desert of Fire and southern An Morendor
Court Politics:
Horseman: breeding, training, care, and riding
Creature Lore: knowledge of demons, devils, undead, living dead, dragons, and spirits
Horned Demon Traits
Immortal consitution: +20 stamina, +25 regeneration, +15 Fortitude, +1 each per trait level.
Improved Strength: +5
Immunities: disease, charms, cold
Resistance: abyss and shadow 85%
Grip of Possession: possess through prolonged contact, vs. willpower, possessing touch drains Willpower -1 per ace per turn. Forms can be gained if demon destroys the soul of the one possessed, or be controled by demon in this way.
Vocal Presence: dominate through voice, even enslave at high levels, vs. Willpower.
Telepathy: see below, includes mind reading vs. constitution.
Blood Siring: after death, bathe chosen in blood until skin is covered, blood infusion of 1 pint per generation.
Spiritous Stone: same thing as a phylactery, Lich Demon cannot be killed permanently until this gem stone is destroyed. Stone can be hidden anywhere near bone, flesh, or blood. The power of this stone resurrects the Horned Demon 1 d6 days after a cursory death. Strength of gemstone is 120, +10 per trait level. Acts as HP and vs. strength or spells.
Aura of Disease: radius of up to 4 feet, +1 foot per level as called when active, aggravated damage each turn aura is contacted, -1 AR per ace to anyone affected.
Clan Paths: Necromancy with Clan Signature Power of Pestilence, Spectremancy, Genomancy (horned Demon Special), Sorcery, Dead Realms Magic.
Generations 1-3 take all paths
Generations 4-5 take 4 paths
Generations 6-7 take 3 paths
Generations 8-9 take 2 paths
All other generations take 1 path.
Demon Weaknesses
Lacks Physical Strength: compared to most demons, subrace stats +5
Susceptible to Most Elements: but cold, abyss, and shadow.
No sense of smell or taste in demon form
Demon Form
Horned Demon Form: tall, 7-9 feet, skeletal covered with very tough ash-grey, black, dark brown, or reddish-brown colored skin, but no muscle, clawed fingers and large horns of varying kinds. Skeletal frame is humanoid in shape, and either armour or layered clothing and robes are worn.
Frightening Form Penalty: charisma drops -8 in presence of strangers and -6 with casual acquaintences
Horns: +18 damage
Claws: +8 damage
{1-3} Touching subject.
{4-6} Within 30 feet of subject.
{7-9} Within visual range of subject.
{10-12} Within same city/borough as subject.
{13-15} In same state/providence as subject.
{16-18} In same country as subject.
{19-21} In same world as subject.
{22-24} Able to contact various subjects at same time anywhere in the world.
{25-27} Able to contact subjects anywhere and at any distance.
{28-30} Able to create mind gates to see, hear, and influence subject through a telepathic connection.
{31-35} Telepathic Visionary - connect to someone met before telepathically and see them as well as hear them and their thoughts within their surroundings. See and hear those around them as well. Area of vision is +1 yard per success radius around target.
{36-40} Formulation of Commands - Formulate and Improvise telepathic effects and powers, and make telepathic items, wards, or artifacts.
Charismatic: +4 charisma
Smooth Talker
Loyal Retainers: king's guards, king's knights
Well Protected: by his guards and knights
Logical: balances his tendency to be cruel and cold hearted somewhat
Extremely Wealthy
Free Walker: was granted the freedom to live outside of Acheron
Dead Realms Haven: he has a haven he can retreat to in the Dead Realms
Constant Danger of Assassins
Burden of Responsibility
Unable to Trust
Marked by his Sire
Must answer to his sire Solbaid and to Sammael who he pledged himself to serve in Acheron
Clan Signature Power :: Pestilence
Arcane Contagion: infest an area with an arcane or necromantic disease or contagion as called. Affects those who resist and are immune to disease but can be resisted by MR.
Contagion: Contaminate an area with a normal contagion, microorganism, or contagion as called. can be resisted by those who resist or are immune to disease.
Disease Bolt: is a spastic disease which does aggravated damage and staggers -1 AR per ace.
Contagious Disease Bolt: like disease bolt but spreads to others who contact the one infected.
Call how contagion is spread: by contact, airborne, by water sources, etc.
Deadly contagions: if called, a crit is required, does progressive damage per day until cured or dead.
Damage for normal disease: can last up to +1 day per ace as called. Disease Bolt, if called,
Stamina 1 (1-3)
Corpse Visage - Called person takes on appearance of a corpse.
Cause Fatigue - Causes lapse of extreme fatigue, -1 Stamina per success.
Necromancer's Lock - Locks a chest, door, book with a dark lock which causes extreme pain and damage as long as unauthorized person attempts to open locked object and is within a 10 foot radius of protected item or door.
Necromancer's Skeleton key - A key that unlocks any door, drawer, chest, etc. that is enchanted by locking it with the key, to open only with the key. key will fit any standard lock. Forced entry causes degeneration and intense pain as long as infiltrator is within 10 foot radius of protected item or door.
Hide in Shadows - Person disappears into shadows, but may be seen if they make sudden movements.
Stench of Decay - Fill an area with damaging stench of death.
Hidden Door - Hide a door with a necromantic phantasm.
Deathly Silence - Fill an area with absolute silence.
Healing Aura - Heals minor wounds.
Stamina 2 (4-6)
Detect Undead - Detect vampires, zombies, wraiths, etc.
Stunning touch - Paralyzes 2 turns.
Chill touch - Chills to the bone and drains -1 HP, WP and Stamina per AR used to touch.
Shadow Form - Form shifts into shadow and cannot be seen where there are shadows.
Choke Hold - Unseen force grapple's target's throat and chokes them.
Shriek Of The Banshee - Several people who hear the Banshee's cry are unable to defend next turn.
Conceal Magic - Hides spell from detection.
Feign Death - Death looks real and one cannot tell they are living.
Summon Shadows - To conceal self or someone.
Healing Grave - Heals serious wounds.
Stamina 3 (7-9)
Invigorate - Returns Stamina and strength to someone who is weak or fatigued, +1 per success.
Spectral Hand - The hand can make ranged touch attacks at +2 bonus to hit.
Sadist's Touch - Touch causes agonizing pain.
Vaporous Form - Shift into a vaporous, mist form.
Vampiric touch - touch causes -3 life.
Death Armor - Body generates +9-AC, +1 per success skeletal armor.
Necromantic Seal - Seals Necromantic spell against Dispelling, Disenchantments, etc. requires correct spell of higher level mage +2 to break magic Seal.
Mark of Mage - Seals spell against detection and identification with necromancer's mark of power.
Phantasm - Realistic illusion.
Protection against Evil - Protects again dark magic and powers and warns of encroaching evil.
Speak to the Dead - speak to souls and spirits.
Stamina 4 (10-12)
Conjuration - A gate summoning spell of a called item.
Invoke Fear - Causes enemies to flee or miss in combat and others to retreat. Power and Willpower vs. Willpower.
Telekinetic Commands - Grapple, Push, Shove or throw someone telekinetically.
Contagion - Summon select disease to target
Enervation - Drain -2 levels until end of encounter.
Mask Of Death - Corpse takes on appearance of chosen individual.
Shatter Seal - Shatters mage's seal with higher power.
Shatter Mark - Shatters mage's mark. with higher power.
Delay Death - Delays death 1 minute per level or success. and 5 minutes per Ace rolled.
Deadly Vapors - drain life rapidly, 20% each turn, while caster and those selected are not affected.
Soul Beckoning - Summons spirits and souls.
Stamina 5 (13-15)
Enervation - Drain -2 levels until end of encounter.
Shatter Seal - Shatters mage's seal with higher power.
Shatter Mark - Shatters mage's mark with higher power.
Mortis Decomposer - Inflicts someone with fatal withering disease.
Skeletal Trauma - Causes victim’s bones to quake and pulse causing massive pain, damages with -1 strength, Stamina, and WP, -1 per success for 2 turns, 4 turns on a crit.
Death Recall - Recalls the death of someone just passed away and restores them with 2 HP.
Enchant weapons and items - With known magic, effects are permanent.
Dread Shock – Damages, stuns and inflicts target with shocking terror, -1 turn, -1 turn per ace.
Hold Undead - Holds vampires, zombies, wraiths etc. even in vapor or shadow form.
Dome of Silence - A barrier which allows no one outside of dome to hear what is being said by those the dome surrounds.
Necronomican Curtain - Those behind curtain cannot be seen, sensed or heard, as this power makes subjects selected cease to exist to those who are not veiled.
Deathly Majesty - Command and summon souls, spirits, wraiths, and the undead at level 13-15 +1 per ace.
Stamina 6 (16-18)
Animate Dead - Bring Corpses to life to command at level 16-18, +1 per ace.
Illusory Mantle - Creates an illusionary area.
Shadow commands - Allows magic user to command the shadows and shadow walk.
Gate commands - Allows for gate creation on the fly or creation of fixed Gates and warding commands over gates.
Black mantle - Cloaking spell which resists TRUE sight or powers that pierce cloaks.
Spectral Steed - Creates quasi-real black demon steeds for several people at level 16-18 with Shadow Horse stats (see bestiary).
Scrying Eye - Ability to spy on someone at a distance.
Shape Change – into called form, take stats from bestiary if a living form.
Haunt - Summon ghosts to haunt a target. Chill on touch for -1 strength and Stamina.
Necromantic Sphere of Force - An orbic shield which drains life from anyone who contacts shield or who attempts to infiltrate it. if someone attempts to infiltrate shield a second time, they are struck with a rapid decomposition infliction, which will decompose them to ash.
Mortus Infliction - Rapid degeneration which results in death if infliction completes.
Stamina 7 (19-21)
Cryptic Poison Spell - Antidote, ash of deadly nightshade, the cure itself unpleasant as it causes violent purging. Poison affects those who are immune to poisons, including immortals as poison is necromantic, 20% dmg every a day until Poison is cured by antidote. Caster can also specify antidote as they cast. Antidote can only be discovered by specific detection spells
Arrow Of Bone - Arrow can be fatal and causes extra damage against undead. 20% damage to mortals. 50% damage to undead.
Dead man’s Eyes - if someone meets necromancer's eyes using this, their gaze is deadly, draining the life from victim in moments to take the life into their soul to gain +1 level in necromancy. Succeeds on a crit, vs. save.
Deathly Joining - Dominate an undead creature to control it, Power vs. Willpower.
Control undead - Commands the will, mind and actions of an undead creature, Power vs. Willpower.
Diabolic Summoning - Powerful creature or demon summoning power that is increased by 3 levels, which allows for command of creature summoned.
Sepulcher’s Suffocation - Victim suffocates breathing in air which chokes with fatal, rotting stench
Master of Familiars - Turns target into a familiar for one day per level, or permanently if Will can overcome will of target.
Force Shape change - Victim Shape shifts into commanded form
Morbid Tomb - Victim is plunged into a sealed, ancient tomb which infects them with necromantic withering. Victim degenerates over period of three days until death results. Anyone entering tomb is trapped and inflicted with decomposition as well.
Stamina 8 (22-24)
Enchant Weapons - Using available power.
Viable Phantasms - Life like phantasms controlled by user.
Dead Realm's Horrid Wilting - Wilts all who are not selected for bypass within a 22-24 foot radius of caster, doing double damage to the living
TRUE Life Projection - Project up to 4 quasi-real projections of self at 50% power 1 Projection per Ace up to 4.
Flesh to Skeletal Armor - Powerful armor generates quickly at +8-AC, +1 per success. Takes one turn.
Heart Of Stone - Changes selected target's heart to a stone heart, true heart guarded within stone. Caster rendered great defensive abilities but hard to heal at -50% healing.
Forced Alliance Catalyst - Turns target to caster's side, Power vs. Willpower.
Protection against the Light - Protects against sunlight, holy powers, or forces being employed by angels or divine beings, +5% resistance per success.
Soul Capture - Captures soul in item or called area. if performed on a living creature a zombie is created.
Dead Realms Warding - Wards buildings and areas. Area warded protected against magic, impact, infiltration and anti-warding powers.
Morbid Paralysis - Paralyzes and shrivels body to deathlike appearance.
Splintering Bones - Splinters victim's bones, causing great damage, and excruciating pain.
Dark Reincarnation - Reincarnates the dead into a new life as called. Two traits of corruption must be called into person being reincarnated. Example: (Greed and Obsession) (Sloth and Insanity) (Depression and Theft)
Resurrection - Knowledge of Soul Beckoning and Capture, Corporeal Restoration restores body. Soul Command, Union of Flesh and Soul, Vital Flame and Raise and Awake the dead to resurrect a person.
Stamina 9 (25-27)
Wilting Presence - Shadow cast on Targets Wilts them with degenerative life drain -2 levels per ace, -1 per success, and damage.
Hold of Subservience - Brings target to their knees with head bowed in complete submission.
Dead Realms Warding Factor - Increases power of Dead Realms wards with 150% MR.
Life Siphon - Drain Life, Soul, and Essence. Drains -1 level, -1 strength, and -1 Stamina from target, -1 each per ace rolled.
Necromantic Ward - Places a deathly shield around and beneath a building or area, which inflicts anyone trying to enter area, who is not permitted safe entry, with violent nausea. if person tries to enter warded area again, they are struck with a deadly force which decomposes them very rapidly, until nothing but ash remains.
Artifact Zombie Ward - Places a necromantic ward around and beneath a building or area, which inflicts anyone trying to infiltrate area with a deadly force, which snatches their soul and will from them to transform intruder into a Zombie Minion at present level, who will obey the Necromancer who placed the wards implicitly. The wards entrap the soul in its barrier, but the person's will is devoured by the ward's powers, increasing its strength by +1. Only those selected to be bypassed can enter the warded area safely.
Dark Warding - Necromantic Selection for warding havens, areas, items and buildings.
Stamina 10 (28-30)
Active Negative Force Commands - Allows magic user to command and manipulate negative energies at will.
Prison of Obsidian - Encases target, or their soul (on death) in obsidian. They are preserved if captured alive.
Spell Reversal - Can alter alignment of spells or reverse them back on caster.
Thief of Life – Drains Blood, Strength, Health, Stamina, Levels, and Willpower. Does great deal of damage. Increases mages power by levels taken until spent.
Dead Realms Walk - Ability to walk to any death dimension, plane, world, underworld, hell, or other realm of the dead. Soul must be marked for passage to enter any underworld's forbidden corridors.
Crack of Doom Spell - Snuffs out the life force of several creatures, +1 target, +1 per ace as called.
Immutable Death Crush - Spirit hand grapples vital area to crush windpipe, heart, brain. Will pass through magic/energy fields.
Dark Creation - Powers of Necromantic and Dark Temple Spells; Commands; Factors; Improvised Casting (failure with failed chaos roll of 1 d6 roll of 1 fails); Recreation and Creation of Monsters, Flesh Crafting; Artifacts; and items Creation.
Stamina 11 (31-35)
Arch Necromancer - Create death spells, curses, artifacts, magic items, improvise dark magic, create wards, monsters and creatures.
Stamina 12 (36-40)
God of the Dark Temple - Ascension into Lich, Demon, Devil, Vampiric Deity, and Angelican vampire only. Holistic creation and command of the Dark Temple's powers. Any Life and Death command can be invoked. Improved Ward Creation, Stable Weaves and unbreakable seals to any not exceeding their power with the knowledge of disabling powers selectively. Failure with more 1s than successes.
Resurrect Army - Does what it says. Massive aural wave blasts over an army like a gust of shadowy wind and restores corpses, then the bodies begin to glow as their souls plunge back into their bodies and vital flames are sparked, and with command, Raise the Fallen, the dead rise fully resurrected with 100 HP each. Caster is KOed for a day and requires a week of recuperation.
Necromantic Corruption
Any alignment can take necromancy, but if used for evil; this power will corrupt its wielder
and shift their alignment. Typically; those of chaotic or evil alignments learn this path.
Those who become supreme masters of Necromancy, become so infused with the powers of the dead
realms that they ascend into a dark being (see level 12, God of the Dark Temple). Good aligned
must at least become chaotic if this occurs.
Stamina 1
1- Soothe Spirit: Calm or placate the spirit of the living or the dead.
2- Spirit Sight: Ability to see spirits and identify what kind they are.
3- Commune with Spirits: talk to spirits and understand what they are saying.
Stamina 2
4- Spirit Empathy: Sense what spirits and living creatures are feeling.
5- Spirit Summoning: Summon a called spirit type, up to 1, +1 per ace. Level of spirit is equal to level used to summon them.
6- Spirit Command: Command summoned spirits, vs. level of spirit.
Stamina 3
7- Capture Spirit: Capture and hold spirits of the recently dead.
8- Spectral Entrapment: Trap a spirit to hold it indefinitely in a mineral or metal object.
9- Intransience – Makes a called spirit affect permanent or summons a spirit to stay until it is destroyed.
Stamina 4
10- Spectral Ascension: Raise spirits (such as wraiths) out of the spectral plane to destroy them or to free them of earthly entrapment as called.
11- Healing Spirit: Heal wounds by +5 per success, and +10 per ace.
12- Spectral Vision: See spirits, identify them, even of the living, and recognize their disposition and alignment by the auras they radiate.
Stamina 5
13- Union of Spirits: Transfer a spirit aspect to self, an item, or someone else. An aspect is any one ability or power that a spirit has, whether alive or dead. Refer to elements or bestiary for called ability or power.
14- Spirit Binding: bind a disembodied spirit or projected forms with its body or prime spirit form. Power vs. level of target.
15- Spectral Companion: Summon a spectral animal from the spectral plane for up to 1 hour, +1 hour per ace, per day (all at once or divided over the day). When killed or fatally wounded; the animal returns to the spectral realm for five days before it can be summoned again. Animal has enhanced strength, thus damage over that of normal animals of +5 per ace, and fortitude of level +1 per ace, and check bonuses of +1 per ace. Only one spectral animal can be called at the same time. Level of companion is Level of Power Used +1 per ace. Refer to Bestiary for animal type and add bonuses.
Stamina 6
16- Sentient Weapon: Create a sentient weapon by binding a spirit with the weapon. Weapons become part of the spectral plane’s ether and can phase through armor if power is greater than strength of armor. Weapon can be made permanent and can be summoned by its wielder at will from the spectral plane. Weapon has +1 HB, danger sense = level of weapon, resists breaking by 10%, +10 per ace, and has up to 3 powers of creature or elemental spirit type bound with the weapon. Weapon has WP and intelligence (use random NPC roll by level) and can influence wielder. Evil weapons can potentially overpower the will of its wielder and control them.
17- Elemental Spirit Summoning: Summon an elemental spirit type at level equal to level used to summon it. (see elemental spell book for powers of spirit). each spirit can have up to 3 powers up to level of spirit.
18- Command Elemental Spirits: Command summoned Elemental spirits
Stamina 7
19- Planar Beckoning: Summon a creature or spirit from the spectral, dead, or an elemental plane. Highest level creature that can be summoned is +1 per success, +5 per ace. Target appears in a protective cell which can be dispelled on command.
20- Resurrection: Resurrect the dead by healing and restoring the body, and summoning the spirit to fuse it with the body.
21- Projection: Create a projection by reflecting the spirit of target with all aspects of its embodiment to a chosen location. Spectremancer or target must be familiar with destination. Up to 1 projection, +1 per ace. Projections are quasi-ethereal and are simply dispelled if killed. They have the same abilities as the primary form. HP of each projection is Level Used X 10.
Stamina 8
22- Netherworld Summoning: Create a cell of protection and summon by name an ancient denizen of knowledge from the underworld, an otherworld, the Spectral Realm, or an elemental plane to ask it any one question which the power of the spell obliges it to answer. if creature’s power is greater than the power used to summon it and keep it within the protective cell it might escape into the world it is summoned into and wreak havoc, or even kill its summoner. if it escapes there is a 60% chance that it will attack the Spectremancer who summoned it. Level of creature is +1 per success, +5 per ace. Check Bonuses: Strength +8, WP +10, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +10, and Ethics -8 each. if the creature refuses (5% chance) to answer the question it is destroyed by powers unleashed by the cell of protection. if this happens, an associate of the destroyed creature might hunt the Spectremancer down and attempt to destroy them.
23- Spirit Form: Take any chosen spirit form at present level temporarily. See Bestiary for stats of spirit type.
24- Banishment: Banish a spirit to the dead realm, an elemental plane, or the spectral realm. Banishment lasts up to ten years per success. if Banishment is used against a living being, their physical form is also transferred and they become a creature of the realm they are banished to. Banishment can be ended by summoning the one banished using Planar Beckoning.
Stamina 9
25- Planar Form: Spectremancer gains a temporary Planar form that they can take for up to six hours a day, and can walk the planes while in this form. if fatally wounded or killed in Planar Form they sink into the Spectral Realm for five days and there remain before they can return to the upper world, where they emerge in their home or a pre-selected location. Location of return must be selected when this form is gained or altered by reapplying this power. if killed in this form more than three times they become a Planar Creature permanently and can only survive in the upper worlds for six hours a day before they must return to the Spectral Realm. Planar Form has Strength, thus damage over that of normal people of +5 per ace, fortitude of level +1 per ace, and check bonuses of +1 per ace.
26- Oblivion: Snuffs a soul by plunging them into the core of the Great Abyss. Save vs. Spell alone can counteract this power on a success. Can only be used on spirits of the dead.
27- Holistic Obliteration: Destroys a spirit. This power is deadly if used on a living being and can result in the creation of a zombie if the target’s will to live was strong (WP of 18+). Creatures whose souls have been obliterated cannot be resurrected and the only way to recover their souls is through time commands. Save vs. Spell alone can counteract this power on a success
Stamina 10
28- Knight Specter: Create Planar Knight Specters out of the Spectral Realm that will serve a called person loyally. if killed or fatally wounded these Planar companions will return to the Spectral Realm for a period of ten days before they can be summoned again. Appearance can resemble any race of people as called. Knight has enhanced strength, thus damage over that of normal people of +5 per ace, and fortitude of level +1 per ace, and check bonuses of +1 per ace. Level of companion is up to +1 per success, +5 per ace. Refer to Bestiary for people types and add bonuses. These knights can be summoned at any time and can survive for up to 6 hours a day outside of the Spectral Realm before they must return there. Up to ten of these knights can be summoned at the same time, but each knight must be created separately. These knights have all knight abilities at their created level, can planes walk, and have phasing ability. (note: spectral creatures can only truly be killed if they are killed in the spectral realm)
29- Dispossession: Dispossess a subject of a demonic or spirit possession and restore them to full health.
30- Protection
Stamina 11
31- Spirit Enchantment: Enchant a called object or person with a mastered power as called.
32- Spirit Fork: Apply any spirit power to effect compound targets of up to 1, +1 per ace.
33- Living Dead Creation: Raise skeletons or corpses by calling a spirit into them. Level is up to +1 per success. See Living Dead in Bestiary.
34- Planar Fortress: Create a fortress in a chosen spectral plane.
35- Spirit Warding: Build wards using spirit powers.
Stamina 12
36- Spirit Ascension: Ascend into a powerful Planar, Wraith, Living Dead, Elemental Creature, or other spirit type before attaining further levels. This creature can pass between the planes and reside in them without penalties.
37- Holistic Projections: Create projections with undivided power and HP of Level x 20.
38- Arch Spirit Master: Formulate commands as called. Create artifacts, magic items, wards, etc. with spirit powers.
39- Spirit Army: Summon an army of spirits.
40- Deific Incarnation: +4 MA in Spectremancy.
Spirit Types
Spirit Types include; Ghosts, Specters, Poltergeists, Phantoms, Wraiths,
Elemental Spirits, Apparitions, Planar Creatures, and Spirit Aspects
About Feats which Improve: a resistance of +10% is acquired by the subject when feats which improve checks or skills are used. If one of these feats is used too many times on one subject, they become ineffective to that subject.
Prometheus: create the body of a creature as called, size of creature is limited to a space of up to +1 square foot per success, +1 square yard per success on a crit. If space does not meet requirements of called creature, this feat fails.
Spiritus Facio: grants a Prometheus life, start with free check points, +1 per ace bonus to split as called, base HP by strength and stamina, +1 per ace level to start.
Proviscus: alter the physical state of something as called, but not the entire genus. A bi-species can be crafted by combining selected physical and mental aspects of two species. Lasts until former shape is willed back into existance. Can also be used to refine, disfigure, or age appearances. Verses willpower when used on others.
Corpus Amplio: improve called physical checks by +1 per ace. Lasts until checks are lost. Health can also be improved.
Mentis Amplio: improve called mental checks by +1 per ace. Lasts until checks are lost.
Sensus Amplio: improve called sensory checks by +1 per ace. Lasts until checks are lost.
Sensa Indoles: grant a called skill or talent to a Prometheus at level one, +1 level or +1 skill per ace, or improve a skill by +1 level per ace. Permanent when used for Prometheus, lasts until skill has been used for one day to others.
Abominamentum: a multi-species creature can be crafted by combining selected physical and mental aspects of up to +1 species per ace to create an Abominate Prometheus.
Immortalis Vertis: grant +1 regeneration or fortitude per ace as called. Permanent for Prometheus, lasts until used for all others.
Magus Imperium: bestow one power at +1 level per ace to a Prometheus, or for one turn to another.
Altus Factum: bestow a Prometheus with a great feat at level +1 per ace, or for one turn to another.
Fortuna Novo: alter, reverse, or control the condition of a target to heal, remove curse, neutralize poisons, cure disease, stabilize the mind (+1 constitution and logic per ace), to strengthen (restores +1 strength per success, extra points lost when used), or invigorate (restores +1 stamina per success, extra stamina points lost when used). 1 condition altered per success. Not subject to Genomancy resistance penalties.
Stamina 1 (1-3)
Arcane Seal - Seals a Spell within an item or subject and protects against dispels, shatters, dissolves, disenchantments, disjoining, and detection, total MA roll = protection.
Whispering Wind - message to one person, very quiet.
Suspension - Lift someone gentle or catch someone or something falling to let them or it down softly.
Fire Burst - Normal fire bursts out causing a bit of damage to all in range.
Trip - An invisible force trips someone in motion.
Ethereal Light - Lights the way in dark places with a pale, azure blue light.
Kaleidoscope Vision - Make someone see ten of everything.
Chameleon Cloak - Blends a person into their environment.
Stamina 2 (4-6)
Mental Commands - Spells can be cast w/o speaking.
Visual Sentry - All round vision.
Jinx - Causes someone to drop a weapon, fall down, or other minor called effects.
Air Hike - Jump 15 feet in the air and remained suspended for 1 turn.
Quicken Blade - One thrust becomes three rapid thrust, One swipe three, etc.
Hasten - Hasten another person or an object by +1 movement per success.
Conjure Item - Any small item, like a weapon, bottle of wine, etc. A minor gate summoning power.
Displacement - Target vanishes from one place and appears in another in immediate area as called.
Stamina 3 (7-9)
Arcane Mark - Marks a spell with Magic user's signature to protect against detection and identification.
Arcane Lock - Locks a door, gate or window to prevent entry.
Arcane Proofing - Protects a spell, magic item, or select object against specified effects or threats. Roll for each Proof cast. Success Roll = Power of Proofing +MA level of caster.
Arcane Quickening - Spells cast faster.
Boomerang Effect - A dagger or sword when thrown hoops rapidly, able to hit a target multiple times, and comes back to wielder, +1 hit, +1 hit per ace, +1 HB per ace.
Guardian Gate - Weaves any gate power with a contingency to seize a person in a gate under called circumstances. User must have pre-existing gate power.
Disenchant – removes enchantments with a higher roll.
Stamina 4 (10-12)
Soul Net - Captures Soul of the newly dead.
Holding Force - Arrests movement and ALL action.
Channeling Fork - Forks power to hit various called targets.
Resilient Sphere of Arrest - Encase creature/object in a resilient sphere of energy which resists physical and arcane infiltration.
Negation - Negates various powers as called.
Id Cloak - Protects against race, power, alignment, and presence being identified, and guards again sight, mental probe, visionary, divination and aural sight powers.
Shatter Spell – with a higher roll.
Stamina 5 (13-15)
Ultimate Stony Grasp - very powerful and hard to break grasp.
Bypass Wall - Walk through walls
Wall of Force - Invincible wall of force, often used in warding rooms and buildings.
Proofing Factor - Proofs against various effects as called.
Arcane Factor – factor a spell with one called contingency which results when spell is cast.
Enduring sleep - Places target in deep, lasting sleep.
Seizure Gate - Seize someone in an arcane gate and transfer them to called destination.
Binding Honor - An agreement is bound with a called contingency which takes effect if agreement is broken. The contingency cannot be dismantled once one has agreed to terms. One has to agree to binding honor for agreement to count. Beware loopholes.
Binding Contract - A written contract when signed is bound by its signature, and if terms are broken, punishment as called on contract occurs. Proofed against all manners of dispels, disenchantments, shatters, reversals, negations and anti-magic.
Shield of Negation – Any powers that hit shield are lowered by power of shield. Up to 5’ radius per success.
Stamina 6 (16-18)
Arcane Immunity - Saving throw bonus per success against spells.
Control Weather - Controls natural conditions of weather without extremes.
Transmute Rock To Mud - Happens very rapidly.
Fabricate - Create normal items.
Shatter - Shatters an object.
Shadow Walk - Folds dimensional layers as mage walks through the demi plane of Shadows.
Flame Armor - Armor which ignites an enemy in flames each time enemy hits or makes contact. Invisible until contact.
Ring of Rune Stones - Rune Stones appear to circle area party is in, absorbing all magic and energies cast on party. Can not be dispelled by hostile parties.
Anti-Factor - Protects a power or target against called power or effects. Must be used prior to any engagements.
Stamina 7 (19-21)
Disintegrate - Disintegrates an object or element.
Sequester - Banishes Target through a dimensional gate from a select place to their residence or a called location and prevents their re-entry within a radius of up to 5 miles per success.
Mantle of Invisibility - Renders target invisible and utterly undetectable.
Deadly Shocking Grasp - if held for longer that 10 seconds, is deadly, power vs. strength.
Secret Door - A secret door can only be seen, and opens only for caster unless others are selected to enter with him.
Reverse Gravity - Gravitational pull on a select thing is reversed to make it float.
Polar Inertia - Reverses the inertia of something in motion to send it whip lashing back.
Telekinetic Sphere - A resilient sphere that can be moved with mind.
Limited Wish - Allows a minor wish. A type of conjuration.
Plant Lore - Make plants grow quickly and move.
Permanence Factor - Makes a power permanent, seals and marks a power.
Soak Power – target soaks power equal to power of spell next turn taking less or no damage, while effects are negated to damage only.
Arcane Prodigy – wizard or sorcerer has innate arcane powers with limited path and can seal, mark, proof, factor, modify, fork, layer, quicken spells, use compound targeting, cast silently, and make spells permanent.
Stamina 8 (22-24)
Orb of Arrest - Arrests target in an Orb of holding energy.
Vampires Blood Bane - Spell does 5 dmg per success, each round until 1 LP remains. Spell can be cast 3 times of day. This spell burns a vampires blood, then their bodies from within to without, and hinders regeneration.
Arcane Tendrils Orb - Orb floats around a called area at guard and attacks enemies within a 50 yard radius as long as targets are in range. One or rarely three of the six rays conjured by this orb hits a target, each with a different power: 1 d6, 1-4=1 tendril, 5=2 tendrils, 6=3 tendrils, 1 d6 for each attack effect.
1-Stun: damages, stuns -1 turn, -1 AR per ace, keeps attacking while target is stunned
2-Solidify: damages, -1 movement per success, 0 movement on crit, -1 stamina per success, effects last 1 turn, +1 turn per ace.
3-Health Siphon: damages and drains -1 strength per success.
4-Fatigue: -1 stamina, reflexes and dexterity per success.
5-Attack Stream: stream of energy grips target and damages until hold is broken, lasts 1 turn, +1 AR per success or until stream is broken by getting out of range.
6-Jolting Shockwave: damages and throws targets 3 d6 feet with 2% chance per success of targets dropping anything in their hands, blow also staggers -1 AR per success.
Called Powers: Mage can also designate powers of the tendrils with existing spells with stats below.
Orb Stats: Movement: 23, Reflexes and Dexterity: 16+1 per ace.
Level: 8, +1 per success, or level 1-24
Vital Energy (acts as HP): 640.
Orb cannot be dispelled, disjoined, or shattered. Its energy must be scattered by attacking it with normal weapons until vital energy is at 0 and orb is destroyed.
Trap of Souls - Traps the soul within a photonic sphere. if touched the soul would suffer damage, and if the soul should lapse through the sphere, it would destroy it.
Quantum Leap - Leap through time and dimensions.
Arcane Dead Zone - Creates a dead magic zone up to 100 yard radius, +100 yards per success. No magic can penetrate or be used inside of zone.
Stamina 9 (25-27)
Magic Gate - Opens Gate in any solid object and past wards with higher roll.
Arcane Sphere - Protective Sphere of Magic woven with 9 various effects, each with a kick if sphere is touched. each time sphere is contacted, an additional power woven into the globe strikes them, so that number of effects equals times touched. each power must be dismantled in order it was woven with correct dismantling spells.
Succor - A protective contingency placed on another to protect them against certain circumstances.
Imprisonment - Traps victim within a select room or space with warded powers preventing their escape.
Elemental Aura - Protects from attacks of a called element and allows the casting of all spells levels 1-9 in that element.
Wish - Allows one wish on success. A form of conjuration. Must be something within the realm of possibility. Wish must be material.
Compound Targeting – combine with other spells to affect up to 1 target per success.
Stamina 10 (28-30)
Curse of Death - 10% dmg every RP day curse remains. Allows for no healing. Curse can only be dispelled by caster. Curse of death is a contingency spell, contingency terms named by caster. The only way the spell can be removed is for the contingency to be met.
Estate Transference - Move keep to an elemental plane.
Sphere Of Ultimate Destruction - Create a temporary Sphere of Annihilation. Lasts +1 turn, +1 turn per ace, and soaks the matter of everything it contacts to damage and disintegrate on a crit. Mage controls movement of sphere.
Sphere of Arrest - Arrests target and will reverse attacks on anyone attacking the sphere for double damage.
Stamina 11 (31-35)
Arcane Mastery - Create spells, artifacts, arcane items, powers, wards and commands, animate inanimate objects to create non-living creatures with select capabilities.
Improved Mastery – Cast any spell at these levels as they are gained.
Stamina 12 (36-40)
Improved Power
Stamina 1
Drain Life: -1 level per crit + damage
Ethereal Cloak: A cloak that conceals physical and metaphysical presence from senses and perception
Dead Realms Gate: A gateway which leads to and from the dead realms which non-dead realms creatures can pass through.
Stamina 2
Venomous Dart: does aggravated damage
Breath of Decay: causes degeneration, range of up to 1 foot per level.
Reek of Death: blurs vision as eyes water, staggers -1 AR, -1 AR per ace, causes vomiting and dizziness as well on a crit with damage. Radius of up to 1 foot per level.
Stamina 3
Breath of Vigor: +1 stamina per success.
Dead Realms Walker: Can travel great distances in short time through the dead realms.
Dark Banishment: Plunge target into the Dead Realms. If they are killed there, they become a living dead creature.
Stamina 4
Stunning Bolt: -1, -1 AR per ace. + damage
Union of Souls: Ability to create other Living Dead by drinking the soul from a living creature until dead and breathing a breath of that spirit into a victim or chosen progeny.
Deathly Concealment: hide all aspects of death and make a corpse or undead being appear as it did when alive. Lasts up to 1 hour per success.
Stamina 5
Bone Arrow: drains -1 stamina, -2 stamina per ace, damages
Dead Realms Sword: sword of necromantic power is summoned which fights on invoker or called target’s side that is wielded by a spirit hand. 1 Level per success. +35 damage, -1 stamina per hit
Dead Realms Familiar: A dead realms corpse animal that can be summoned as a mount, spy or fighting companion depending on what kind of animal it is. They have a corpse-like appearance. Familiar has three Dead Realms Magic attacks. Level of familiar is +1 per success. If killed outside the dead realm these animals sink into the dead realm where they recover and can be summoned again within 5 days. Like Planar creatures, dead realms creatures can only be killed permanently within the dead realm.
Stamina 6
Necronomican Riposte: does +1 damage per level, and -1 stamina when blocking
Dead Realms Lair: A lair of the invoker’s creation which is constructed out of the Dead Realms ether of reality. This lair can be warded with available powers.
Armor of Behemoth: Leathery, slate grey armor fuses with body. Strength increases by +10 while armor is worn. AC: +25, +1 per success.
Stamina 7
Deepening Wounds: aggravates wounds to do added damage for +1 turn, +1 turn per ace
Wings of Raziel: Black feathered wings which allow the Living Dead to fly swiftly and to do so while carrying as much weight as they are able to hold in their arms. They are morphing wings and manifest very rapidly. They can always find their way, even in strange lands while winged as these wings pass on an infinitesimal taste of the angel Raziel's knowledge to them, the knowledge of places. This knowledge but not the journey is forgotten by subject as soon as they morph out of their wings.
Summon the Living Dead: Summons up to 1, +1 living dead per ace. Level is +1 per success. All have limited Dead Realms magic.
Stamina 8
Mortus Trail: Trail of deadly vapors follows and surrounds creature 1 turn per success. Rear attackers are hit, aggravated damage, 1 turn per ace. Radius of 2 feet per stamina level spent.
Dead Realms Warding: Use dead realms magic to ward areas and items.
Dark Enchantment: Enchant select items with dead realms magic to create magic items and artifacts.
Stamina 9
Leviathon's Prowess: Fortitude equal to power of roll. Lasts 1 turn, +1 turn per ace.
Terrifying Presence: Clears a path quickly or disarms enemies of their nerve. Those is the path of this dread either flee in terror or are paralyzed with fear. Power vs. Willpower. -1 AR, -1 AR per ace, -1 courage and WP per success.
Finite Strength: improves strength by +1 per success, lasts until another spell is cast.
Stamina 10
Deadly Quarter: turns victim into a living dead skeleton warrior or fighter on a death crit.
Lord of the Dead Realm: Attainment of a kingdom that spans 100 miles in the dead realm with a great fortress that takes shape as the Lord of the Living Dead formulates it. Creatures will flock to serve this lord who rules over all within their territory.
Horn of Legions: A horn that can be summoned that when blown summons other Living Dead from the dead realm. Up to 1 Living Dead ally per success.
Stamina 11
Create Monsters: engineer a dead realms monster as called that can command limited dead realms path, or up to 12 spells from other learned paths as selected. Level of up to +1 per success. Even if a monster has only 1 spell, they can cast that spell at the level they were created. Roll twice for levels, once for combat level, and once for arcane level.
Living Dead Cabalist: Cast any spell from these spell books at current or lower level; Necromancy, Sorcery, Shadow Path, Fire Elements, Spirit, or Abysmal; at +5 additional cost in stamina and at risk of full backlash damage if spell fails. If any of these paths is already learned, cast at half stamina cost.
Deadly Aura: all successful attacks do critical damage for next turn, +1 turn per ace. Does not include death blows.
Aura of Immunity: raise an aura of immunity against magic, elements, a single condition, or a single damage type (blunt damage, slashing damage, or piercing damage). Lasts until another spell is cast.
Arch Living Dead: travel at will between the planes with no penalty to remain outside of the dead realm as long as desired until damage or death sends Living Dead back to reconstitute.
Stamina 12
36-40 - Improved Power - Use any dead realms power at these levels as gained.
41 - Dead Realms Horned Demon - Living Dead ascends into a Dead Realm's Horned Demon and gets +4 paths (necromancy, sorcery, shadow, spirit, fire, acid, or abyss), and +4 levels in Dead Realms Magic.