- a, an: lah, laa
- advent; enter: kihli
- adventure: kiiam, krus
- adventureous: (m) kiimel, chruso, koruso, kilaen, (f) kirel, kimsokruso
- advocate: meanus (mA-nUs)
- affect: aamhean
- affection: aamhain
- affectionate: (m) emayya (eh-mI-yah) (f) maaya (mI-ah)
- afterlife, kingdom of the dead: aszerun
- agile; nimble: hirun
- ally: zjihai
- alliance: zjihaad
- am: raa
- amaze, surprise, astound: ymemut (im-meh-mUt)
- amazement: ymemutaay (im-meh-mU-tI)
- amazing, astounding: muhtumi
- ambitious: meqqa, mekka
- ambitious, one who shall prove: mekken, mekhediz
- ample, enough, great: tsuvad
- ancient: shaa-, shaadir
- ancient, people of the desert: Shaamea (shah-mA)
- archer: erkaadea (ehr-kahd-dA)
- and, also, plus: zer
- are: raal
- area: imsea
- argue, quarrel, make a fuss: fesri
- arm (n): akead (ah-kAd)
- arm (v): sarqaf (sahr-kahf)
- arm, oneself: sekafqu (seh-kahf-kU)
- arms (n): sarqiz (sahr-kEz)
- armor: sekaf
- armored: sekafi
- arrive, emerge, advent: evdek
- as: naa
- as you wish, if you like: naajaatim
- assassin: uyemed (U-yeh-med)
- astound; shock; surprise: aamenefaust (ah-men-eh-fowst), nenhm (nen-hahm)
- astute: icaam (E-kahm)
- at, by: yem
- attack: baqdu
- attacked: baqdi
- austere, stern, dour: kudirea, umbaadh
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- bad, expression of distaste: anaak
- bad omen, evil presence: ymbru (im-brU)
- bad person: sunzaeg (sUn-zAg)
- bait, lure: gyguin (gi-gyU-En)
- bashful; timid; shy: senwaa
- beach: inaam
- beast; animal: dngis (dAn-gis)
- beautiful; lovely; exquisite: bofiel, tulaamea, tula, tulaay
- beetle: ulel (U-lehl)
- bend: bolaan
- between; middle; medium: tanio, prossi
- bird (non-specific) aaril (ah-rEl)
- bitter: haem (hA-em)
- black: maaldis (mahl-dEs), phediz
- black handed: necrephediz (one who shuns the light)
- blood: nunlii (nUn-lI)
- blood lich: nunphadiz
- bloody: nunliior
- bliss: kolmaari
- blue: laess (lA-ess)
- blue, dark: arklaess (ar-klA-es)
- blue, light: isslaess
- blue eyed: (m) arlaess (ar-lA-es), (f) ellaess (el-lA-es)
- bold; intrepid: mal, mal-, -mal-
- bold of heart: malqolm
- born: dijaal (dE-jahl)
- bow, bend (v): keadir (kA-dEr)
- bow and arrow: irkaad
- bough, limb: azraad
- brave, courageous: raafee, dumindh (dU-mEn-dah)
- brilliant, bright: suclear (sU-clAr)
- brown: sen (sen)
- brown, dark: sennaadiz (seh-nah-dEz)
- brown, light: sensekii (sen-seh-kI)
- brown eyed: senneq (sehn-nek) senneqai (sen-neh-kI)
- burn: yfratshu
- burst, detonate: tsuru
- butterfly: alundhu (ah-lUn-duh)
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- cactus: mesqelo (mes-kel-O)
- cacti, cactus forest: mesqelaed (mes-kel-A-ed)
- cactus flesh: mesq
- cactus spine: mesqi
- can: civ
- cannot: ptociv
- canyon; gorge: hahzaan, haazaan
- castle: maatreeu (maht-trA-yU), maa-, -maat-
- cat: aanbiv
- came: valdik
- capture, catch: aagul
- cause; reason: proks
- causation: praaks, praks
- cave: ueles (U-el-es)
- cavern: uhlkar
- chaos: saru
- chaos, advocate of: sarumaen
- chaos, high priest of: sarqraediz (sar-krA-dEz) or sarkradeiz
- chaos, plane of: sargaal
- chaotic: ptaalo, sarku, proksaru
- change: govaz
- charm: dumaas (dU-mahs)
- charming: dumaaso
- chaste: piru (pEr-rU)
- child: ghi
- chronical; journal: abechai (ab-eh-kI)
- citadel; walled in city: eusutek (yU-sU-tek)
- city: sudaam (sU-dahm) -aam, su-, -su, -su-
- claw: yori
- clawed: yorek
- cloak, mantle: parcala
- coach: uyanahm
- cold: balfaa
- cold hearted; ruthless: haemuhs
- cool; composed; self-possessed: aamon (ah-mOn)
- come: valdi
- come quietly: valdim
- complete; whole: ynscen, musthasta, sektath
- completion; end; achievment : ynscenda, ynscendio
- conclude: ynscepta
- conquer: ghazah
- conqueror: ghaaji
- conquerors: ghaazi
- corrupt: daazmuk
- corrupted, abomination: mukzaa (mUk-zah)
- cover (n): ylif
- cover (v): helif
- crazy; loco; insane: mustaanya
- create; invent; make: pakteau, aqirsi
- creator; inventor; maker: aqirea, aqaediz, arqaediz
- credible; believable: advereas (ad-ver-As)
- creek: ptaz
- crippled: evaaru
- cross; traverse: essai
- crossed; traversed: essaihi
- crow: qaarekii (kaa-reh-kii)
- cut, slice, shave: striead
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- dangerous: kolmari, qolm
- dangerous man: qolmen
- dangerous woman: kolmaayu
- dark: maaktur, diz, -dul, dul-, -dul-
- dark land; forbidding place: arqaria (ar-cAr-E-uh), arqediz (ar-kA-dEz)
- dark man: abdul
- darkness, shadow: maakturi, phediz, haediz, dul
- dead: onae, bahmuje (bah-mU-jA)
- deadly: raafel, ishmae
- death: treaonae
- decay: ipaata, daath
- deer: dingir
- demon: saalel
- dependable: raaj
- dependable (name): (m) rahjaa, rahji, rahaad (f) shaajwi, elraashaa
- desert: sormea
- desert, of dreams; mirage: sorbelea, ptosormea
- desert, of fire: yfrimmea, duthmorgu
- desire, want, crave: maieshi
- desirable: maiesho
- determine: elechii
- determined: ichiiaa
- determined, one who is: (m) arelechii, ardechii, (f) elesaanii
- devil: museten
- devout: uereq (yur-ek), aaryk (ah-rik)
- disease: aaruk (ah-rUk)
- diseased: arukaalh (ah-rU-kah-lah)
- djinn: dughaji
- difficult: hatif
- dirt, earth: marz, orpo
- dirty: ycmaa (ik-maa)
- discomfort, uncomfortable: yapargi
- dog, domestic: maaktu
- dog, wild: tsuktu (tsUk-tU), maal
- dominant: metis (meh-tEs)
- dominate: dumaani (dU-mah-nE)
- dragon: nadraajh (na-drah-jaa)
- dragon, son of the: raadu
- dragon, daughter of the: saraadu
- dream: ptobeluh, bel-
- dreamer: ptobeluhm (tO-beh-lum) ptobiiaas
- dress (n): khemshi
- dress (v): khemor
- dune: saain (saa-En)
- dwarf: diikerri (dI-kehr-rE)
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- eagle: qaazil (kah-zEl)
- earth: marz
- earth elements: lomarz
- earth, the: kuhl
- effect; result; outcome: szezuz (sA-zUz)
- elaborate; intricate, complex: menkhatu
- elephant, desert mammoth: mumaak
- elephant, sand: musumaa
- element: lomiz, -miz, lo-
- elf; elven: aarelu
- enchant: zjimaaj
- enchanted: zjimaaji
- enemy: viiear (vI-Ar)
- enmity; hatred: imzaada
- equal; match: saamean (sah-mAn), saamhaen (sahm-hAn)
- escape: akimu
- establish; found; institute: zan, zaan
- ever: suraam (sU-rahm)
- evil, wicked, fell: vrakken, maag, maagru, ghlmeath (ghahl-mAth)
- exalted, legendary: kormar, maajida
- excellent, well done: vestifa
- explosion: tsurukii (tsU-rU-kI)
- extraordinary: subii (sU-bI) (f) ptobiius (tO-bI-us) (m)
- extreme, very: ish-, ishvaa
- extreme, to the: maani
- eye: qet, ket
- eyed: qetaar, ketaar, -qet-, -ket-
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- falcon: mefesta (meh-fes-tah)
- family: gidara
- fancy, elaborate: uya
- fang: acassi
- far: anasoa
- farewell, good journey: siyolay
- fate; destiny: affro, aphro, aff-, aph-
- fated; destined: affri, aphrio
- fated; destined, one who is: (f) affriel, affrit, (m) aphrediz
- fated by the gods: (f) affrodeatiz, (m) aphrodimuss
- fear: domuhn (dO-mun)
- fearless: dumindh (dU-mEn-dah)
- feed, nourish: mruzdu
- female: mishaa, mi-
- fifth: fau-, phau-
- fifth born: faustos (fows-tOs)
- fifth chosen: phaust (fowst), phaustys (fowst-is)
- fifth cursed: faustaediz (fows-tA-dEz)
- fine, well, in good standing: yazra
- finish: taada
- fire: yfrin (i-frEn)
- fish: ycmoru (ik-mor-rU)
- fish, the large fish which swims in desert caves: morsaali
- first: methuz
- first born: methuzlaa
- flee: dekai
- fled: dekaid
- flight: ruaal
- flower (a desert orchid): eliya (el-E-yah)
- flower, radiant: (f) roseliya, romiya, romeliya
- fly: aalru
- for/to: het
- force, by force: kartika (kar-tE-kah)
- forest: azeri (a-zehr-E)
- forever: maasurhm (mah-sU-rahm)
- forgive: aameris (ah-mehr-Es)
- fortress: turasi
- fortune; luck: heuraat
- fortunate; lucky: heuredes
- forward, advance, ahead: #
- friend: basu
- friendly: basuve, basuvaa
- friendship: basunu
- full; filled: ptuqai (tU-kI)
- full of: ptu, ptu-
- funny, amusing: tulu
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- gain, get, attain: faaswi
- gate: kham
- gather: yoru, moru
- gathering: moro
- gathering (n): emoru
- gentle, mild: ademea (f) adreamus (m)
- genius: geius (gI-us) (m) geiaa (f)
- giant: mawgri
- girl, female: saafi
- give, grant, bestow: uyam
- go, went: shu
- goat: zakrafi
- god: giiyaan (gI-ahn)
- gold: solaa
- good, goodness: kamila (f) saamek (m)
- good woman/wife: kamaasaa, mridhn (mrE-daan: often used as a name)
- gray, grey: haan
- gray, dark: haandiz
- gray, light: cumhaan
- gray eyed: (m) aerhaan, (f) saaphaan
- great; mighty; grand: jud, judai, ju-, ju-d-
- great in size: mawg
- great, terrible: dumaag
- green, verdant: solaa
- green, dark: soldiz
- green, light: issolaa
- green, eyed: (m) arsoliz, arlaas, (f) misolaa, solaawi
- guarded, hard to reach: matmani
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These words actually represent numerical symbols and are used relative with other words to define generations and number related atmosphere.
1 - rhu
2 - cet
3 - bak
4 - rep
5 - fau
6 - ves
7 - pse (sA)
8 - rin
9 - dos
Tens: 1s + 10s + 1s
10 - nun
90 = dos nun
99 = dos nun dos
Hundreds: 1s + 100s +1s +10s +1s
100 - non
150 = non fau nun
155 = non fau nun fau
One-Thousands: 1s + 1000s + 1s + 100s +1s +10s +1s
1000 - aap
1,525 = aap fau nun cet nun fau
3,452 = bak aap rep non fau nun cet
Ten Thousands: 1s + 10,000s + 1s + 1000s + 1s + 100s +1s +10s +1s
10,000 - tur
Hundred-Thousands: 1s + 100,000 + 1s + 10,000s + 1s + 1000s + 1s + 100s +1s +10s +1s
100,000 - olu
Millions: 1s + 100,000,000s + order above
100,000,000 - on
Billions: 1s + 100,000,000,000 + order above
Zillions: 1s + Zillion + above order
pe, pae
Numbers Higher than a zillion: 1s + jud + order above, + judu + juduj + juduju + judujud etc as numbers climb.
-ed : -i
-ful : ptu-
-ness : vi-
-ing : -o
-ous : -il
-ship : -nu
-er, more, -or: ess- (or scramble word to split it x-x)
opposite; in- : pto-
less, un- : cum-, iss- (or scramble word to split it x-x)
meta-, super-, hyper- : un- , rek-
re- : szu
plural,:s:: yz, z, iz
past tense::im, m
possessive: (x) vu
verb to noun, -ment: -aay, aay-
Example 1: White dog loped to store
Inaak maaktu zaari oq empar.
Example 2: Heavily armored warrior attacked at river to harm monster
Herai sekafi semmet baqdi yem tanzi oq evaar delgir.
Example 3: As white dog went to store it crossed paths with warrior and fled
Naa inaak maaktu shu oq empar yah essaihi omaaru fais semmet zer dekaid.
- hair: etar
- haired: etari
- handsome (m): mustaa, imaaku
- handsome, man (m): mustaala, marqaal, miqeal
- hale, hardy: aclaman
- hallowed, sacred: allam
- happy, content: haezor
- hard: sifaq
- hate: imzaad
- have, possess, own: sechi
- haven: zaath
- hawk: oktefee
- he, him: imaa
- heart: heseru
- heat, hot: margaaze (mar-gah-zA)
- heavy: heri (hehr-E)
- heavily: herai (hehr-I)
- hello, greetings: saameahl (sah-mA-ahl)
- high, tall: atir
- hill: gelmi
- his: imvu
- hold; keep: ogul, adum
- home: baaha
- honor, ethics, good morals: saadhia (sahd-hEe-ah)
- honorable, ethical, upstanding: anakmeal (ah-nahk-mAl)
- hope: tuminaa
- horse: shivaal
- horse, desert: setaari
- horseman: draamen
- hot, heat: aayid (I-Ed)
- hound: khuzkaa (kUz-kah)
- hound, gate (gate hound): khuzkhm (kUz-kahm)
- house (made of palms): treashu (trA-shU)
- house (made of stone): garser
- house, home (manor): idaam
- household: idastreag
- humble, modest: denef, raahim
- humble man: denaal, qemden
- humble woman: saafiden, denwi
- hurricane: uemmodes
- hurry: uejmaa (yUjz-mah)
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- I, me: saan
- I am: raasan
- if: iba
- if you say so: sol-bi
- immense; huge: mum (mUm)
- immortal: kari
- inappropriate: hiiyazi
- incredible; unbelievable; fantastic: ptoveriz, adomen
- infinite: faa'eren (fah-er-en or feh-ren) feriin (fer-In) faasuraa
- injure; harm; cripple: evaar
- injured: evaardi
- injury; wound: evaardh
- insane: baaltar
- inside, within: duraam, dendeem, den-, -den
- intellectual: propheuhs
- intellectual genius: prophiuss
- intelligence: pheus (fA-Us)
- intelligence, gatherer of; spy: morpheuss, yoreuhs
- intelligence, keen: pheuhs (fA-us)
- intelligence, extreme: phiuss (fE-us)
- intense: tetsum, -sum, sum-
- intense, one who is: (m) tetsumea, emtetsu, (f) tetsumwi, mitetsu
- intensity: tetsumai
- intrepid, bold, determined: marzah
- is: daa
- island: taahiri
- it: yah
- its: vu
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- jab; poke; prod: asud
- jabber; babble: izaada
- jackal: hegru
- jackrabbit, dunes: nebiti
- jagged; uneven; rough:
- jaguar, swamp: jaabiru
- jail; prison cell: gulgaaz
- jar (n): jerro
- jar (v): aun
- jaspar: imbe
- jealous: aameq
- jealousy; envy: meqbru
- jeer; mock, heckle: effet
- jerkin: duvaat
- jest, joke: wachaaya (wah-chI-yah)
- jester: waaqim (wah-kEm)
- jettison; discard: tekemsi
- jewel; gem:
- jiggle; wiggle: egelah
- jinks; dodge; evade:
- jinx; hex: nunqept
- job: epfah
- jockey: hessur
- jocular; jovial; humorous: stotsah
- jog; trot: tutaak
- join, unite: nim (nEm)
- jolt: eqeptu
- journey, travel: siyol (sE-Ol), eadasta (A-dast-uh)
- joy; bliss; happiness: aezlaa (Az-lah)
- joyful: ptuezlaa
- joyful, one who is: (f) aezlyn (Az-lin) (m) aazlen (ahz-len), tuzael (tU-zA-el)
- jostle; shake: eglaha
- judge: khenkhu
- judgment: khenomen (ken-O-men)
- jump; leap; spring: aasut
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- kill, slay: uzyi (U-zjE)
- killer: uzyimed (U-zjE-med)
- kind, kind heart: sabaad
- kindness: saabaud (sah-bowd)
- king: shaadu
- king; shaamea: shaaduii, shaadii
- kingdom: haamir
- kingdom of the east: haasim
- kingdom of the dragon: haadraaji
- knight: saretsan (sahr-eh-zan)
- know: tetsun (teh-tsUn)
- knowledge: tetsunis (teht-sU-nes)
- lady; noblewoman: nemwi
- lair; den (cavern home) ahtkaamea
- land; domain: aamaaden
- language: maadrea (maa-drA)
- large: dogren
- lead: kiraadaa
- leader; lord; nobleman; count: hiraad, khempen, saraad
- leader, noble: aareliuh (f) aareliuhs (m)
- leave, go away: shusni
- lich; undead mage: necresiidiz (neh-creh-sI-dEz)
- life: tsiion (tsI-On)
- light: ysefrae (ih-seh-frA)
- lightning: yszomaa (ih-sO-mah)
- lion: khemu
- lion, brother of the: raazj
- lion, daughter of the: miraazji
- lion, desert dire: khemba
- lion, red: rhaavarri
- lion, son of the: raazji, raazjim
- live: tsiiaaz
- living: tsiiaazo
- long: wallaa
- long lived, longevity, long life: waalakaar, inzeayu
- lope: zaar
- loped: zaari
- lord, high; ruler, chieftain: sar, saezar (sA-zar)
- lost: yvhar, ihvhar (i-vahr)
- loud, noisy: taag
- loyal, faithful: veajan (vA-jan)
- love: balimaa
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- mage: jaaduii (jah-dU-I)
- magic: jundii (jUn-dI)
- make, create: uldijal
- male: abaar, ab-, ar-
- man: qymal, imal, emen
- man's prowess (member): haamis (hah-mEs)
- marble: calq
- maroon, strand: wenvea (wen-vA)
- matriarch: miraad
- matriarchy: midestu
- maze; labyrinth: gulaag (gUl-ahg)
- merchant; trader: phibs, phezeg, hezig
- merchant; trader, son of: phibuss, phezek, hezik
- merchant; trader, daughter of: phibi, saaphina
- mind: meksum
- mix, blend, combine: heszusi
- mob, rebels: gildan
- monarch: dynor
- monarchy: dynestu
- monster: delgir
- monstrous: geldir
- moon: mrumaaz
- moonlight: imrufrea (Em-rU-frA)
- more: esstu, ess-
- most: esseki
- mount: vorodu
- mountain: naasea
- mountains: naasaan
- mouth, opening: etifaa
- move: baaru (bah-rU)
- movement: baaruaay (bah-rU-I)
- mud: ptuq
- mud flats: ptuqsun
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- nature: vaal
- near: yem
- need: mon
- net: gul (gUl)
- network: gulaaku
- never: meht
- neutral; impartial: vaiuss (vI-us), prossediz (prah-sA-dEz)
- nomad: nalead
- nomadic caravan: naldaenu
- no: negin, nin
- not: negid
- now: ried
- oasis: sormaani
- obedient: meth, ermeth
- ocean: inyn
- ocean tides: waa-lowea
- old: aamel
- ominous: aatraed (ah-trA-ed)
- ommit, leave out: omaani
- ommision, to leave out: omaanin, omaasaa
- one: rhu
- one who-(x): eru
- open: esempea
- opening: esempo
- ordeal, trial, test: kanimuz
- our: mut
- ours: yzmut
- over, end: arsu
- over, across: imtaagu (Em-taa-gU)
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- palace: emhean
- parrot (large, green winged, blue and red desert maccaw): kula
- path, road: taamud, omaaru
- patriarch: yshmael (ish-mA-el)
- patriarchy: yshdestu (ish-des-tU)
- peace: muraana
- peaceful: amuraan
- pentagram, pentacle: faudesti (fow-des-tE)
- pentagram, hexed: faudiz, faudgri (fowd-grE)
- pentagram, enchanted: faumaaji
- people; race: lomea,:mea, eumaari, ari
- people, of the sun: neffari
- person: paaloa
- place, location: eshemh (esh-eh-mah)
- play: gijaa
- playful: gijgi, ptugijaa
- power: sir (sEr) tal
- powerful: talaa, (m) haasir, (f) talami
- pray: saalo
- prayer: olsaam
- priest, shaman: razha
- priest, arch: neqreadiz (ne-krA-dEz)
- prince: imael (E-mA-el)
- princely: ishmael (Esh-mA-el)
- princess: mihaara (mE-hahr-ah)
- princess-like: haara (hahr-ah)
- prison: maaktif
- professional; expert: prostri
- protect: aanjzir
- protection: zjihaar
- protector: zjihaan, imzjuse (Em-zjU-sA)
- proud, pride: asiz
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- qualify, succeed: dumekis
- quality: ptaalo
- quantify, measure, calculate: proph, pro-
- quantum: mekaamu, prosumek
- quarrel; bicker; argue: ptekee, pteqi (teh
- -kE)
- quarrelsome; argumentative: pteqid (teh-kEd), heptekee
- question: imbaltro
- quick, rapid: etsus, sudiz
- quick to: diz, -diz, diz-, -diz-
- quiet: dim (dEm)
- quietly: vaidim, -dim, dim-
- quietude, stealth: shaardim, shaadim
- radiant; bright: romis, pros, proz, ros, roz
- radiant spirit: (m) romissahd, (f) miroki
- ran: sharuim
- ranger: sumaar
- rat: cemen
- rational, sensible: voredii, vesii
- raven, desert: beduiin
- raven, golden crowned: meqsuk
- red: verii
- red, chestnut: casvarri
- red, dark: variidiz
- red, eyed: (m) veren, veriiuss, (f) veraania
- red, light: inveri
- red, sienna: varri
- red lion: rhaavarri
- refrain; do not; don't: al-taak
- regard: kep
- regarded: ikep
- reject; shun: necreadis (neh-krA-dEs)
- relent; surrender; give up: aklaaho
- reliable; dependable: raaj, raahaad
- reliant, dependable: saayim (sI-Em)
- reputable: cas, cal, cae-, caez
- reputable, name: -iuhs, -iuss, -aius
- reputation: caezor
- respect: wyr
- respected: wyrven
- ride: aljah, draam
- ridiculous, inconceivable: bataoku
- ride: huzii, huz-, -huz
- rider: huzor
- rigid: phess
- ring; circle: tsun
- ring of fire: yfrittsun
- river: tanzi
- robber, rogue: betsaar (beht-sahr)
- robe: shi
- robe, desert: shitaan (shE-tahn)
- robe, royal: nushitu
- rude, offend, offensive: eftarsea
- run: shaaru
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- sacred: eumaadai
- sacred land, sacred haven: eumaayed (yU-mI-ed)
- sail, travel abroad: olaal-taa
- salamander, giant fire: hedra (hA-drah)
- salamander, giant lightning: hypotra (hih-pO-trah)
- sand: sumaa
- sand stone: sumeru
- sand storm: sumin
- scorpion: tsuriiya (tsU-rI-yaa)
- scorpion kin: tsumodes (tsU-mO-des)
- scorch: yfraal
- sea: soru
- search: rosucea
- sharp, pointed: nistaa, nevaar
- she: safaa
- shore: waan
- shout: harrars
- shrine, sanctuary: taazj, temhain
- sick, ill: vetmied (vet-mE-ed)
- sky: ullmos (ul-mOs)
- sky land, grass land: ullmaad (ul-mahd)
- slave: kidraa
- slave trader: draazeki
- small: diiom (dI-Om),:dii-, dii-
- small, but fierce: jengaa (jAn-gah)
- snake: naagii (nah-gI)
- snake, great: dunaagh (dU-nah-gah)
- sneak, stalk, prowl: haaqir (hah-kEr)
- son: aamed
- son of: imen (E-men)
- son of (royal): djed (d-zjAd)
- sophisticate: elclaied (el-kI-ed)
- sophisticated; refined: eleclear (el-eh-clAr)
- speak: meavaa (mA-vah)
- spear: nistaar
- spirit, soul, the will: szaronu
- spy; officer of intelligence: morpheuss, yoreuhs
- stand: estaad (eh-stahd)
- stand tall: esthmea (esth-mA)
- stand, take a;: rustaad (rU-stahd)
- star: osaphre, osaa
- start; begin; onset: bigyel
- stiff; rigid; wiry: venditae (ven-dE-tA), phess
- stone; rock: seru (seh-rU)
- store, cache, stow (v): paaktek
- store; market: empar
- store; open marketplace: hebedaan
- stranger: stranger: nigarah (nE-gar-ah)
- strength: irahzi, valdist
- stern, strict, dour: phessim
- stern hand; stern handed: phessoru, ruphess
- stern by nature: phestuss
- strong: jedaam (jA-dahm) ravaal
- strong mind; strong constitution: jedah (jA-dah)
- strong will: herrea (m) serraa (f)
- stun: psudaa (sU-dah)
- stunning: psudo (sU-dO)
- stupid: laayod (lah-yOd)
- stupid person: paalea (pah-lA)
- succeed: malq, malk
- success: malqiis, malkais
- successful: maleq, malek, maleqii, maleqai, malekai
- sun: neffreadiz (ne-frA-dEz), ossa
- sunshine, daylight: nefret, ossafret
- swamp: morgul (mor-gUl)
- swift: aazi (ah-zE) setaaro
- sword: seaod (sA-Od)
- swordsman: haemos (hA-mOs)
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- take: kuru
- take without giving, take greedily: kumekki
- talk: euteag
- tall: hyengaa, hyen (hyen-gah)
- tangle: nraghl (n-ra-gul)
- tap: szy
- temper: nitsu
- tempered, hot: nitshi
- tempered, mild: nisaame
- tempered, foul: nivreak, reamek
- temple: taazj
- terrible: umdaamed (Um-dah-med), haali (hah-lE)
- territory: tsethiaan, -iaan, -thiaan
- terror; horror: mrishaag (mrE-shaag), muhaalii (mU-hah-lI), unndum (un-dUm)
- that: erea
- them: imaak
- the: (omit)
- the sun: aez
- the sun god: zaez
- they: imaa
- this: ereak
- thunder: ptar
- tired, weary: yor-bib
- time: arikra
- to: oq (Ok)
- tomb: bir
- tongue: menyet (men-yet)
- tongue, speech, language: emyn (eh-min),:myn, myn-
- tower: kemyn (keh-min)
- town, village: hanabar
- traveler: drustaan
- treacherous: remirea
- treachery, betrayal: imaahir
- tree: azer
- trade; sell: hezek
- trader, merchant: phezeg, hezig, phibs
- tribe; clan: baqoru
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- ugly, unbecoming, unsightly: dynizjaa
- uncertain, doubtful: muda
- under, beneath: iyum, hara
- underworld: kuhl-har
- upheave; disturb: tsumaadi
- upheaval; turmoil; disturbance: tsumaani
- valley: mridaan
- vampire: ashardu
- vast: yaclari
- very; so; to any extreme: aayim (I-Em)
- vehement, with passion: tokura
- verbose, talkative, chatterbox: amyaahi (ahm-yah-hE)
- very, extremely: jaasla
- vigor, vitality: sebriaa (seh-brE-ah)
- villain: cogru
- villainy: grocu
- virtue, merit: solaami (sO-lah-mE)
- virtuous, moral: solaamea (sO-lah-mA), enaak
- visionary, auger, prophet, diviner: sheamun (shA-mUn)
- voice: khaezor
- voice, enchanted: khaesze
- vow, swear, pledge: turan
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- wagon: yom (yOm)
- walk: shaar
- walks: shaarzi
- walks, far: shaarif
- walks, with many faces: sharku
- wall: utek (U-tek)
- walled in city: sueutek (sU-yU-tek)
- wander: haki, sumal
- wanderer: hakid, senkaus (sen-kows)
- war: qatham, shrahe
- warden, watcher: szkarra (zhe-kar-ah)
- warrior: iqatha, hetsra, semmet
- warriors, born of: sem-, -het-
- was, be: reem, rim (rEm)
- wasteland: yorda
- water, salt: arani
- water, fresh: mori
- water, spring: tumori
- we, us: waasi (wah-sE)
- wealth: tset
- wealthy: tseti
- welcome: maath
- werelion: raadiz (rah-dEz)
- werewolf: uhruk (ur-Uk)
- werebeast: fereadiz (fehr-A-dEz)
- what: jid
- when: jiaan
- where: aayn (In)
- white: inaak (E-nahk), ynaak (ih-nahk)
- who: aer
- why: diol
- wicked; untrustworthy: agum
- wild: firii (fEr-I), khufu (kU-fU)
- wild dramadi (a desert mount): dramaadii
- wild horse: fidaval
- wild man: firamad, sokhuf
- wilderness, untamed land: ueri (yer-E)
- will, soul, heart: heseru, heru
- wisdom: amisayen
- wise: amisea, kaama
- wiseman: vaustraa, kaamaadra, kaamaaji
- witch: senjiyaad (sen-jE-haad)
- witchcraft: jusetsii (jU-set-zI)
- with: fiis, fais
- without: ptofais
- wither; wilt; shrivel: amawlyg
- wolf: kumaal
- wolf, desert dire: neferux
- woman: saafwi
- woman's bliss (flower): kolaaf
- woman's desire (tunnel): saashi
- wonder: namenii (nah-meh-nI), imdaaniu (im-dah-nE-yU)
- wonderful: ptunamen, ptudaaniu
- world: kuhl (kul), kulau (kU-low)
- worship; revere; adulate: olym
- worshipful; reverent; respectful: olyk
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- x-chromosome: wiosaa
- xenaphobia, (fear of foreigners): ptophar
- x-ray, to see through: ginjiri (gin-jEr-E)
- x-ray star: jirosa
- yellow, gold (color): seht
- yes: kaas (kahs)
- you: so (sO)
- you are: soth (sOth)
- you're welcome: somaath (sO-mahth)
- your: sovu
- yours: yzovu
- zero: negin
- zero-sum: tangintek
- zig-zag: khtmoru (ket-mor-U)
- zoo: ebqetaan
- zoom: swum
Pronunciation Guide
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- a: a (ant)
- aa: ah (ocelot)
- ah: ah (ocelot)
- h+ consonant: ah (dhm = dahm)
- ay: A (aim)
- ea, ae: A (ape)
- e: eh (enter)
- ee: E (eagle)
- i: E (eagle)
- ii: I (ice)
- aay: I (ice)
- ih: ih (if)
- y: ih, (if) when before a consonant
- o: O (open)
- u: U (uzi)
- ue: U-A
- au: ow (owl)
- uh: uh (under)
- eu: yU (euphoria)
- q, c, k: c, k (kettle)
- kw, qw: kw, qu (quick)
- pt: t (to)
- je: jA (jake)
- phe: fA (fake)
- szy: sI (size)
Word Order
adverb :: adjective :: noun :: verb :: prep :: conj :: verb :: subject ::
or like English
Places in the Desert of Fire
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- city, the canyon city of the Morendor Sun Elves: Haazaam
- city, the central city of the Neffari: Szaareabu
- city, the white walled, seaside city of the Neffari: Inaaksu (E-nahk-sU)
- city, the south port city of the Bhassir Namas: Tumaanza
- territory, of the Adramelech clan: Morguliann
- territory, of the Bhassir Namas: Kuraaneu
- territory, of the sun elves: Aghennen
- territory, of the Neffari: Hassim (hah-sEm)
- territory, of the Shaamea: Zanthiaan
- village, of the Shaamea, main village: Zanthuhs
- village, of mixed people: Nemhii
- village of various desert dwelling elves: Amhein
Shaamea and Neffari Names
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- Aaltoru Mohaji (m)
- Aarif Beduiid (m) devout raven
- Baakshi Abasii (m)
- Baathraa Argylii (m)
- Daaygul Waahim (m)
- Dimaan Dreas (m)
- Eedelea Saakith (f)
- Ebilii Keaj (m)
- Ebiraa Gentsuro (f)
- Faadiya Saangi (f)
- Firida Seaove (f)
- Gaafri Maaziyo (m)
- Jedaa (or Jedah) Imghaazi (m) strong minded of the conquerors
- Kaafi Haldul (m)
- Kaareraa Aamid (m)
- Khulom Baar (m)
- Kurlaaq Ysirlea (m)
- Kyisaa Aezjaa (f)
- Maajiha Suodra (f)
- Meadarr Guzemaay (m)
- Nanaaki Khajkaa (f)
- Neaqaa Yasaagi (m)
- Nemorii Donaanu (f)
- Okaarum Allaraab (m)
- Olalz Mendmaa (m)
- Subaay (or Subii) Hiqetraa (m)
- Taaleem Tenjis (m)
- Teazja Tamean (f)
- Utaaruh Saafkar (f)
- Amonsz Gabiu
- Maamun Psassa
- Razult Galaat
- Ramena Temu
- Ahre Mugian
- All Dumufu
- Muniib Sabbar
- Abaz Anisik
- Elageb he
- Mete Munamu
- Ba Uduat-
- Nefere he
- Serigi Allat
- Diribi Ner-ra
- Sen Ameani
- Nunap Arabza
- Menefe hau
- Imuud Khe
- Gisurd Egarbe
- Maanak Ziz
- Bariga herush
- Kugaam Du
- Rakesh Rebita
- Abautm Ase
- Uru Naamas
- Ip Dibaur
- Aninig Imi
- Immisz Abbane
- Niibae Sagasz
- herkha Maabi
- Shar Igabba
- Se Izubmo
- Meshem Garahe
- Anai Dnids
- Neb Umuzus
- Umufer Kherp
- Maabak Masigg
- Radaba Ik
- heferu Sz
- Mentua Ga
- Nasekh Muguet
- Ipumau hemhem
- Diguna Imbi
- Nebain Ne
- Uhepa Pmosen
- he Esahap
- Agie hreht
- Imrari Nebkhm
- Maniib Ba
- Imentu Imb
- Azugar Khatip
- M'nag Mirazu
- Abiib Nua
- Mugaag Muse
- Sata Niibgi
- Nudene Bebasz
- Taenah Sce
- Munain Se
- Be Agroda
- Mu Matida
- Naa Nugeni
- Anagi Sigi
- Khedea Asha
- Nepe Asheta
- Tenkhe Pazudi
- Ankhes Imua
- Birisi Uyu
- Kada Iteebe
- Firi Noonsi
- Istgha Abagla
- Mu Meesti
- Larena Isti
- Mu Zadini
- Talahi Fa
- Aafi Thad
- Fayild hairag
- Ebihay Ijd
- Zerkte Jatila
- Yansuo hayf
- Mayaca Veta
- Ko haakpo
- Ijanda Al-de
- Ma Cagara
- Kumnoo Yanasm
- Diha Baatti
- Cagi Baistu
- Al-yap Suhaan
- Bilera Bo
- Mu Cokama
- Afeesh Yashma
- Di Baatum
- Dudenk Amaat
- Shesig Uemela
- Nakasi Mu
- Gi Annuna
- Sagg Meniir
- Munigi Kimman
- Tulaa Szuga
- Sahmaa Mu
- Ushete Dakhot
- Ikure hetmos
- Menkhe Earbit
- Tumunu Mesenm
- Eruszz Abaon
- Ka hataqe
- Sirasi Nig
- Luarga Girp
- Iribmo Pt
- Ba Erita
- Zibsem Abgizi
- Merizu Apt
- Muniib Anzagk
- Ebpari Sahers
- Asagig Lugab
- Kheris Gintae
- Bata Unibi
- Ginefe Kurbet
- Ilia Mu
- Wabbes Imduar
- Remuna Lugu
- Baumaa Lubean
- Faudrea Memiaan
- Di Igirra
- Dn hotene
- La Aggalu
- Kiriba Bur
- Bampeh Tawita
- Kesesh Luuru-
- hemaab Gar
- Ami Maamen
- Semmi Munaki
- Urkope Be
- Adasag Se
- he Esagen
- Uheni Du
- Anardu Ribu
- Dniibe he
- Sawe hausig
- Gi Amengi