Ghazi Shadow Clan

Ghazi Clan

Main Objectives: Drive enemies out of the North and report enemy movement to Noct'maire.
Related Objectives: Expanding River Haven Kingdom, leadership over their domain.
Arms-{firearms, military arms and melee} Precious metals and gems, land and water resources with permission of High King Kilcanoragh.
Adherents of Caine, Allies of Noct'maire
Present Havens:
River Haven Kingdom, North of Lake of Shadows. Shadow Scape - Sanctuary of Shadows. 5 Aces. Includes a large, sprawling forte, its stone walls curving around the mammoth trees, halls and chambers walled off between the trees. Enclosed and open paths alike through the forest to the riverside. Stone Gazebo by the river side. Raised by Malik and Goroza. Malik often 'tweaks' the trappings of the inner chambers and halls, adding paintings, oil lamps, sculptures and other pleasing touches.
An Morendor. 50 miles East of the North Road, Sanctuary bordering the Lonely River to the north.
Number of Clan Members:

The Six Ghazi Shadow Lords

Weapons: Each leader is equipped with a clan broad sword, a second broad sword, or short sword, several daggers, (including a clan dagger with same powers as clan sword), a set of throwing daggers, and firearms with liquid silver injected ammo.

1-Prince: Prince Malik -(Master, Angel, King) Level: 32-Power, 35-Combat.
Sire: Caine
Angelic Demonic Vampire - Male. Ghazi (Conqueror) Vampire Clan.
Age: 2635. Generation: 2nd. Master Weapon Smith-{11).
Elemental-{Morphing, Fire and Earth} Necromancy, Chronomancy and Powers of the Mind, Vampiric Powers, Angelic Powers.
Checks: Movement: {30} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {21} Strength: {30+5} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {34} Constitution: {28} Will Power: {30} Charisma: {21} Perception: {29} Honor: {16} Loyalty: {27}
Regeneration: {}
HP: {}
XClan Sword-{Death Reaver}: +10 dmg. Black Sword with dragon wing cross-bars and dragon head pommel with sapphire eyes. Sword sends bolts of necromantic lightning into target it wounds, which drains life each hit (-1 level.) On a kill, sword seizes soul within its blade and destroys soul on command, or consumes soul to power blade with an element's power. (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water, *Electrical, *Lunar, and *Astral, in that order.)

2-Arch Elder: Sayyid (Master) Level: 30-Power, 33-Combat.
True Born (+Crusader) Demonic Vampire - Male. Son of Malik.
Age: 2035 Generation: 3rd. Master Weapons Smith-(10).
Checks: Movement: {30} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {22} Strength: {30} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {34} Constitution: {23} Will Power: {24} Charisma: {24} Perception: {19} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {29}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water, *Electrical.)

3-High Elder: Mustafa (Chosen One) Level: 30-Power and Combat
Angelic Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 2442. Generation: 4th
Checks: Movement: {30} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {30} Strength: {26} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {34} Constitution: {25} Will Power: {29} Charisma: {16} Perception: {26} Honor: {19} Loyalty: {30}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water, *Electrical.)

4-Elder: Khalid (Eternal) Level: 27-Power. 30-Combat.
True Born {Crusader*} Shadow Vampire - Male. Son of Mustafa.
Age: 2005 Generation: 5th.
Checks: Movement: {30} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {29} Strength: {27} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {31} Constitution: {28} Will Power: {26} Charisma: {25} Perception: {22} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {27}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

5-Elder: Akilah (Logic) Level: 27-Power and Combat.
Demonic Vampire - Female. Progeny of Sayyid.
Age: 1850 Generation: 5th
Checks: Movement: {29} Dexterity: {15} Stealth: {29} Strength: {27} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {31} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {30} Charisma: {19} Perception: {21} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {26}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

6-Primogen: Rashad (Integrity) Level: 27-Power and Combat.
Shadow Vampire - Male. Progeny of Khalid.
Age: 1642 Generation: 6th
Checks: Movement: {29} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {30} Strength: {28} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {31} Constitution: {17} Will Power: {24} Charisma: {22} Perception: {25} Honor: {16} Loyalty: {23}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth.)

10 Shadow Clan Guards

Weapons: Each guard is equipped with a scimitar sword, a short sword, two daggers, a high powered rifle with scope, a sidearm, and liquid silver injected ammo.

1- Goroza [Level-30]-Shadow Demon.
Movement: {24} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {22} Strength: {30} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {42/38/2} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {27} Charisma: {12} Perception: {21} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {28}

2- Leaador [Level-25]- Shadow Vampire.
Movement: {29} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {29} Strength: {30} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {29} Constitution: {25} Will Power: {24} Charisma: {21} Perception: {25} Honor: {19} Loyalty: {29}

3- Anstead [Level-28]- Felid Tiger.
Movement: {22} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {28} Strength: {28} Stamina: {25} Fortitude: {7} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {29} Charisma: {17} Perception: {27} Honor: {18} Loyalty: {26}+{10 bonded}

4- Sorna [Level-24]- Shadow Demon - Female.
Movement: {24} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {23} Strength: {26} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {36/32/2} Constitution: {23} Will Power: {26} Charisma: {14} Perception: {22} Honor: {14} Loyalty: {28}+{10-bonded.}

5- Mik'ael [Level-23]- Rogue Vampire.
Movement: {29} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {30} Strength: {28} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {8} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {28} Charisma: {20} Perception: {23} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {30}

6- Demetrie [Level-24]- Lupine Hybrid.
Checks: Movement: {21} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {27} Strength: {25} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {7} Constitution: {15} Will Power: {18} Charisma: {19} Perception: {26} Honor: {21} Loyalty: {12}+{20-slave bonded.}

7- Hallus [Level-21]- Shadow Demon.
Movement: {21} Dexterity: {15} Stealth: {30} Strength: {27} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {25} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {29} Charisma: {17} Perception: {27} Honor: {16} Loyalty: {24}+{10-bonded.} Taint of Split Lives.

8- Sean [Level-21]- Anubian Devlin Vampire.
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {15} Stealth: {30} Strength: {23} Stamina: {25} Fortitude: {22} Constitution: {26} Will Power: {30} Charisma: {20} Perception: {28} Honor: {22} Loyalty: {29}

9- Gabriel [Level-20]- Anubian Marseilles Vampire.
Movement: {29} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {29} Strength: {25} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {13} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {21} Charisma: {15} Perception: {22} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {23}

10- Salveo [Level-19]- Lupine Lupus.
Movement: {22} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {30} Strength: {22} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {6} Constitution: {18} Will Power: {25} Charisma: {16} Perception: {21} Honor: {16} Loyalty: {24}+{20-slave bonded.}

8 Ghazi Warlords

Weapons: Each guard is equipped with a scimitar or broad sword, a short sword, two daggers, and a sidearm with silver bullet ammo. Some are equipped with a clan sword as well.

11-Aleron - Level 22
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 952 Generation: 6th
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {14} Stealth: {29} Strength: {26} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {26} Constitution: {23} Will Power: {30} Charisma: {23} Perception: {26} Honor: {19} Loyalty: {30}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

12-Thadius - Level 24
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 899 Generation: 7th
Movement: {27} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {25} Strength: {22} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {28} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {22} Charisma: {14} Perception: {28} Honor: {21} Loyalty: {28}

13-William - Level 23
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 875 Generation: 7th
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {29} Strength: {25} Stamina: {29} Fortitude: {27} Constitution: {20} Will Power: {27} Charisma: {19} Perception: {18} Honor: {16} Loyalty: {30}

14-Alhena - Level 22
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 821 Generation: 8th.
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {30} Strength: {21} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {26} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {26} Charisma: {20} Perception: {24} Honor: {17} Loyalty: {22}

15-Zuri - Level 23
Demonic Vampire - Female.
Age: 885 Generation: 6th.
Movement: {27} Dexterity: {20} Stealth: {24} Strength: {27} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {27} Constitution: {26} Will Power: {30} Charisma: {13} Perception: {19} Honor: {15} Loyalty: {28}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

16-Nora - Level 20
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 801 Generation: 9th.
Movement: {27} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {18} Strength: {21} Stamina: {24} Fortitude: {24} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {24} Charisma: {15} Perception: {26} Honor: {20} Loyalty: {30}

17-Thomas - Level 22
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 800 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {30} Strength: {28} Stamina: {23} Fortitude: {26} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {26} Charisma: {22} Perception: {28} Honor: {15} Loyalty: {30}

18-Jason - Level 24
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 841 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {29} Strength: {25} Stamina: {29} Fortitude: {28} Constitution: {24} Will Power: {28} Charisma: {12} Perception: {15} Honor: {13} Loyalty: {29}

10 Ghazi Rangers

Weapons: Each clan gang leader is equipped with a scimitar or broad sword, a set of five throwing daggers, two sidearms with silver bullet ammo, and a whip. Some are equipped with a clan sword as well.

19-Morgan - Level 21
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 785 Generation: 7th.
Movement: {29} Stealth: {22} Strength: {29} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {24} Will Power: {29} Perception: {21} Honor: {19} Loyalty: {27}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice.)

20-Damien - Level 21
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 780 Generation: 8th.
Movement: {27} Stealth: {17} Strength: {30} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {24} Perception: {17} Honor: {14} Loyalty: {25}

21-Samad (Abdul-Samad-Aziz - servent of the eternal powerful one) Level 21
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 763 Generation: 5th. Paths: Presence, Path of Shadows, Telekinesis, Necromancy
Movement: {30} Stealth: {30} Strength: {26} Stamina: {23} Fortitude: {25} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {27} Logic: {31} Charisma: {25} Perception: {23} Honor: {21} Loyalty: {30}+{10-bonded}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

22-Taylor - Level 20
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 703 Generation: 6th.
Movement: {30} Stealth: {28} Strength: {25} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {24} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {26} Perception: {19} Honor: {15} Loyalty: {29}

23-David - Level 22
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 725 Generation: 9th.
Movement: {21} Stealth: {22} Strength: {30+1} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {22} Perception: {16} Honor: {15} Loyalty: {28}

24-Susan - Level 19
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 703. Generation: 7th.
Movement: {30} Stealth: {30} Strength: {21} Stamina: {22} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {29} Perception: {17} Honor: {18} Loyalty: {29}

25-Patricia - Level 18
Demonic Vampire - Female.
Age: 711 Generation: 10th.
Movement: {19} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {22} Strength: {26} Stamina: {25} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {17} Will Power: {21} Perception: {19} Honor: {9} Loyalty: {11}

26-Franklin - Level 20
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 752 Generation: 6th.
Movement: {30} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {30} Strength: {20} Stamina: {24} Fortitude: {24} Constitution: {30} Will Power: {30} Perception: {28} Honor: {18} Charisma: {27} Loyalty: {30}+{10-bonded}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air.)

27-Hellen - Level 21
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 699 Generation: 7th.
Movement: {26} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {28} Strength: {19} Stamina: {25} Fortitude: {25} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {18} Charisma: {17} Perception: {21} Honor: {} Loyalty: {12}+{20 slave bonded.}

28-Anna - Level 19
Demonic Vampire - Female.
Age: 766 Generation: 4th.
Movement: {28} Dexterity: {19} Stealth: {22} Strength: {30} Stamina: {30} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {19} Will Power: {24} Perception: {22} Honor: {16} Charisma: {17} Loyalty: {28}+{10-bonded}
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water.)

Shadow Warriors

(There are two warrior mobs and each mob often travels with one or two superior Ghazi Rangers -above- )

10 Black Claw Warriors

Weapons: Each Black Claw gang member is equipped with a short sword, a set of five throwing daggers, two sidearms with silver bullet ammo, and underwrist snap-retraction blades called Lightning Blades. Some are equipped with a clan sword as well.

29-Nathan - Level 18
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 655 Generation: 8th.
Movement: {28} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {29} Strength: {27} Stamina: {29} Fortitude: {19} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {27} Loyalty: {30}

30-Caitlin - Level 17
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 630 Generation: 6th.
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water.)
Movement: {27} Dexterity: {18} Stealth: {28} Strength: {24} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {19} Constitution: {18} Will Power: {26} Loyalty: {23}

31-Mark - Level 18
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 677 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {25} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {26} Strength: {26} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {20} Constitution: {20} Will Power: {19} Loyalty: {25}

32-Kardal - Level 16
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 681 Generation: 5th.
XClan Sword: (*Fire, *Ice, *Earth, *Air, *Water.)
Movement: {26} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {24} Strength: {27} Stamina: {29} Fortitude: {20} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {30} Loyalty: {27}

33-Trevor - Level 17
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 663 Generation: 6th.
Movement: {25} Dexterity: {14} Stealth: {21} Strength: {28} Stamina: {29} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {18} Will Power: {23} Loyalty: {23}

34-Vaughn - Level 18
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 630 Generation: 6th.
Movement: {26} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {24} Strength: {27} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {24} Will Power: {28} Loyalty: {22}

35-Anthony - Level 17
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 609 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {27} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {29} Strength: {22} Stamina: {27} Fortitude: {18} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {26} Loyalty: {26}

36-Neri - Level 17
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 615 Generation: 8th.
Movement: {28} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {29} Strength: {24} Stamina: {28} Fortitude: {18} Constitution: {25} Will Power: {28} Loyalty: {29}

37-Calandra - Level 16
Demonic Vampire - Female.
Age: 601 Generation: 7th.
Movement: {24} Dexterity: {14} Stealth: {26} Strength: {23} Stamina: {26} Fortitude: {17} Constitution: {17} Will Power: {20} Loyalty: {19}

38-Finnegas Balchder- Level 18
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 617 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {28} Dexterity: {17} Stealth: {29} Strength: {24/27} Stamina: {27/29} Fortitude: {19} Constitution: {22} Will Power: {26} Loyalty: {26}

4 Silver Claw Warriors

Weapons: Each Silver Claw gang member is equipped with a Bastard Sword, a set of three throwing daggers, one sidearms with silver bullet ammo, a 'Silver Claw Talisman' which turns their claws, or a gang member's claws, into silver, snap off claws which regenerate quickly, and a Guardian Gate talisman-{protects against tracing at level 10+2 with guardian factoring.} Some are equipped with a clan sword as well.

Weapons 2: New Bloods are provided with a long dagger, a set of three throwing daggers, one sidearms with silver bullet ammo, brass knuckles, spiked arm guards, a length of heavy chain, and a Guardian Gate talisman-{protects against tracing at level 10}.

39-Artus - Level 15
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 522 Generation: 5th
Movement: {26} Dexterity: {16} Stealth: {26} Strength: {24} Stamina: {25} Fortitude: {16} Constitution: {20} Will Power: {27} Loyalty: {27}

40-Conroy - Level 14
Shadow Vampire - Male.
Age: 489 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {25} Dexterity: {15} Stealth: {21} Strength: {23} Stamina: {24} Fortitude: {15} Constitution: {21} Will Power: {23} Loyalty: {25}

41-Denise - Level 15
Shadow Vampire - Female.
Age: 515 Generation: (Rogue)
Movement: {23} Dexterity: {14} Stealth: {22} Strength: {21} Stamina: {21} Fortitude: {16} Constitution: {17} Will Power: {20} Loyalty: {17}

42-Blaise - Level 13
Demonic Vampire - Male.
Age: 501 Generation: 4th.
Movement: {21} Dexterity: {15} Stealth: {20} Strength: {24} Stamina: {25} Fortitude:{22} Constitution: {20} Will Power: {27} Loyalty: {21}

Ghazi Clan Power Index

|| Shadow Vampire Powers
|| Shadow Demon Powers
|| Rogue Vampire Powers